And it's a well known fact that many former GDR and stasi officials hold high positions in merkels government.
That's just not true. Germany had something Poland never had, a whole agency/office to take care of all Stasi files (Stasi records agency /Gauck Behörde). Not only had they the full knowledge about every Stasi employee, also every citizen could take a look into it's own file the Stasi hat written about them (I did it myself).
Everything the Stasi ever did was there for the people to see, that means all information about it's employees and collaborateurs too. Every german citizen knew who was in there and did what.
In consequence there where no Stasi employees in sensitive high positions. And if, then only as long as it was found out, then it was over...there was no hiding!
One of his most famous bosses, Joachim Gauck, later became a very popular president of Germany.
IMHO Poland could have used their own agency too...
But merkel wants a federal Europe with non elected leaders.
Where did you get that from? A link?
A "federal Europe" means actually more leaders! :) Every region get's one, contrary to a centralistic Europe where everything is ruled by one center only.
Federalism means generally much more influence and possibilities and freedoms for the regions...not less! And more democratic security too. As it could be possible that this one central position could be taken over by one misfit, it is near impossible to rule all regions against their's just to many!
But maybe I'm biased, coming from a federal Germany. France for example is such a central state, where only Paris counts and nothing else. A federal EU with powerful regions would be a good thing actually!