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Favourite Polish county coat of arms?

tuzin  1 | 13  
10 May 2010 /  #1
What is your favourite polish county coat of arms? I know it's not the best post to beginn with, but I've written some posts earlier as a guest. I like this one:

Polish coat of arms
10 May 2010 /  #2
Powiat SÅ‚upski - the best one by far!


*a little bit of local patriotism on my part :)*
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
10 May 2010 /  #3
So far I like the coat of arms from Greater Poland :)
But I have a certain place in my heart for Syrenka Warszawska <3

  • Coat of arms Wielkopolskie
internaldialog  4 | 144  
10 May 2010 /  #4
because it's the coat of arms for the area of Poland (until 1939) that my Grandfather came from :)

  • Nowogródek coat of arms
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
11 May 2010 /  #5

Past (except the name not much has changed)...


The Coat of arms of the City of Wrocław is divided into quarters.

"...In the centre is the head of John the Baptist, patron saint of the city. The crowned lion rampant in the first (upper left) quarter represents the Kingdom of Bohemia, to which Wrocław belonged to since 1336. In the second (upper right) quarter there is the Silesian eagle which comes from the Silesian Piast eagle. The letter "W" in the third quarter stands for both "Wratislavia" (Latin name of the city) and for the name of the legendary founder of the city Wrocislaw. In the fourth quarter there is St. John the Evangelist..."

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coat_of_arms_of_Wrocław
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
11 May 2010 /  #6
In the fourth quarter there is St. John the Evangelist.

he looks a bit feminine to me.
pawian  226 | 27364  
12 May 2010 /  #7
What is your favourite polish county coat of arms?

Drac90  1 | 74  
12 May 2010 /  #8


now one of da best parts of Europeee Małopolskaaa

Vanilla  - | 6  
23 May 2010 /  #9
he looks a bit feminine to me.

Marie-Madeleine ?
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
23 May 2010 /  #10
Not exactly a county, rather province.

Silesia Superior
internaldialog  4 | 144  
23 May 2010 /  #11
which one? v. nice coat colour wise with the royal blue with the golden yellow
OP tuzin  1 | 13  
23 May 2010 /  #12
Have a look: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upper_Silesia

the best one by far!

Give me a break Torq ;) This one is also very nice:

Bartolome  2 | 1083  
23 May 2010 /  #13
which one? v. nice coat colour wise with the royal blue with the golden yellow

Upper Silesia a.k.a Górny Śląsk. It's a historic one, I'm not sure if it's used anymore officially. The modern version of the one I showed is

ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
24 May 2010 /  #14
I have to go with this one, born and raised there.

musicwriter  5 | 87  
24 May 2010 /  #15
I like the one for pow. Zninski.

  • 500pxPOL_C5BBnin_.png
richasis  1 | 409  
24 May 2010 /  #16
(Gmina) Horodło:

  • 100pxPOL_gmina_Horo.png
internaldialog  4 | 144  
24 May 2010 /  #17
that just looks like a subconscious, compensatory manifestation of a huge, stiff penis
pawian  226 | 27364  
12 Oct 2019 /  #18
Powiat SÅ‚upski - the best one by far!

Torq, are you from SÅ‚upsk? Never been to the city.

My fav coats could be these:

  • Golub Dobrzyn county

  • Aleksandrów county
Looker  - | 1129  
12 Oct 2019 /  #19
Nice, and how about this one which I like, anybody can guess from which city it is?

  • cotmin.jpg
pawian  226 | 27364  
12 Oct 2019 /  #20
Riddle obsession again? hahaha

Åšwidnica. Your home town?
Looker  - | 1129  
12 Oct 2019 /  #21
Bingo! Everything's correct. Great guess or you're also from there ;)
pawian  226 | 27364  
12 Oct 2019 /  #22
No, I am not. I just googled county+coat of arms+wild boar+griffin. :):)
I am from here:

  • indeks.jpg
Looker  - | 1129  
12 Oct 2019 /  #23
My guess (a wild one) is Kaczogród :P
pawian  226 | 27364  
12 Oct 2019 /  #24
Exactly! Duckville. I see you are also good at these blocks/klocki. ):

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