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Angela Merkel is partially Polish. Her family name could be Kaźmierczak

Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
27 Jun 2018 /  #121
The polish history is not exactly a glorious reading, isn't it...

What do you mean by this!? That we did not conquer almost the entire Europe between 1938 and 1943?

The modern German flag doesn't disturb anyone in Poland today. However, I wonder if it is still the case when the Polish people saw a march in Berlin where hundreds of people would wave German flags just as the Polish people did in Warsaw on the Independence Day last year.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
27 Jun 2018 /  #122
Beside the USA takes in about a million legal immigrants a year. Mostly from Asia and Africa.

Funny that nobody I know - including myself - was ever asked if we want those immigrants. That insanity was all legislated in by the scum like Eddie Kennedy - a male prototype of Merkel.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
27 Jun 2018 /  #123
Paying attention...

You base your opinion on just one radio interview that you found on the web? They were talking about the educational difference between areas of high concentrations of Mexicans and low:

"Mexican-Americans who live outside of high concentrations of Mexicans - so Mexican-Americans who live outside of California and Texas - tend to have more education, tend to have higher earnings, tend to look like their more successful."

This sentence above is to be taken with a grain of salt, by the way, because it does not take into account that both states are big and that the concentration of Hispanics and Latinos in the south is much higher than further up north due to the proximity to Mexico. Once they leave these areas, they are good. I live in Northern California for example, and I see and talk to these people every day. Here in the Bay Area, your assumption is dead wrong.

it's importance has been greatly exaggerated in recent decades

I'm afraid we have to disagree here.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
27 Jun 2018 /  #124
when the Polish people saw a march in Berlin

Imagine that...hundreds of thousands of AfD-Gemans marching on Berlin's streets...demanding from Merkel to "Make Germany great again" ....yeaah...that would go down well with our neighbours!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
27 Jun 2018 /  #125
derogatory = removed

In fact, your neighbors like Poland, would be eternally grateful to you if you had the brains and the balls to do the above.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
27 Jun 2018 /  #126
Germanistan is too cucked for that to happen. Especially the western parts. In the eastern parts there's still some hope. But when even the police tell german citizens to not provoke Muslims by displaying a german flag and their own leader tosses it like a dirty *** towel what do you expect? If only 'we can do this' meant resisting the migrant invasion instead of taking hordes of undocumented turd worlders and rewarding them with 1500 eu a month. Rich as much as you don't like Poland At least this kind of lunacy doesn't pervade the society like in western Europe
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
27 Jun 2018 /  #127
You know that it is possible to MGGA without pissing off the neighbors?

No, it's not!

Being a selfcentered egoistical arsehole goes never well with your neighbours, allies and friends longterm...first they will pay the price, then you will!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
27 Jun 2018 /  #128
That will never happen because Germans are too cucked and spineless. If 100k Germans asserted their sovereignty and wanted to kick out the migrants im sure polish patriots would applaud Germans for trying to get their balls back. But until they remove all the kebab, bring down the skyrocketing rape stars, stop paying non citizens 1500 eu a month, torch all the migrant camps and centers and refuse to allow anymore in etc its all meaningless.

Italy and Austria have a better chance of removing migrants esp Austria. Hell I'll even offer our company's services at cost for the demolition of any mosques in eastern europe..
mafketis  38 | 10911  
27 Jun 2018 /  #129
your opinion on just one radio interview that you found on the web?

No, that was just one that was easy to find from a source you'd be likely to trust, there's lots more out there if you care to look.

I'm afraid we have to disagree here.

Do the work (beyond wikipedia) and explain the great compression (historic low immigration historic low economic inequality).

The mystery is the 1965 act brought about with no voter demand whatsoever. One theory is that financial interests wanted a new source of cheap labor since the civil rights movement was seen to herald the economic improvement of blacks who would move out of the low income jobs they had been employed in.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
27 Jun 2018 /  #130
1965 act

No it was just Zionists doing what Zionists always do.. In this case it was the Zionist senator Jacob javitz who famously exclaimed open the floodgates. America has been flooded with undesirables, welfare leeches and dwindling middle class since. In the 1800s and earlier 1900s people came to the us to work. There were no handouts. That's the difference
Crow  154 | 9260  
29 Jun 2018 /  #131
Putin`s dog and Merkel


Did Merkel managed to hide anything?
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
29 Jun 2018 /  #132
We all know Putin's a bully. That's no doubt why he and Trump seem to get on so well:-)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Jun 2018 /  #133
We all know Putin's a bully

Only when compares to a bunch of pussies like Macron, obama, prince harry, etc. When compared to men who actually have a pair like erdogan, Trump, dutuerte, he's a proper leader who has lead Russia through an amazing transformation. Russians are lucky to have such a great leader for such a long time. If only we could change the constitution to make trump president for life.

Oh and as far as Angela Merkel, Polands victory in refusing to abide by the quota system is now complete the eu has agreed to allow voluntary reception centers and take in migrants on a voluntary basis. Since Poland is not volunteering for this nonsense, we can rest assured well continue to not be invaded by ninjas and neckbeards
Tacitus  2 | 1246  
30 Jun 2018 /  #134
As Merkel brilliantly pointed out back then. Russia has nothing, no successful politics or economy. All they have is this. Putin is losing the long game and he knows it, but he also knows that he won't be alive once Russia has to pay the price for his policies.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
30 Jun 2018 /  #135
You mean how he exponentially brought up wages for Russians? How Russia went from the brink in the 90s to a shot caller on the world stage despite having an economy the size of Texas and less people than Nigeria? One thing is certain - you don't **** with Russia and Merkel Macron etc understand that, and putin has affirmed that.

Last time I checked Russia gained land and successfully annexed Crimea not to mention is basically the main power broker in Syria. Meanwhile Merkel has had her country invaded by a flow of migrants which her own party and constituents now hate her for so she's the least to talk about successful politics when her own people can't stand her and are threatening to shut the borders down. It's over for Merkel and she knows it. All she can do is try to do a drastic u turn from 'we can do this' to save her party.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
30 Jun 2018 /  #136
Hitler had a great thing going once too...it had been all great and successful headlines...he definitely made Germany (very) great again....till 1942 or so....
Tacitus  2 | 1246  
30 Jun 2018 /  #137
Russia has nothing but an obersized army and nukes. No innovation, no competetive economy, and its best and brightest are leaving for the West in droves. Russia has no future in its' current. The whole system will come crashing down after Putin retires at the very last.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
30 Jun 2018 /  #138
Russia has no future

Russia's big problem is that it has no place for people who are both smart and honest.

Smart and crooked? the game is on!

Dumb and honest? your future as a scapegoat is assured!

Dumb and dishonest! Viva Putin shout the masses!

Smart and honest? They usually get the hell out of Russia.
TheWizard  - | 217  
30 Jun 2018 /  #139
Putin has ensured Russia to be poor and backward for a long time. His great achievements are only great for him and the circles of cronies who are all filthy rich. You can find Russians living in places like London and elsewhere on stolen money from their country which the new host counties especially love. No one likes pilfered ruski money more than the uk though. It pretty much sums up their future, for the foreseeable time ahead anyway.

Someone mentioned crimea as a achievement. Well it's russian anyway and it always ends up there. So they just regained some land and much is missing still there. After all the struggles of the great patriotic war as they called it they have a nazi worshipping country next door. Lol they are doing just greaat.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
30 Jun 2018 /  #140
Here we go again, Brat, to paraphrase Ronald Reagan!

Some hundred million dead and a devastated continent later, yeah, guess the Fuehrer must have been ok LOL
Sorta reminds me of a much older, now deceased, German acquaintance of mine who years ago told me that he was one-hundred percent behind Hitler......only until Germany started losing.

And that's supposed to make all the difference, eh?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
30 Jun 2018 /  #141
Russia's big problem is that it has no place for people who are both smart and honest.

Smart and honest is a contradiction in itself. Such people have no future besides making their bosses rich only to be fired for a younger person once they get too pricey regardless of where they live. Honest people get eaten in modern society especially in business... And of course betas when encountering a man eater

You can find Russians living in places like London and elsewhere on stolen money from their country which the new host counties especially love

Indeed. The best addresses in UK, French Riviera, prague etc are all occupied by Russians. As putin said, the money that left Russia in the 90s and early 2000s isn't going to come back in heaps and piles but gradually. Besides, the average person in Russia is far better off now than during the 90s and early 2000s. In the U.S. its the opposite although Trump is trying to change that although I doubt it'll be enough.

After all the struggles of the great patriotic war as they called it they have a nazi worshipping country next door.

Repelling a foreign invasion 70+ years ago and realizing it takes a dude with balls who cares about his country are two different things.

Regardless no one ***** with Russia or Putin. They can talk all the **** they want but at the end of the day putin is there calling shots all over the world. Rofl now even the UK thinks Russia influenced brexit. Honestly I hope they did. Russia is the one of the few countries where fags and migrants are put in their place and christianity, nationalism and tradition reign supreme. Eu has given up on that, that's why Russia will perservere as it always has. Eu is in danger of collapse - especially schegen thanks to merkels 'we can do this.' Yet no one's saying Russia will collapse. Russia will be there long after the eu has eaten itself. The entire eu leadership trembles at the mention of putin and Russia- and that's not gonna change anytime soon. The way I see it Russia has made the UK its ***** on numerous occasions.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
30 Jun 2018 /  #142
Some hundred million dead and a devastated continent later, yeah, guess the Fuehrer must have been ok LOL

Well had AH been killed or left office for some other reason by early 1939 he'd probably be remembered as a great, if flawed, leader.

Smart and honest is a contradiction in itself.

In other words, you'll cheat people if you get the chance. Interesting thing to confess on this forum...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
30 Jun 2018 /  #143
In other words, you'll cheat people if you get the chance.

More like in your words... Never did I say i would or wouldn't cheat anyone. Being honest is important obviously so you don't run afoul of irs ftc shareholders etc but nonetheless you have to sprinkle some bullsh1t in to be competitive as everyone does so of you don't you'll lose. No millionaire let alone billionaire has been 100% honest 100% of the time. It doesnt work that way. What do you think the goal of a sales person or even a ceo, chairman etc is whether it's medicine cars investments homes medical devices etc? Of course no person from a salesman up to the CEO is going to say hey don't buy our products company xyz is better. No they're going to say their product is the best, their company is in great financial shape, this home is the best for your family etc whethr4 they believe it or not

Ben and jerry's tried to 'do the right thing' and pay a CEO only 100k a year. Guess what happened? They couldn't get anyone decent. So they gave up on that whole nonsense.

This is the whole naivety I'm talking about with beta westerners... fah q and your 'smart and honest' welcome to the real world where it's dog eat dog. And it's the same story whether it's us Russia Poland Nigeria whatever
Crow  154 | 9260  
30 Jun 2018 /  #144
Interesting that swinekin Merkel using Muslims to achieve her aims. Very interesting.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
30 Jun 2018 /  #145
Maybe, Maf!

Nonetheless, he'd outlined his awful program ever so clearly, indeed with fearsome bluntness, well before his seizure of power, in his autobiography.
By '39, only a Rip Van Winkle who'd been asleep since '24 or so, could have honestly been in the dark about Hitler's ultimate master plan.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
30 Jun 2018 /  #146
he was one-hundred percent behind Hitler......only until Germany started losing.


Someone like Putin will always get his cheering masses...as long as he wins...till he doesn't anymore. Smarter people know that him losing is only a matter of time and don't cheer in the first place...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
30 Jun 2018 /  #147
Someone like Putin will always get his cheering masses...

Over 80% of Russians support putin - and that's not Russian outlets saying that, it's American ones.

Smarter people know that him losing is only a matter of time

Seeing as how he's been kicking ass left and right since 2000 and this is his last term, I doubt it. The only thing Russians are quite upset about lately is the raising of the retirement age as due to the low life expectancy means most men will die before they get a pension and retie ÷
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
30 Jun 2018 /  #148
....in the ex-GDR we called that "socialistic dying", as in you dying dutifully, for party and people, the moment you could apply for a pension, to not to be a burden on the socialist workers and farmers paradise! ;)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 Jul 2018 /  #149
Indeed. The socialists are pushing that all over Europe in the form of white genocide. Whites have to atone for their ancestors sins and support freeloading invaders which are the future socialist voters.


Im.sure Merkel and her afffiliates know all about how things ran in the gdr. They implement the same socialist bs today

socialistic dying

Kind of like how German politicians are forcing pensioners to move out of cheap apartments to make room for migrants, appropriating 4 star hotels and firing all the staff so that the migrants are housed in comfort and don't complain about the slow internet and uncomfy beds, how thousands of german women were raped thanks to merkels 'we can do this,' how spending on migrants exceeds the education budget, etc. Socialist Merkel is indeed sacrificing Germans as non citizen migrants are more important to her than german citizens and taxpayers
TheWizard  - | 217  
1 Jul 2018 /  #150
Putin the commie specter left over casting a shadow over europe. China the growing commie specter of filth casting a dark shadow across the pacific. There's no escape!

Archives - 2010-2019 / Genealogy / Angela Merkel is partially Polish. Her family name could be KaźmierczakArchived