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DeAmong, DeCroix - Finding a countess

lightalma  7 | 13  
14 Mar 2010 /  #1
I am looking for a countess with the name that I have as: Bronislava DeAmong,
born in Poland no date but it would be somewhere mid 1800s as she died around the late 1800s. She married a man born in Sweden and his name is Adolph Gronland DeCroix.

This countess is the mother of Josephine Gronland DeCroix, (this is whom I am seeking more information on)

This countess died very young. I have no other information but am looking. It is understood that she came from a long line of countesses and counts. Perhaps when she was born she is connected to Russia in some way due to the changing of border lines back then.

Please if you can help me in any way write to me at lightalma@hotmail. My name is Dale Leslie, This is english name but in Polish will be different? I have been asking before but now have her name at least.

Mar 15, 10, 17:49 - Thread attached on merging:
Finding a line of countesses and counts

I am looking for the line of DeAmong. Family Can anyone direct me. The countess I am looking for is Bronislava Among born mid 1800s and died before 1900s. Can you tell me how to find this line in english. Thanks so much .

Mar 22, 10, 05:22 - Thread attached on merging:

I am looking for a countess with the name DeAmong family name. Born in 1880s so Poland borders would be different perhaps a russian name please can anyone direct me? I have been here before with a Name Josephine DeCroix. Now I have her mothers name which is DeAmong, first name Bronislava. Died in late 1880s. Where do I go to find this name?

Thanks so much.

Thread attached on merging:
The name DeAmong arisotocrats Polish

I am looking for the name DeAmong a family name connected to arisoticrats of Poland during the 1800s. The grandmother lived in the mountains, had this old name. The first name sounds ok but the second doesnt seem polish. Perhaps there was a town with that name? We know that French DeCroix married this woman Bronoslovia DeAmong.

Maybe the French were in that area then. This would be 1850s to 1900.

If anyone can help me with the name. I am coming to Poland in June to search for this name and people. Thanks so much.

plk123  8 | 4120  
15 May 2010 /  #2
you are right.. not a Polish surname.. Bronislava is a slavic name, not just Polish
OP lightalma  7 | 13  
15 May 2010 /  #3
I wonder if De Among seems French to me but I know for sure her name was DeAmong and she was from Poland. Her husband was Adolph Gronland DeCroix a count that is sure. Oh boy what a mix.
plk123  8 | 4120  
15 May 2010 /  #4
after neapolic era there were some french in PL but neither of the names is polish, that is for sure.. as to whether they were counts or not.. can't tell at all.
OP lightalma  7 | 13  
15 May 2010 /  #5
So even the first name Bronislova isnt polish? Now I wonder if there was a town or place
named DeAmong. As I did some research and found that whatever group was ruling poland and in this case it would be French at that time period.

We are certainly having a dead end on this search. thanks for your help just the same.
plk123  8 | 4120  
15 May 2010 /  #6
So even the first name Bronislova isnt polish?

In polish the name is Bronisława.. it is a slavic name though, like i said. it could be russian or ukrainian or slovakian or...

as to the surname.. definitely not slavic and no way there is a place with that name either.

as to the times.. there was no poland... poland was occupied by the three powers that divided it in late 18th century.
OP lightalma  7 | 13  
15 May 2010 /  #7
Would Deamong perhaps be Daemon would that be polish?
plk123  8 | 4120  
15 May 2010 /  #8
sure doesn't seem right either.
STFU  - | 39  
15 May 2010 /  #9
His name wasn't entirely French either. I'd say Adolph Gronland sounds Prussian. DeCroix would definitely be French, and I know we have that name in our family tree somewhere so that's without a doubt, a French Aristocrat. DeAmong doesn't sound French to me at all though. Nor Slavic. Are you absolutely sure about this name?
OP lightalma  7 | 13  
16 May 2010 /  #10
Yes I am sure about De Among, because the woman scientist we are trying to trace through her parents names put that name on a marriage certificate in Los Angeles in 1936.

Yes Adolph Gronland was born in Sweden but was a french count. You say that you have that name in your family, well maybe there is a connection way back?

This name DeAmong just baffles me. Yet Bronislava the mother was born in Poland and in Warsaw.

I know that there is a story of the family having problems because of the Russian soldiers that entered the Church they were and that the aristrocrats where being somewhat persecuted at that time of which they were. This was around 1875 more or less. So the Russians where in Warsaw during that time.

thanks so much for helping me.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
16 May 2010 /  #11
Yes I am sure about De Among, because the woman scientist we are trying to trace through her parents names put that name on a marriage certificate in Los Angeles in 1936.

can you post a picture of that part of the cert showing the name.

if it's handwritten we might see it differently.
OP lightalma  7 | 13  
16 May 2010 /  #12
I havent got it to scan, but I can assure you that the letters are very plain, in fact the handwriting is very nice done by the Court clerk. That was another thought I had maybe he wrote what he heard and the spelling could be different. I will check Russian names, or Prussian.

Do you know where I can go when I get to Warsaw next month to check this kind of thing. We have only 14 days so everyday needs to be productive.

Thanks so much. I appreciate it as I am an amatuer at this stuff.
plk123  8 | 4120  
17 May 2010 /  #13
it doesn't even "sound" polish, if you will.
OP lightalma  7 | 13  
20 Jun 2010 /  #14
Thread attached on merging:

Hello again,
I am getting ready this week to go to warsaw. I want to find an estate that was owned by a count. The same as I have been searching and mentioned to you all before. Count Adolph Gronland Decroix. We have records of of them living in a big estate with a ballroom. There were soldiers visiting him and a wedding happened in this place. (Autobiography of Trust)

Now we will see if we can find this place. Where do we go exactly for this kind of information?
I have some addresses already for other things like birthplace etc.
Since we only have 2 weeks.
Thanks so much.

Death notices etc. Would a library help us at all?
Thanks again for all your help.

Please answer fast I am leaving in a couple of days. (smile)
caprice49  4 | 224  
25 Jun 2010 /  #15
I want to find an estate that was owned by a count.

You will be hard pressed to find it. Warsaw was obliterated.

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