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Coat of arms LIS - Swietopelk-Zawadzki (Fox) family name and Bochenski family name

janet melvin  3 | 11  
5 Nov 2009 /  #1
i am looking to find any living relatives of olga bochenski,or bocheńska - my grandmother. she died last year at the age of 103. she had two sons named konstante and adolf, her married name was swiatopolk-zawadzki. her father was adolf cochenski and mother maria dunin-borkowski. sister of Jozef, mary, alexander and adolf bochenski. Olga is a decorated hero in Poland, she recieved the comanders cross of order of the rebirth of poland for extraordinary heroism and courage from the president last year, she also has the john paul 11 papal medal and the medal of the righteous among the nations. is my uncle still alive?

Nov 14, 09, 20:04 - Thread attached on merging:
coat of arms fox family of swiatopolk-zawadzki

can any one put me on the right track to get the fox coat of arms for the swiatopolk-zawadzki family.

Nov 26, 09, 04:39 - Thread attached on merging:
coat of arm - swiatopelk-zawadzki (fox) family name and bochenski family name

can anyone put me on the correct track to obtaining a set of the family coat of arms for both families.

Nov 26, 09, 04:43 - Thread attached on merging:
i like to get copies of my grandmothers medals - commanders cross ect.

can someone help me on retrieving copies of my grandmothers medals, she has the nations riteous from israle and the commanders cross from the polish president (last year) and the john paul medal. unfortunately she past last year and i think they may be in a museum for the bochenski family. her name is Olga swiatopelk-zawadzki. maiden name Bochenski. i am greatful for any help in this matter.

Merged: coat of arms "Lis"

can anyone help me with obtaining a copy of our coat of arms the "lis" i know what it looks like, i need some help with obtaining it

f stop  24 | 2493  
12 Mar 2010 /  #2
what do you mean "obtain" it?


OP janet melvin  3 | 11  
14 Mar 2010 /  #3
sorry i used the wrong word there, (must have been having a grey moment). it is a dream of mine to have a plaque in my home that represents my family and my history. i am just having trouble finding somewhere that replicates this. thanks for your reply

f stop  24 | 2493  
15 Mar 2010 /  #4
I think the second link is to the company that does just that.
OP janet melvin  3 | 11  
15 Mar 2010 /  #5
i have checked that out, that is not the coat of arms for my family. this is my concern, that a company may sell me the wrong one, ours is coat of arms "lis" or the "fox" it has a shield shape with a different type of cross in the centre of it, on top of that it has a fox on top with quite a large tail, i will put a picture here.

gosh it would be awful to purchase the incorrect one, that is the only thing that worries me as there are so many companies that make replications now, i want to make sure they are legitimate.

thanks again for your effort i do appreciate it and i do understand your effort. thank you

Countess Olga Antonina Zawadzka Sviatopolk Nov coat comes from one of the oldest Polish aristocratic families. Matka Maria Małgorzata hrabina Dunin-Borkowska z Borkowic herbu £abędź. Mother Mary Margaret Countess of Vincent Dunin-Borkowska Borkowice swan emblem. Ojciec Adolf Józef Bocheński h. Rawicz , Ojciec i matka Olgi Zawadzkiej są potomkami rodów uczestniczących w obradach Sejmu Wielkiego, który uchwalił Konstytucje 3 Maja, Father Adolf Joseph Bochenski h. Rawicz, father and mother Olga Zawadzka are descendants of families participating in the deliberations of the Great Sejm, which passed the Constitution of May 3,

this is my grandmother. my grandfathers side is the "lis"- the great "fox"
enkidu  6 | 611  
16 Mar 2010 /  #6

Dear Janet. For the real Polish szlachta there there is no need to "looking for" their family crest. Or to put it as a plaque above the fire place. The family crest is the tradition, it's the continuity, it's a childhood stories about the ancestors you've been told long time ago it's a way of life, it's duty and the privilege. It has nothing to do with the quotations from the wikipedia based on the fact that your surname is listed under the great "Lis". The coat of arms is not an company logo. It shall be in your heart.

Sorry that I have to said that.
f stop  24 | 2493  
16 Mar 2010 /  #7
that's harsh enkidu. What if you got none of that, just a name you want your kids to be proud of?
enkidu  6 | 611  
16 Mar 2010 /  #8
You can always be an decent, honest man, who is willing to fight a lonely battle for what he thinks is right. And you can make your children to be proud of it, respect it and continue it. Comparing to this - the family coat of arms is just a tiny picture. Nothing more. Non important detail.
asik  2 | 220  
16 Mar 2010 /  #9
Comparing to this - the family coat of arms is just a tiny picture. Nothing more. Non important detail.

What's not important to you doesn't mean it is not important to others.
f stop  24 | 2493  
16 Mar 2010 /  #10
You can always be an decent, honest man, who is willing to fight a lonely battle for what he thinks is right. And you can make your children to be proud of it, respect it and continue it.

That is lovely.
Look, when you need one, none of the history buffs are weighing in.
enkidu  6 | 611  
16 Mar 2010 /  #11
What's not important to you doesn't mean it is not important to others.

Thank you for your wisdom, you decided to share with us. It will be cherished as the greatest treasure.

That is lovely.
Look, when you need one, none of the history buffs are weighing in.

Sometimes I like to be pretend to be a stupid Eastern european. (that was a disclaimer) This time however I really didn't understand what did you say. Pretty please?
f stop  24 | 2493  
16 Mar 2010 /  #12

Sometimes I like to be pretend to be a stupid Eastern european. (that was a disclaimer) This time however I really didn't understand what did you say. Pretty please?

the second part was in reference to igniting a passion for family history, history of the "clan" - my son had the US history drilled into him, but he knows very little of Polish.

I just thought one of the numerous history buffs here that keep schooling me (my "crew" lol) would comment about the importance of history, or something along the lines of pride.

That said, I have a strong suspicions that my father ordered one of those nice, wooden Coats of Arms that is hanging in his study. The old ring he has, I used to hear about from different family members, but the plaque looks new to me.
OP janet melvin  3 | 11  
16 Mar 2010 /  #13
i think i should say thanks for your reply....but not really. so i think i have the right to have a picture or a plaque of my family coat of arms, i am proud of my roots and would like to display that....if that is ok by you?

but you must admit....pretty impressive genes isnt it, perhaps you may be jealous :)Enkidu? i guess you dont have photos in your home of your family then.

thanks every one else for your effort anyway, i really do appreciate it. any reply is a good reply.
f stop  24 | 2493  
16 Mar 2010 /  #14
janet melvin
You are a very sweet lady.
I have to repaint my courtyard, and I'm thinking about imbedding/painting our family COA (nasze godło?) in it somehow. I hope there isn't some rule about walking on it. ;)
OP janet melvin  3 | 11  
16 Mar 2010 /  #15
that was not a quotation from wikipedia...it was an article from a polish newspaper...gees
enkidu  6 | 611  
16 Mar 2010 /  #16
The old ring he has, I used to hear about from different family members, but the plaque looks new to me.

Ahhh.. now I understand. My humble opinion is that is not important if that plaque is old or new. What is important is if you father did make it a symbol of something worth standing for. And if you are willing to continue it (whatever it is) - it's real.

Let's be honest. In the XII-or something century some lad draw a picture on his shield. At the beginning it was only a meaningless picture. A cross. An arrow. Circle. Anything. What he did after this point in time, what's he stands for - this is really important thing. Now its XXI century. I see no reason why somebody shouldn't draw a new symbol and make it stand for something. It's a hard job - of course. But i think it's worth it.

Of course - there are people who would say that only the "ancient roots" means something. Well... after all - we all are the final offspring of the very ancient families. Every man and woman can theoretically track his ancestry at least 40000 years in the past (or about 6000 if you don't believe in the Darwin theory). It doesn't really matter.

but you must admit....pretty impressive genes isnt it, perhaps you may be jealous :)Enkidu? i guess you dont have photos in your home of your family then.

I am sorry if I upset you in any way, Janet. It is not my place to decide of the arrangements of the furniture in your home.

And - no. I am not jealous. I don't believe in the genes and the magic of ancient glory. I am rather see it as a challenge. If one is born to the szlachta family he has a duty to prove with every day of his life that he is worth it. It's a heavy burden to bear. If he fail - he would reduce his own coat of arms to the mere, meaningless piece of furniture hanging above the fire place.

As I said before - it shall be in the one's heart.
asik  2 | 220  
16 Mar 2010 /  #17
Thank you for your wisdom, you decided to share with us. It will be cherished as the greatest treasure.

You are welcome!
Don't forget to re-write my wisdom words at least 100 times in your diary :)
OP janet melvin  3 | 11  
16 Mar 2010 /  #18
NO you did not upset me at all. like i said any comment is a good comment, it is all new to me really, so all opinions make the world go around and in a very interesting way. thank you for your time again. i will continue to find my ornament :) :) im sure someone out there can put me on the correct track.

thanks again
enkidu  6 | 611  
22 Mar 2010 /  #19
Better late than never :
f stop  24 | 2493  
22 Mar 2010 /  #20
wow. Mr. Dębowski does nice work!
OP janet melvin  3 | 11  
23 Mar 2010 /  #21
THANKS ALOT for that :)

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