Does anyone have any information about the Pankoski/Pankowski family from Wągorwiec?
I know of 2 brothers, Joseph Pankoski, born ~ 1865, and Peter Pankoski, born about May 1866. Both eventually settled in the state of Colorado, USA.
Joseph marred Valentine/Vaentina Nowak, unsure whether in the US or Poland. Their children were: Frank, born 1893; Stanley, born in 1896; Ladislawa, born about 1898; Helen, born about 1900; Clara, born about 1902; Carl, born 1904; Anna, born about 1911; Verna, born about 1914; Hilda, born about 1917; Violet, born about 1926. All were born in Colorado.
Peter married Agnes Koranko (may be Kouranko or something else entirely) in Poland. Their children were: Mary, born about 1895; John, born about 1898; Catherine Agnes, born about 1901; Frank, born 1907; Agnes,born 1910; Peter P., born about 1912. Peter, Agnes and 5 children arrived in the USA on May 5, 1907 aboard the ship Cassel from Bremen. According to obituaries for Catherine Agnes, she was born in Wągrowiec.
Any information or connections would be most welcome, please contact me with any information or contacts.
Hi I'm grandfather was Henrique Pankowski, he was born in Brazil in 1913, His father was John Pankowski. if you send me your email I can send pictures. I know that John had 2 brothers, when they left Poland they we supposed to meet in America, 2 brothers went to North America and the other one, John, went to south America.
Merged: Genealogy: Pankowski family from Dobzen or Plock?
Anyone searching the names Pankowski in Dobzen or Plock? The family left Poland in the 1890s and returned three times before settling in Jersey City, New Jersey. Interested in anyone searching Pankowski family name.
John Deborski was an older brother of my grandfather, Costek. Joseph Pankoski was my great grand uncle. I have a lot of information about that side of my family and am very willing to share it with you. In 2015 my wife and I went to Poland and visited the villages where my ancestors lived and the churches they attended. I have many pictures of those related to the Pankoski family. If you are willing to share your email, I can send that all to you. My email is As an alternative, I could put it on a CD and mail it to you.
Gary Deborski