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Family name of Slyszko(w)

gjene  15 | 203  
4 Aug 2013 /  #1

Now that I have a bit more to go on here is what I am trying to do. My grandmother was first married to a Daniel Slyszko(w) in 1921. They had 4 children by 1940. Two were males and the 1st one was born in 1925 and named Josef and the 2nd one is named Stefan and born in 1931. The 2 daughters are still alive and living in Canada. The older daughter claims that the 2 male children were killed by partisans, but did not say when or where. She didnt really want to talk about that. She did mention that her father, Daniel, may have had some siblings living either in Ukraine or Russia. As for Daniel, I have no idea as to what happened to him since my aunt is keeping that a secret. So I have no idea if he continued to live in or around the Wlodawa area or moved.Also, I have tried to use google in regards to the last name and have not had much luck in getting any hits. I am hoping there might be someone that might know of a family with this particular last name that can provide some clues. One daughter was born in August 1928 and the other daughter was born in September 1938 and both in the Rusily area NW of Wlodawa. There was a 5th child, but i am not sure if she was the daughter of Daniel or out of wedlock with the person I got to know as my grandfather. Thanks.

I found that the gentleman that my grandmother first married, had remarried in March 1954 and died by October 1954. Where would the nearest cemetary be to Rusily ( Rusilach), Poland. Since apparently he continued to live in the area since he was born and raised there. I would like to make a visit to the area next year if things work out for me to do so. Hopefully someone old enough to remember the individual I am looking into can provide me some information as to his relatives. Apparently the 2 sons were buried in the same cemetary.
Zazulka  3 | 128  
20 Aug 2013 /  #2
Rusiły belongs to the catholic parish in Podedwórze. Therefore, I would look for a cemetery there since all cemeteries (except Jewish and Russian Orthodox) are owned by the Church.

Church Podwyższenia Krzyża Św.
Podedwórze 46, 21-222 Podedwórze
gm. Podedwórze, pow. Parczew, woj. lubelskie
tel. (83) 379-50-19
Here is the list of all towns and villages that belong to that parish (in () number of residents and distance in km)
Opole (245), Podedwórze (296), Antopol (123-6 km), Bojary (61-5 km), Grabówka (72-5 km), Hołowno (257,3-5 km), Kaniuki (31-7 km), Mosty Wieś i ZR (259,6-7 km), Niecielin (22-5 km), Piechy (95-4 km), Rusiły (243-1 km), Zahajki (57-10 km), Zaliszcze (164-5 km).

You need to remember that in this part of Poland many people are Christian (Russian) orthodox. You need to know if you are looking for a catholic or orthodox cemetery.

Here is the map that shows where people with the last name Słyszko live in Poland.
Most of them live in Parczew that is 28 kms away from Rusiły
19 Jan 2014 /  #3
Hello,I am from Ukraine and also searching my polish relatives.I know exactly that my grand grand mother was Sluszko Marta and her father Mark or Marek.They lived in Wlodawa region.I hav suppose that we have some Jewish DNA.Marta married ukrainian Kowaluk Mikola had 2 daughter's Natali and Nadya .If you have some more similar information about Slyszko,please contact me skorobeu@gmail

Archives - 2010-2019 / Genealogy / Family name of Slyszko(w)Archived