OP ScarletPoet 1 | 12
6 Sep 2011 / #31
I'm not interested in discussing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict I'm just curious about intermarriage in Pre 1939 Poland.
It works both ways... can you always tell a Polish Jew from a Pole? Allot of them look Mediterranean, but some of them could pass native Poles, I'm sure there would have been some admixture throughout the centuries, I mean many Ashkenazi Eastern European Jews don't look Middle Eastern.
For instance:
Alicia Silverstone : /uk.askmen.com/celebs/women/actress/41_alicia_silverstone.html
Blue eyed Russian Jew Abramovich
Israeli Actor Itay Tiran:
It works both ways... can you always tell a Polish Jew from a Pole? Allot of them look Mediterranean, but some of them could pass native Poles, I'm sure there would have been some admixture throughout the centuries, I mean many Ashkenazi Eastern European Jews don't look Middle Eastern.
For instance:
Alicia Silverstone : /uk.askmen.com/celebs/women/actress/41_alicia_silverstone.html
Blue eyed Russian Jew Abramovich
Israeli Actor Itay Tiran: