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Family Name UNIATYCKI from Lwow

2 May 2009 /  #1
Does anyone recognise this name please? I am trying to trace what happened to my father's family during the war and get his ashes brought back to his home country. It is possible that his mother Antonina Uniatycka is buried in the Janowski Cemetery (Lwow?). Thank you.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 May 2009 /  #2
Uniatycki -- possible patronymic nickanme from the old first name Unisław, or toponymic from such places as Uniejów. Perhaps a patronymic meaning "son of the Uniate". The Uniates (in Polish: Unici) were the Easterrn rite of the Catholic Church which had an Orthodox liturgy but remained faithful to Rome.
OP Lesley  
3 May 2009 /  #3
Thanks so much for responding so quickly Polonius. I'm guessing this might be useful information to trace the family history to their geographical origins? I'm pretty new to this, and finding it all confusing, especially since I do not talk Polish. My priority at the moment is finding my grandmothers grave, to lay Dad's ashes to rest.
pioneer  - | 1  
19 Oct 2009 /  #4
Merged:Uniatycki family
I am trying to research a man named Emil Uniatycki who served during WW2 in the Polich Kosowa heavy machine gun battalion.

After the war he settled in Windsor, Berkshire, UK

Can anyone help me please?

Kindest Regards,

caprice49  4 | 224  
21 Oct 2009 /  #5
Emil Uniatycki

A person by that name is listed in the Kresy Siberia Museum Memorial.
Tycki  3 | 9  
24 Oct 2009 /  #6
Hi again Pioneer!- Caprice49 is spot on and I'll update the info. as best I can on the site. Your info. in the post, so just bear in mind the site info. will be from the same source.

Can anyone tell me if any of the following names are Jewish please?

Uniatycki / Konopska or Konopski / Chec ? Thanks.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
9 Nov 2009 /  #7
there is a town called Uniatycze in western Ukraine Polonius

Uniatycki / Konopska or Konopski / Chec ? Thanks.

these people could have been equally Polish or Jewish
while cki/ski surnames are typically Polish many Jews accepted surnames of the noblemen they used to work for in the late 18th an early 19th century (they worked in various roles for the noblemen but were free people)
28 Jun 2010 /  #8
I May have some info for you My Grandparents immigrated to Australia i think someone had already mentioned my grand mother in another post on Ukraine.com

I have their Naturalization documents when they landed in Australia

Bohdan (born 20/9/1912) and Anna Uniatycki (maiden name Sawkiw born 17/11/1921)

Happy to exchange information on the family name please email me directly at spotashnyk@gmail and i can email you the documentation i have.

I will be traveling to Ukraine in August and am trying to catch up Bohdan's sister who is apparently still alive i Met Anna's sisters daughter last year when i traveled there.

Hope to hear from you
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
28 Jun 2010 /  #9
Had I known about Uniatycze I would have said Uniatycki had originated as a typical toponymic nickname. Thanks for your vakluable insight.
Kay Hunt  
24 Jun 2018 /  #10
I've just seen your post while researching my family. Emil Marion Uniatycki married Dorothy Daisy Davis in Windsor in 1955. She was a widow - or divorcee as I cannot find out what became of the Ernest F Davis she married in the Autumn of 1936 in Reading. She had one daughter Jean M Davis born 10 February 1936 in Reading. Dorothy was the daughter of my great uncle William Henry Curtis 1877 - 1955 and Emily Emma Caroline Vicat and was born in Reading 1906.

I can't find out any more about Dorothy and Emil so would welcome any info you can give me.
Tycki  3 | 9  
12 Oct 2018 /  #11
Hello Kay. By chance I looked in on this forum (not been hear for years) and noticed your post. I will look amongst my paperwork to see if I still have the information regarding Emil. As far as I am aware he is not directly related to my father - however, as you may have picked up by now the surname is quite rare. Do you have any research links for Emil?

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