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Arkadiusz Pawłowicz - contact information for my ex-boyfriend from Biała Podlaska

roks  1 | 1  
27 Jul 2012 /  #1
I do feel little bit strange posting for online help for this topic.
But I would very much like to find any contact information for my ex-boyfriend (first love)
from almost 19 years ago...We lost contact as he moved out of my city and I moved out of
Poland shortly after.

I think he'd be ok with me posting his name here ( Arkadiusz Pawłowicz ) he was born in
Biała Podlaska. Studied in Lublin (that's where we met) and after this we lost contact.
I wrote a letter to his parents address in Biała Podlaska but didn't get any reply (maybe the
address was not valid anymore) He is about 38-39 years old now.

I already checked naszaklasa.pl didn't find him there (few other men with his name)
and I checked facebook...also he is not there.
Googling him also does not work as obviously there's a famous polish football player that
has his first/last name.
Searching online phone directories also did not work. I don't live in Poland for many years already.
what can I do at this point? thank you
terri  1 | 1661  
27 Jul 2012 /  #2
try 'gumtree' in all the biggest towns - someone, somewhere is likely to have heard of him.
Put his name in 'google' - and go through every post. I don't believe that there's no trace of him.
Try any 'alumni' associations from the Uni.
pip  10 | 1658  
27 Jul 2012 /  #3
I think you should try harder with facebook. absolutely everybody is on facebook in Poland- it is quite silly actually. Maybe he has his settings to the max or maybe he goes by Arek or a nick name. Try alumni groups or something similar.
OP roks  1 | 1  
27 Jul 2012 /  #4
try 'gumtree' in all the biggest towns

terri, I do appreciate greatly your reply.

I didn't know of gumtree...would your suggestion be to post in every
gumtree for all the cities..and post in Społeczność > szukam starych przyjaciół ?
in your opinion it is the best thing to do on gumtree? (do you think it's ok to post
his full first and last name? or it's not ok in regards of the privacy?)

about google, i have to sadly say that yes I did spend hours checking every single
link on google including his name. No there's nothing mentioned about him.
It's like he is an "invisible" man or something...

in regards of Alumni associations for the Uni: well, we went to college together yet he did NOT
graduate from this college as I mentioned he moved out of my city so he continued
his education somewhere else ( I don't know where)

I think you should try harder with facebook

pip, i am very grateful for your advice.
I did check Facebook few times but you're right I will try harder. I will try versions such as 'Arek'
that is a great suggestion.

About Alumni groups...the only one that comes to my mind is naszaklasa.pl and I already
checked there...out of his class only 9 people signed up for naszaklasa (mainly girls)
As I mentioned above he did not graduate from the school that we attended together...as he
moved out of my city and continued his education somewhere else.

Everybody who reads this post, thank you for all/any suggestions, much appreciated : )
Wroclaw Boy  
27 Jul 2012 /  #5
I think you should try harder with facebook. absolutely everybody is on facebook in Poland

and Nasza Klasa

oops you already tried that i now see.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Genealogy / Arkadiusz Pawłowicz - contact information for my ex-boyfriend from Biała PodlaskaArchived