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Angela Merkel is partially Polish. Her family name could be Kaźmierczak

TheOther  6 | 3596  
26 Jun 2018 /  #91
Where they stick it in and how often can be controlled.

By whom? Their religion tells them that contraception is a sin, and their wallet tells them that they cannot afford any.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
26 Jun 2018 /  #92
an immigrant country

Don't believe the hype. If you look at the numbers immigration didn't build the country but filled out the population where it was already built. And the greatest era of US prosperity in the 20th century coincided with historic lows in immigration (aka the Great Compression) and high levels of immigration coincide with higher levels of structural inequality.

If we would stop immigration completely, we would be toast within a decade.

We're doing something terribly wrong if we need a steady supply of people (that other countries pay to raise and educate) to survive... That makes the US a cuckoo country. Not very inspriring.
cms neuf  2 | 1810  
26 Jun 2018 /  #93
Yes - that is the real problem - low birth rates and unwillingness to do low paid or physical work, this means there is always a demand for some immigration which means that every unskilled person in the 3rd world gets it in their head they can come
mafketis  38 | 11127  
26 Jun 2018 /  #94
this means there is always a demand for some immigration

low skilled immigration also tends to stall innovation and keep prices artificially low (at one end, paid for by bigger taxes at the other end)

I'm not against all immigration (seeing as how I don't live in my own country...) but mass low-skilled immigration is a sign that things aren't working in either the sending or receiving countries (or both).

My immigration policy would be built around assimilation with priority given to those who want their children to be more like the children in the receiving country than their parents. This tends to be impossible as long as failed ideas like mutliculturalism hold sway though...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
26 Jun 2018 /  #95
By whom? Their religion tells them that contraception is a sin, and their wallet tells them that they cannot afford any.

By themselves.

I got it. They are too poor to buy rubbers but rich enough to have babies. Yeah.

In the past we extracted resources, now we siphon off the best and brightest of the developing world.

Nobody is siphoning off nothing. Have you ever met a headhunter roaming Nigeria for those best and the brightest?

We, whites, owe them nothing just as they owe us nothing. Investing in Africa was done by the whites before. Whites left and what they created was destroyed.

We have our own Ph.D.'s. We don't need the Ph.D.'s from Somalia. They should stay and teach at their many universities. Make Africa Great Again. All by yourself.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
26 Jun 2018 /  #96
We're doing something terribly wrong if we need a steady supply of people (that other countries pay to raise and educate) to survive...

I agree with you. The same can be said about the federal deficit and the unsustainable borrow-to-eat MO we are in.

That 'something terribly wrong' is (1) abortions and the low birth rate, (2) Social Security in need of new taxpayers.

As they say, nature abhors a vaccum.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
26 Jun 2018 /  #97
wrong if we need a steady supply of people

Exactly. Look at our education system and the social problems we have in the USA, and you know what's wrong. It has already started that we are losing talented people instead of attracting them to the country. American exceptionalism - especially the superiority part - is a myth.

mass low-skilled immigration is a sign that things aren't working

The immigrants might be low skilled when they arrive in their new country, but what about their children? Do you believe that they will be low skilled too just because their parents were?

low birth rates and unwillingness to do low paid or physical work

Every country in the developed has low birth rates. That's just how it is. Incentives to have more kids never worked. The question though is, do we really need THAT many people.

Have you ever met a headhunter...

Until very recently, many top talents came to the US voluntarily. We didn't have to use headhunters to find and hire them. That might change though once the Republicans are done with the immigration system, and then we're toast. One day we might have to resort to the proven methods of the past again: enter a war late, be one of the victors and then steal every patent and scientist we can get hold of. Worked before, didn't it?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
26 Jun 2018 /  #98
enter a war late, be one of the victors and then steal every patent and scientist we can get hold of.

Stealing scientists would be kidnapping, enslavement and, therefore, a felony. You don't really mean it literally, do you?

"Until very recently, many top talents came to the US voluntarily." How many from the third-world s***holes?

"...once the Republicans are done with the immigration system, and then we're toast." Is Japan "toast"? Is South Korea "toast"? Both with NO immigration whatsoever. I mean zilch.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
26 Jun 2018 /  #99
Is Japan "toast"? Is South Korea "toast"?

No, but they have a functioning education system and highly motivated people. We have Flyover Country, opiate addicts, gangs and gun nuts. You should come to the Bay Area and take a good look around. Foreign citizens make up nearly three-quarters of the Silicon Valley tech workforce; almost 40% of Silicon Valley is foreign born.

India for example is in large parts still third world, yet there's an overwhelming number of Indian engineers in the Valley.

What do you think happened right after WW2? You believe that German scientists like von Braun got a friendly invitation with R.S.V.P. to move to the US? No, they were taken into "protective custody" and really had not much of a choice. Call that what you want.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
26 Jun 2018 /  #100
We have Flyover Country, opiate addicts, gangs and gun nuts.

Yeah cuz Cali has none of that... remind me where ms13 all 13ers and 14ers not to mention crips bloods originated from??? The surs aka sewer rats as we call them tried setting up shop here and were promptly dropped and chased out.

And the only reason why there's so many foreigners in silicon valley is because any dude with a few years coding or programming experience can get a decent job- too bad most of.its eaten up to pay for bums and fags.

And not water ratiins.. seriously I hope California splits in 3. People need a say in this sh1t instead of being lorded over by people like Maxine waters who is nothing more than your average loud angry POC woman with zero good ideas.

. You still repeat your arguments even after someone points to out time and time again how utterly wrong they are

Facts are facts. Merkel tossed a german flag like I do a *** towel and german police tell citizens not to display german flag for ' provoking' you know who.... both are on video, both are facts...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
26 Jun 2018 /  #101
No, but they have a functioning education system and highly motivated people.

Thanks for making my point that it is possible to have all of that without foreigners.
Tacitus  2 | 1255  
26 Jun 2018 /  #102
both are on video, both are facts

What Merkel did with the flag was entirely appropiately given the situation which I have explained several times now. I know Americans can be ignorant about the cultural differences between their country and others, but pls try and keep up. I know repeating lies even after they have been proven wrong is one of Trumps M.O. but I like to think that we have higher standards on this forum.

As for the police incident, do you realize how silly it is to use this as exemplary for the situation in Germany? Or should we use pictures of police violence against blacks as prove for systematicdiscrimination against black people in the USA?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
26 Jun 2018 /  #103
What Merkel did with the flag was entirely appropiately given the situation which I have explained several times now

No that's the problem..you think it's 'appropriate' for a leader to toss her own countrys flag away like a *** towel.

And it wasn't like shed be the only person waving a flag. She refused it because she hates the idea of a sovereign german nation and wants the eu nations to share their identities and embrace a European monoculture

I know Americans can be ignorant about the cultural differences between their country and others, but pls try and keep up.

I know it's hard for you to understand people who actually fight for something and aren't a bunch of spineless beta cucks, but no self respecting leader whether American polish Nigerian ******* Sri Lankan would ever discard their nations flag the way Merkel did and disrespect the tens of millions of constituents she represents. Have you ever seen a polish politician do that? How about Ukrainian Russian Japanese or just about any other country. That's right.... only beta cuck Germans think that kind of sh1t is 'appropriate' of their leaders. That's why Germany is now reduced to eus piggy bank and dumping ground for undesirables (we can do this!!!) All with Merkels blessing till finally she realized that german people are starting to get sick of all the migrants she invited in and handed 1500.euro a head to sit around all day, maybe smoke some hookah, maybe rape a few teenager girls, maybe rob an old lady or two, then chill at the mosque and decry how Germans are racist... same sh1t all over western Europe

Look at what the Muslims are doing in France occupying entire streets and praying in public broadcasting prayers over loud speakers.

You'll never see that **** in Poland you know Why?

We don't elect leaders who don't honor the flag. That flag is more important that their life and its sure as he'll more important than merkels as Germans and germany will be there long after history has judged her for inviting a Trojan horse into europe
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
26 Jun 2018 /  #104
She refused it because she hates the idea of a sovereign german nation

If she did, all of Germany's neighbours and the US would agree! What do you think the EU was founded for in the first place? After WWI + WWII! To dance together around a tree and sing kumbaya? Or to contain that wild firing power package in the heart of Europe?

We don't elect leaders who don't honor the flag.

Tell us again what Poland got from waving it's flag proudly! The polish history is not exactly a glorious reading, isn't it...

Just compare the non-waving Germany to flag-waving Poland...

Would Poland really that happy about a Germany that is again proudly waving it's flag? REALLY???
TheOther  6 | 3596  
26 Jun 2018 /  #105
Thanks for making my point that it is possible to have all of that without foreigners.

You still don't get it, do you? The USA is a huge country compared to South Korea or Japan. Our nation is traditionally based on immigration, which is why we have such a diverse population. They are homogeneous, we are not. They have highly educated and motivated people, we have not (any more). You can't turn back time, even if you would love to have that good old plantation master feeling back.

Yeah cuz Cali has none of that.

That's not what I said. Read again.

because any dude with a few years coding or programming experience can get a decent job

Sorry, but you don't know what you're talking about. To land a good job as a software developer in Silicon Valley, you'll have to be really good and not just average. And if you believe that all the foreigners work for nothing and undercut American wages, try again.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
26 Jun 2018 /  #106
You still don't get it, do you? The USA is a huge country compared to South Korea or Japan.

I give up. You win. I can't debate at the Reader's Digest, 5th grade, one worn out cliche at a time level. With some racist overtones smuggled in.

If you want more immigrants, then state (1) minimum requirements, (2) how many per year, and (3) prove that the currently living Americans will not be adversely impacted. It's their country after all.

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
26 Jun 2018 /  #107
And if you believe that all the foreigners work for nothing and undercut American wages, try again.

Not all, but a lot id say most do esp in construction. People use immigrants for cheap labor plain and simple. Either a white guy hires a bunch of Latinos to work at his restaurant, construction company, car wash whatever to save on wages. The more entrepreneurial Latinos do the same only employ their people and then still be priced at the lower end of the market.

you'll have to be really good and not just average.

Not really. Few years of experience as a developer cider programmer etc plus a bachelor's is usually enough. Writing code and checking bugs is a long process oriented job but once a person understands the language its fairly simple for them just takes a long time.

And besides even then 100 120k is nothing in silicon valley esp after ridiculous taxes. Even the cheapest houses go for 1 min. People rent 1 2 bedrooms for 3 4 5k. Not to mention the ridiculous taxes, poop and syringes littered everyone, the hordes of hobos and all that other b.s. Now they're even trying to make people decide between taking a dump or taking showers or washing clothes thanks to their water rations.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
27 Jun 2018 /  #108
Few years of experience as a developer cider programmer etc plus a bachelor's is usually enough.

There are hardly any simple code monkey jobs in Silicon Valley anymore, Dirk. You are either top notch, or you won't get a job. They don't pay you 150K+ for nothing.


120k is nothing in silicon valley esp after ridiculous taxes

Not so much because of taxes, but because of housing costs. It's crazy what you have to shell out these days for a small home even in an "up and coming" neighborhood.

You win.

Hands down. :)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Jun 2018 /  #109
You win becaue your arguments are childish and I don't argue with kids.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
27 Jun 2018 /  #110
Our nation is traditionally based on immigration

Again, that's based on propaganda (of the last 50 or 60 years). The country was founded by the descendants of settlers and colonists and expanded by pioneers. Immigration was one source of population growth but never the most important.

They have highly educated and motivated people, we have not (any more).

Again, only true of the last 30 to 40 years and adoption of the neoliberal model 'hey, let's let other countries educate their children and we can poach them as adults' which is neither sustainable or very moral.

Do you believe that they will be low skilled too just because their parents were?

That's how it generally works with Mexicans, the third generation does worse than the second and the fourth worse than the third. (also how it works with middle eastern and african migrants in Europe)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
27 Jun 2018 /  #111
The country was founded by the descendants of settlers and colonists and expanded by pioneers.

Umm...these settlers and colonists emigrated from their home countries (often dirt poor, war torn and desperate) and immigrated into then only populated by native americans lands...how do you call that?

The whole US is founded on the "immigrate here and get rich" - myth! :)
TheOther  6 | 3596  
27 Jun 2018 /  #112
The country was founded by the descendants of settlers and colonists

That's why true W.A.S.P.s consider themselves something special. After the colonial period, they only played a secondary role.


the third generation does worse than the second and the fourth worse than the third.

No offense, but that's utter nonsense, Maf. Where do you live that you come to such a conclusion?
mafketis  38 | 11127  
27 Jun 2018 /  #113
settlers and colonists emigrated from their home countries

Part of the degradadtion of modern language is calling anyone who moves anywhere for any reason an "immigrant" or "migrant". An immigrant is someone who moves to a new country so that they (and their children) can become members of the new society.

Neither the Pilgrims (settlers) nor Puritans (colonists) wanted to join any existing society in the New World.

Where do you live that you come to such a conclusion?

Paying attention...


The information is out there if you're interested....

After the colonial period, they only played a secondary role

You've got a lot of unlearning to do... immigration has been an important part of the American story, but it's importance has been greatly exaggerated in recent decades as part of the justification of dysfunctional immigration policies...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
27 Jun 2018 /  #114
Neither the Pilgrims (settlers) nor Puritans (colonists) wanted to join any existing society in the New World.

...but everyone afterwards wanted!

I should know...millions of Germans immigrated to the US during the last centuries. And most of that time Germany was war torn, desperate and dirt poor.

Now, one of us even made it to president...living the american dream! :)
mafketis  38 | 11127  
27 Jun 2018 /  #115
millions of Germans immigrated to the US during the last centuries

yes, Germans are easily the most influential non-British-Isle group in American History, at least one intellectual said the US was more an Anglo-Germanic country than Anglo-Saxon...

But, for example, I have an oral history on Mexican migration to the US, the author interviewed hundreds of people (both sides of the border) and not a single Mexican ever expressed the idea that they wanted to become "American". Most are essentially like Poles who go to Germany to work for a time and return to Poland. But various factors (including inertia and the dangers of crossing into Mexico illegally) end up meaning that many stay longer.

It's also worth noting that Mexican Americans who date their ancestry to the Treaty of Hidalgo traditionally opposed illegal migration into the US by Mexicans (among other reasons it held down their wages).

Calling everybody an "immigrant" muddles the issue and makes it impossible to form a functional policy.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
27 Jun 2018 /  #116
Dependent on the flag BB
I don't think many Poles have anything against Germany's current flag (Democratic one)

It's the König/Keiser/Junker/National-Socialist type flag that hurts the eyes the most.

Why shouldn't Germany be proud of it's current flag? What countries has it invaded while waving it? Germany's achievements after ww2 are remarkable, I see no reason to downplay it.

Patriotic=//= militaristic
mafketis  38 | 11127  
27 Jun 2018 /  #117
Why shouldn't Germany be proud of it's current flag? ..... Patriotic=//= militaristic

I completely agree. The paranoid "any nationalism or patriotism leads straight to gas chambers!" hysteria combined with the retreat of religion is largely responsible for Germany's demographic collapse... nihilistic people don't have many children
Tacitus  2 | 1255  
27 Jun 2018 /  #118
any nationalism or patriotism leads straight to gas chambers

There are few Germans who still believe. Most of us -explified by Merkel- have a healthy patriotism nowadays. There are simply times when waving flags is inappropiate e.g. when Merkel did not accept the flag during the election party. Coincidently I noticed that the louder politicians pledge their allegiance to the flag and Christian, the less likely they are to live up to this. Trump and the Republicans are the best example.

nihilistic people don't have many children

Germany is doing far better in this regard that the more openly religious Poland though.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
27 Jun 2018 /  #119
Are you talking total population or ethnic Germans...

I strongly doubt, for example, that these children of migrants who don't respect German values will ever pull their economic weight in Germany....

Ironside  50 | 12928  
27 Jun 2018 /  #120
Just compare the non-waving Germany to flag-waving Poland...

Poland is not exactly a flag-waving country. It changing slowly due to a younger generation, grass roots and such. Anyway you are talking to an American kid, he doesn't get nuances.

As to you dig at history its fail.

Anyway I wouldn't have had any problem with Germany doing what they what they want to do. However it seems to me they embrace Neo-Marxism. Seems like a German state cannot function without one or other ideology being dominant. Sad.

By the way the bulk of the mass immigration to the USA happened between 1865 and 1925. From the 1960' onwards there had been masses of illegals or anchor babies. Beside the USA takes in about a million legal immigrants a year. Mostly from Asia and Africa.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Genealogy / Angela Merkel is partially Polish. Her family name could be KaźmierczakArchived