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Create gene bank of Slavic and therefore Polish people?

Vlad1234  16 | 883  
14 Apr 2013 /  #1
I've heard that scientists create genetic bank samples of very rare and disappearing creatures.
Some animals were resurrected with such method.What do you think about Slavic gene bank creation?
Fertility rates in Slavic countries:

Russia - 1.61
Macedonia - 1.59
Belarus - 1.45
Croatia - 1.44
Bulgaria - 1.43
Serbia - 1.40
Slovakia - 1.37
Poland - 1.31
Slovenia - 1.31
Ukraine - 1.29
Czech rep. - 1.27
Bosnia and Herzegovina - 1.24
Bieganski  17 | 888  
14 Apr 2013 /  #2
This is a similar problem currently facing a particular sect in Israel. Rather than a gene bank they are allowing brides from "Eastern Europe" only to mate with their men so they do not die out:

The Samaritans, a rapidly dwindling sect dating to biblical times, have opened their insular community to brides imported from eastern Europe in a desperate quest to preserve their ancient culture. Their numbers have been further reduced by the decision by 10 women in recent years to marry outside the community, resulting in excommunication. Today, males outnumber females roughly three to one. With a limited pool of potential partners, it is common for Samaritans to marry within their extended families, even first cousins. As a result, Samaritan babies have suffered from birth defects and genetic diseases at a much higher rate than the general population.

Source: washingtonpost

It makes one wonder why they prefer white brides and not brides from elsewhere in the Middle East or Africa since Israel is geographically and culturally closer to them than to Europe.

If such a gene bank were created for Slavs there are a whole host of issues which could arise which are not favorable. For instance, how can you guarantee the authenticity of the samples? One concern about recipients of human sperm and egg from third parties is that plastic surgery and other cosmetic applications can mask inherited flaws in appearance of the donors. Also, some genetic abnormalities skip generations.

In the same context fertility donations can be taken from people currently living in Poland, Ukraine, etc. but the donors could be Tatar, Armenian, Jewish or even some immigrant resident or visiting student from another part of the world. I realize you would expect a better screening process in place beforehand but errors are always made either unintentionally or on purpose.

If you had Slavic donors another question which would arise is what would the world look like if you were to "resurrect" a dying culture? Who would do this resurrecting? Would those resurrected be given guarantees and benefits in society or would they be created for a life of servitude? If they came from a genetic pool of Slavs that is not to say the future of current or historical Slavic countries would still be that way. Some other culture could have come along and replaced them or the lands may one day be uninhabitable. In the article I shared about the Samaritans the women from Russia and Ukraine are expected to abandon their heritage.

The best way to preserve any culture is to ensure broad economic prosperity of citizens along with effective border controls.
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883  
14 Apr 2013 /  #3
If they came from a genetic pool of Slavs that is not to say the future of current or historical Slavic countries would still be that way.

It takes thousands if not tens of thousands of years for completely new phenotype to be shaped and we live in a time when old phenotypes disapper much faster (in historical means) than they are created.Probably humanity just experience some non-favorable period in history.Take in attention that all nations with relatively high education standards are not inclined to have natural replacement fertility levels.Modern young people have to study to long to get education and experience and after desperatly look for any work.So do we suppose to wait before all the educated people will disappear and forever lost genetic fond associated with them?Who will ressurrect Slavs and their culture?Well it could be done by those Slavs who will manage to survive and be happy to see more favorable conditions in far future, and principal changes in lifestile and technology.Then they could recreate Slavic cultures somewhere on Mars.

Also, some genetic abnormalities skip generations.

People with obvious and harmfull genetic abnormalities are not necessarly should be resurrected.But even they could be an interesting genetical material for investigation and research.In the future genetic science may go farther ahead and it would not be difficult to make genetic analysis of an stem cell and define its genetical phenotype before resurrection.

I don't know but if some modern scientists are very eager to resurrect mamots or dinosaurs then humans of the past could be of some interest too.
Crow  154 | 9260  
24 Jul 2014 /  #4

Beauty of Slavic people

4 Nov 2015 /  #5
Merged: Slavs are not a race

According to most historical, linguistic and genetic markers, the Slavic language is approximately 2000-1500 years old, founded on the edge of the Byzantine Empire, read Florin Curta.

Slavs, and therefore Poles, have no unique genetic markers. Just as Jews have no unique genetic markers. These are linguistic, cultural associations. This is why there is so much phenotypic variation in these groups - Russians look alot like Finns, some Ukrainians are swarthy enough to look like Iranians, and Poles tend to be blond in the Baltic area, brown hair/eyes towards the south.

The creation of a race is much, much older than cultural associations. Race goes back tens of thousands of years (at least) while linguistic cultural groups come and go every few thousand years.
Crow  154 | 9260  
4 Nov 2015 /  #6
The creation of a race is much, much older than cultural associations.

Slavs (ie Sarmatians) gave birth to entire White race. They gave fundamental genetic to all Europoids, same way as all European languages have its basic origin within Proto Slavic language.
milky  13 | 1656  
4 Nov 2015 /  #7
Slavs (ie Sarmatians) gave birth to entire White race.

lol,,, The comedy show never ends.
Levi  11 | 433  
5 Nov 2015 /  #8
That is a very good idea.

I also think that the government should allow genetical selection.

I have a brazilian friend that is married to a polish guy. She is beautiful, but of course she would like to have a kid blonde with blue eyes instead of her latin look, and one of the ways for that today is genetical selection, where it is possible to select the color of the eyes, hair, etc...

But unfortunately in Poland is not allowed.

This would help a lot, specially in cases of mixed couples where the couple wants to favour the Slavic genes.

Bosnia and Herzegovina - 1.24

I Tought that Bosnians were Turkic, not Slavic.
Polson  5 | 1767  
5 Nov 2015 /  #9
This would help a lot, specially in cases of mixed couples where the couple wants to favour the Slavic genes.

That's what we call eugenics, which is ethically very... questionable.
We all have 'ideals' but sometimes it's better to just let Mother Nature work on her own.
A human being is not a car you can customize, that's what I mean ;)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
5 Nov 2015 /  #10
This would help a lot, specially in cases of mixed couples where the couple wants to favour the Slavic genes.

That is insane.
5 Nov 2015 /  #11
Amazing how quickly this thread went from the comedy of crow to the post you accurately described in your post.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Nov 2015 /  #12
I Tought that Bosnians were Turkic, not Slavic.

Poor Levi, uninformed as always. Bosnians are as Slavic as it gets.
5 Nov 2015 /  #13
"That's what we call eugenics, which is ethically very... questionable. "

It amazes me how blatantly racist these posts are .
Has nothing been learned from 1933 to 1945?
Are Europeans so stupid ?
Crow  154 | 9260  
5 Nov 2015 /  #14
Poor Levi, uninformed as always. Bosnians are as Slavic as it gets.


I Tought that Bosnians were Turkic, not Slavic.

Bosnian Muslims are genetically absolutely Slavic. They are Serbians who took Islam during Ottoman Turkish invasion on Serbian lands and Europe. Another historical fact about Bosnian Muslims is that, no matter they took Islam, they never actually mixed with Turks. In our time, no matter Anglo and Germanic geopolitical schemes, Bosnian Muslim islamized Serbs tend to merge with rest of the Serbs, as Muslims or by converting to Christianity. In any case, Christian Serbs feel only sympathy for them and comprehend their Islam as our national tragedy but tolerate them.

Most famous man from Bosnia in our time is famous and internationally respected Serbian filmmaker Emir Nemanja Kusturica. He himself said publicly story of episode when his highlander clan was forced to accept Islam in order to survive Turkish onslaught. Their village was surrounded by Turks and only those who took Islam survived. Anyway, Kusturica`s family remembered their roots (that were also described in Serbian Church books; oldest records about clam members) and even kept memory on family SLAVA (back in deep past universal Slavic custom that survived among Serbians). So, Kusturica whose name was Emir from his birth, converted to Christianity and also took name Nemanja (name of one of Kusturica`s oldest Serbian ancestors in family tree before clan took Islam).


Emir Nemanja Kusturica
Levi  11 | 433  
5 Nov 2015 /  #15
It amazes me how blatantly racist these posts are .

Why say that blond hair and blue eyes are beautiful characteristics that should be preserved is considered racist?

Daily i hear at my country, Brazil, that the indigenous people and their characteristics are beautiful and should be preserved from extinction. Nobody calls them racists.

Also in Australia they say the same about the Aborigins. Or in New Zealand about the Maoris.

The speech is EXACTLY the same. But ONLY when we say that Slavic characteristics should be preserved, then we are called racists?

He himself said publicly story of episode when his highlander clan was forced to accept Islam in order to survive Turkish onslaught.

That is a sad but still interesting story Crow. Thanks for sharing.
Crow  154 | 9260  
5 Nov 2015 /  #16
That is a sad but still interesting story Crow. Thanks for sharing.

Yes and it is good that some historical injustices and tragedies that happened to Serbians could be corrected in a way as Kusturica founded way and strength to correct. Great man and great artist.

It was exceptionally interesting when Kusturica spoke how he had conversation with his father before converted back to Christianity. When he said to father what he want to do, to be Christian and to publicly announce that he feels Serbian, his father said (let me paraphrase): ``alright my son. i was born Muslim and i would die as Muslim but, i know of our Serbian roots and i can`t judge you. Do what you want, you would always be my son.``
5 Nov 2015 /  #17
"Why say that blond hair and blue eyes are beautiful characteristics that should be preserved is considered racist?

Daily i hear at my country, Brazil, that the indigenous people and their characteristics are beautiful and should be preserved from extinction. Nobody calls them racists.

Also in Australia they say the same about the Aborigins. Or in New Zealand about the Maoris.

The speech is EXACTLY the same. But ONLY when we say that Slavic characteristics should be preserved, then we are called racists?

Individual character and accomplishments are what matter .
Skin .eye , hair colors are trivial .
Polson  5 | 1767  
5 Nov 2015 /  #18
Why say that blond hair and blue eyes are beautiful characteristics that should be preserved is considered racist?

It just doesn't sound so cool when you want to make genetically modified babies, that's the thing.
Crow  154 | 9260  
6 Nov 2015 /  #19
Daily i hear at my country, Brazil, that the indigenous people and their characteristics are beautiful and should be preserved from extinction. Nobody calls them racists.

you are partly right. i mean i know what you want to say but, look what happened to American natives. Look what Anglos did to them. Or look what they doing to Black Africans in Africa. What i want to tell you is that one needs to come to the edge of extinction to deserve respect from Anglos. When one is in a state near death, Anglos come and start nicely to speak of him. They then even bring laws that protects the one that is near death. You know how goes that saying: ``All the best about one on a deathbed.`` (O pokojniku sve najlepše). That is why Anglos now like American natives and Black Africans. Anglos even became obsses with that fatal love. That`s how Obama come to power. Obsessed man who come from obsession. But Slavs, we Slavs still kicking. i hope, i sincerely hope, that we Slavs won`t deserve respect from Anglos. Never. To put cross on myself
Crow  154 | 9260  
18 Nov 2016 /  #20
Genetic bank? Absolutely

I don`t know what to say after our famous female tennis player Ana Ivanovic married to this German Bastian Schweinsteiger. It won`t be waste of genes only if eventually Bastian himself decide to return to his own Slavic roots. Otherwise, it would be pure waste. I mean look at him. In comparison to Ana`s Serbian Slavic dinaric genes, man even don`t look as a man. A shorty. By the God, look all other Germans on video and Ana is just average for Serbian standards.


video >>> youtube.com/watch?v=XDX6NX64b30

What also crossed my mind while looking at this image is that both of them have Slavic genetics (Germans are Slavs in origin, culturally exposed to foreign element). Actually, ancestors of Ana Ivanovic and Bastian Schweinsteiger, some 2.000 years ago were Serbs. Yes, in both cases. From Baltic to Balkan existed that ancient Serbian (Sarmatian) line. Sub-racial differences between them rather belong to fact that Sarmatians (ie Slavs) since time immemorial lived and live on inter-continental level exposed to different climatic and geographical variations. Anyway, Serbians (Sarmatian finest) are with their dinaric genetics regarded as most robust and tallest Slavs and Whites in general and therefore there is the obvious difference. See, no wonder that madman Hitler used Serbian war captives for his racial experiments, for insemination of wast number of German females.
18 Nov 2016 /  #21
Hey Crow, when I'm on Ryanair I see quite a few black British, Dutch and German guys with white Polish wives and little brown babies. I hope it stabs in your eyes and pains your soul every time you see it too in your imaginary Slavic kingdom. Because people are not livestock, despite how much eugenics b*llsheet come sout of you.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
19 Nov 2016 /  #22
Sounds like a Slavic "Lebensborn" to me.
nothanks  - | 626  
19 Nov 2016 /  #23
Hey Crow, when I'm on Ryanair I see quite a few black British, Dutch and German guys with white Polish wives and little brown babies.

No different than the countless "My grandmother was Polish" types in the USA. People surrender their heritage all the time - look at conversions to Islam.
19 Nov 2016 /  #24
>People surrender their heritage all the time

And people like you and Corvid pick an arbitrary point in time all the time, to justify your tribal worldview. I suppose you pick a time around your grandfather's time, in the 'good old days', but heritage is a continuum and a treadmill that you can't just step off (unless you want to be a hypocrite). Your grandfather had grandfathers and heitage who had grandfathers and heritage that goes back all the way to...well, brown babies.

Heritage is an individual perception, even a choice. You had 4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents, 16 great great etc, and you can choose any one individual to follow that trail back to your heritage depending on what your current prejudices and preferences are. I'm guessing you (American?) might prefer your lineage to go back to somelike Custer rather than some blakc slave who might be on the same tree leading to you, but that's the thing about 'heritage' - it can mean whatever you want it to mean, becasue it's a garbage concept.

But what you can't do is project your idea of heritage onto anyone else - if someone in the USA wants to choose their Polish granny as their heritage that's up to them, and just as valid or meaningless as you choosing whichever individual at whichever point in time suits you best in your own inner world.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
19 Nov 2016 /  #25
brown babies

brown babies

You seem to have some sort of obsession.
19 Nov 2016 /  #26
Really? You're the one who picked up on it. Maybe the search image is yours.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
19 Nov 2016 /  #27
Really? You're the one who picked up on it.

It's hard not to pick on something you repeat in every post.
19 Nov 2016 /  #28
I also used the word 'people' in both posts. Strange how you overlooked that and only registered the racial term. Shows what you're most bothered about, I guess - colours not people.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
19 Nov 2016 /  #29
Shows what you're most bothered about

You're right, I'm bothered about your racist terms, you racist.
Crow  154 | 9260  
19 Nov 2016 /  #30
Observvvere, man, listen. Its not about being superior. Its just who you are and who you want to be. It is sad that some people who are in power allowed to themselves to impose on other people attitude how is irrelevant what is their race, ethnicity, cultural background. On the contrary, humanity needs us all. We don`t need to be same. We needs to have healthy level of tolerance but, sure, we do have right to differ, too.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Genealogy / Create gene bank of Slavic and therefore Polish people?Archived