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Looking for family of Bobala and Cubek from Niebieszczany

southern girl  1 | 7  
19 Feb 2012 /  #1
I have been trying to find more information on my family. The names of Bobala and Cubek from Niebieszczany came up. Can anyone tell me if the spelling is correct and if there is any connection with the Fal and Olejasz family from the same area?
boletus  30 | 1356  
19 Feb 2012 /  #2
There is village Niebieszczany, municipality of Sanok, district (county) Sanok, currently Podkarpackie (Subcarpathian) Province (used to be Krosno Province). English wikipedia has only few lines about the village en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niebieszczany. You can find much more in Polish wikipedia:

Use Google translate if you have to.

The following website may be of use: Niebieszczany War Memorial. It lists "People from the Parish of Niebieszczany, woj. Krosno, Who Died During WWII and Action Vistula (Akcja Wisla), 1939-1947",rootsweb.ancestry.com/~polwgw/archives/niebieszczanywm.html. There is a short explanation at the bottom of this message of the meaning of the above.

The list includes the following names:
Józef and Stanisław Bobola (not Bobala)
Andrzej, Jan, Józef, Melchior and Wiktoria Fal
Tadeusz Olejarz (not Olejasz)
There is no Cubek name on that list. You are definitely on the right track - just be patient and google extensively.

During WWII there was an outpost of Home Army (Armia Krajowa, AK) there. In 1945-1946 an independent anti-communist operational battalion NSZ was active in the village. In 1947 Niebieszczany was a part of Operation Vistula - a forced resettlement of Ukrainian minority, including £emkos and Boykos to Northern and Western regions of Poland.
OP southern girl  1 | 7  
19 Feb 2012 /  #3
You have been very helpful and make me feel that I am on the right track. I have gone to the memorial site many times and found different names I remenber hearing. I have read books on the villiage and what they were involved. These name were given to me stating that they were my g-parents mother's ( Olejasz and Cubek, Fal and Bolola) names. With g-parents coming to US.we have losted alot. I'm not sure how to get information that tell about families they hard and left in Poland. Olejasz is a very small family in Poland. There are not many left in Poland. With out knowing dates of events it is hard to find information. Just wondering if they sister, brother, cousins, parents, families they left behind. At least I have the right village/town.
boletus  30 | 1356  
19 Feb 2012 /  #4
Apparently there is something wrong with the name Cubek, since it does not appear in any of the three databases I tried. All three of them list Olejarz, but only one shows few Olejasz names. I would really re-examine that last name too if I were you.

1. polishtoledo.com/lastnames.htm
Bobola (415), Cubek (0), Fal (769), Olejarz (2746)

2. forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,29088,71692198,72206109,Re_Nazwiska_w_P olsce_od_A_do_Z_M.html?v=2

Bobola (? - Krosno), Cubek (0), Fal (? - Krosno), Olejarz (2747-Przemyśl)

3. Słownik frekwencyjny nazwisk polskich V.09.2008
(c) 2008 Jerzy Kazojć - wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone

Bobola(415), Cubek (0), Fal (0), Olejarz (2747), Olejasz (20)

I suspect that Cubek should be actually Czubek. This change produces a miracle when googling: Bobola Czubek Fal Olejarz. The first three entries are from "Nasza Klasa" - both Primary School and Junior High School in Niebieszczany. Notice that the village name was not explicitly included in the search pattern but yet it came on top of the search.

Now, doing the detailed search by specific names in Gymnasium in Niebieszczany, nk.pl/school/58189/users, we get:

Olejarz - 1 name
Czubek - 3 names
Bobola - 5 names
Fal - 19 names
They attended the Junior High School in Niebieszczany between years 1999 and 2011, that is in the period after the latest school reform in Poland; that is, breaking the High Schools into Junior High Schools (Gymnasium) and the Senior High Schools (Lyceum).

The data for the Primary School goes way back to the year 1952.
Olejarz - 1 name
Czubek - 5 names
Bobola - 6 names
Fal - 27 names
Only some names of the Fal family go as far back as to 1970s, the other names are quite recent - as if the Czubek and Bobola families have re-established themselves in the village after 1980s or so.
OP southern girl  1 | 7  
20 Feb 2012 /  #5
You are my angel. you have given me so much information. Here are some things I know. I'm the youngest g-child of Olejasz and Fal. My mother is next to the youngest child of them. As far as the Olejasz, I have many let say discussion about the name and I've been called hard headed about question it. I've lost many times. I will give you what I have on these names. Johann Olejasz left niebiszczany arriving US on Mar.28,1905, port of departure was Triest age 25. Marya Fal left niebiszczany arriving Apr. 2, 1902, port of departure was Bremen, age 23. They both made their way to Massachusetts. They married on Aug.17, 1905. John Oleiasz(Olejasz) parents: Leon Oleiaz(Olejasz) and Annie Cubek(Czubek). Mary Fall parents: John Fall and Annie Bobalo(Bobola). I have given you the spelling on the record. They stayed in the area and had 10 children, 7 that lived. They did not each other in Poland, they met in the US. G-mother said that she lived in the valley and g-father come from the mountains close by. My g-mother did say that she had 2 brother that were older than her in Poland and they had families. This was told to me in the 60's before she died.My mother remenbers that her father was called Russkie by his friend when she was a little girl. She does not know why. she just heard it. As far as the memorial there are 2 other names Palys and Izdebski that I'm support to be part of this family of mine. I have scanned the different sites trying to connect everything. I would like some day make contact with some one in Poland. As you can see, many years have past since they left Poland.
boletus  30 | 1356  
20 Feb 2012 /  #6
southern girl: Most of the data you provided are not much of use to me, as your general adviser. :-) However, they would be of importance to someone digging detailed parish data in Poland, etc. Make sure, however, not to use any americanized first names, but Polish, or optionally German ones. In 1903 this area was under Austrian administration, so names like Johann could be possibly acceptable.

Johann (Jan) Olejasz/Olejarz - OK. NOT - John Olejasz.
Marya (old Polish spelling) or Maria Fal - OK. NOT Mary Fall.

There are two persons in Niebieszczany you might want to contact: a local priest and a teacher of English from the Junior High School in Niebieszczany. I can only guess that the priest receives many similar inquiries from US, so some donation towards a new altar in the Niebieszczany church, or something, would be of important incentive. Do not use a traditional mail option, since this might be very slow. Think about using email, with phone follow up. I do not know whether the priest speaks any English, so - if you do not speak Polish - try to have some of your Polish speaking friends handy for the phone talk. Try to solicit a help of the English teacher in Niebieszczany first, using email contact. The school has one email address, so you would have to specify the name of the person you want to talk.

Here are the contact data:

Gimnazjum w Niebieszczanach (Junior High School, Niebieszczany)
Niebieszczany 492
38-500 Sanok

Phone: 011-48-13-467-50-05 (Format: 011=international call from US, 48=Poland, 13=Krosno, xxx xx xx = local number)
email: gimnieb@poczta.onet.pl

Pani JOANNA STOROSZCZUK-JANUSZ - English language teacher (język angielski)
Ks. Henryk Dobosz - Religion

Ks. Henryk Dobosz
Parafia św. Mikołaja (St. Nicolas Parish)
Niebieszczany 154
38-500 Sanok

Phone: 011-48-13-467 58 99
No email address as far as I know
(to see a picture of the church)

Joanna Storoszczuk-Janusz (the English teacher) has her Facebook page here:

You need to register first before you contact her.

Good luck.
OP southern girl  1 | 7  
20 Feb 2012 /  #7
You have been so helpful to me. It would be a great joy to thank you in person one day. You have given so much. I will try and contact the english teacher. My father's side has been more difficult to search out.I have researched Poland, Russia and Lithuania. it has been very interesting reading to understand what they all went thru.I was able to find information in Kowno. I'm searching Lukaszewicz, Lanczycki(Leczycki), Rawrosiewicz(Radoszewicz) and Kaminska(i). If you are up to it and you can get in the right direction it would be very helpful.

Thanks for everything you have done for me
boletus  30 | 1356  
21 Feb 2012 /  #8
You have been so helpful to me

Glad to be of help.

I'm searching Lukaszewicz, Lanczycki(Leczycki), Rawrosiewicz(Radoszewicz) and Kaminska(i). If you are up to it and you can get in the right direction it would be very helpful.

I am sorry, this does not look like sufficient information, since you are not sure of spelling of the names, and locations involved: Poland, Russia, Lithuania? The only specific location you mention is Kowno, but without connection to any specific name and circumstance. And Kowno is not a little village, as opposed to Niebieszczany. Given this - it is like searching for a needle in a haystack. Sorry, I cannot help you here, unless there are some very concrete data provided.
OP southern girl  1 | 7  
21 Feb 2012 /  #9
You are still my angel. I agree with you as to looking for needle in a haystack. I will still keep looking. Thank you for everything you have done for me. Maybe on day i will be able to thank you in person.
21 Jul 2014 /  #10
I'm looking for Hendrik Czubek he would be 65 yrs old he was in the polish special forces army in 1968

Looking for hendrik Czubek from Pionki he was in the polish army 1969-1971 with me
14 Feb 2018 /  #11
Not sure if this message board is still active but I have a 4x Great-Grandmother named Catharina Bobola and her husband Jan Izdebski that are from Niebieszczany (both born in about 1818). I have not been able to find any church records for this parish.

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