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Angela Merkel is partially Polish. Her family name could be Kaźmierczak

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
24 Jun 2018 /  #61
Germans are not different to other Europeans, they are even a touch more conservative. They are not a "shining contrast" to the rest of Europe.

Do you know which group has been the biggest by far during the last elections? The non-voter! Millions of voters who had been once staunch CDU follower which now rather abstained. A huge derth of potential for the AfD or, if pushes come to shove, a Germany-wide CSU.

Merkel took away the main topics not only from the SPD but from the Greens as well...both are now struggling. A party landscape is being destroyed which served Germany very well during the last decades, which stood for stability and inner peace. Now take a good look at Germany 2018! Already in the next elections the SPD might no longer have the numbers to be a peoples party, and the AfD could become at least in Eastern Germany the second biggest party.

The stability is gone, the inner peace too. The country is split deeply, thanks to Mrs. Merkel.

She should had gone to the SPD in the first place, not turning the CDU to a SPD light...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
25 Jun 2018 /  #62
It's over either way for average native german. When your chancellor throws away the country's flag like a dirty condom with a look of disgust on her face you can forget about her caring about german citizens. You have pensioners being moved to make way for migrants who illegally cross borders and want nothing but handouts. Even german police tell citizens not to wave german flags for fear of 'provoking' migrants. It's another country that has fallen victim to multiculturalism and kissing migrants asses. Merkel is just as responsible as the migrants she let in (we can do this!!) For the thousands of rapes, the no gos she finally admitted exist, the terrorism and the tens of billions giving each migrant who doesn't want to work 1500 eu a head.

Now they're begging other countries alleviate their 'burden.' Funny how quickly the migrants went from being called a cultural enrichment to a burden. Well Poland and Poles don't want them. Germany threw her doors open to every young man fleeing a sh1thole so let them sleep in the bed they made. Were not interested in Merkels refugees/migrants/cultural encirhment/burden or whatever they're called next.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
25 Jun 2018 /  #63
Problem is if it escalates, new German settlers along vistula river and questioning property rights in former German lands is only a matter of time.

Poland should prepare for a wave of Germans settling down in Poland. ASAP if the road continues this way. If AFD comes to power and rightwingers gain foothold in more European countries then Poland will have an increase of European settlers. Only thing stopping them is the European media portraying (thankfully) Poland in a bad light.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
25 Jun 2018 /  #64
Problem is if it escalates, new German settlers along vistula river and questioning property rights in former German lands is only a matter of time.

The demographics say otherwise though...for settling you need an abundance of people in search for a better life, as in Africa right now for example.

Most germans rather feel they are already living in the best place. Foreigners seem to think that too, that's why so many want to come... :)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
25 Jun 2018 /  #65
I am not talking about here and now BB
I am thinking next 50years+
Tacitus  2 | 1255  
25 Jun 2018 /  #67
throws away the country's flag like a dirty condom

I wonder if it even makes sense replying to your nonsense anymore. You still repeat your arguments even after someone points to out time and time again how utterly wrong they are. Though I guess that explains why you like Trump so much.

I am not talking about here and now BB

Let us just hope for Poland that in 50 years, the emigration imbalance will not be as high as it is now ;)
mafketis  38 | 11127  
25 Jun 2018 /  #68
You still repeat your arguments

He doesn't have "arguments" he has slogans (that he mostly doesn't understand) though he's hardly alone here.

That said, Merkel hasn't had an original idea in how many decades now? She's all about 1980s answers to 2010's questions and they don't work anymore.

What's her endgame with the ongoing economic stagnation of the South?
What's her endgame with dealing with the fact that many, many, manor more people would like to live in Europe than Europe can reasonably accomadate?

What's her endgame on a bellicose Russia that's greedily eying its neighbors' lands?

She's all steady state and kicking the can down the road. It's time for her to say goodbye so that a newer generation of less fossilized leaders can take the wheel.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
25 Jun 2018 /  #69
You still repeat your arguments even after someone points to out time and time again how utterly wrong they are.

How 'utterly wrong' are his arguments? Can you name a couple?
Crow  154 | 9525  
25 Jun 2018 /  #70
What's her endgame on a bellicose Russia that's greedily eying its neighbors' lands?

mafe, international order is destroyed. Can you comprehend that? Destroyed by NATO and EU. By them, not by Russia. Is your brain capable to understand? Is it? Situation is so grave in reality that, if you live in Europe, one morning you can wake up as citizen of Russia. Just like that. Comprendo?

NATO and EU, by their actions, declared war to Russia. Now, who knows what Russia can do as retaliation. Nobody knows. That is why even that moron Yeltzin said that nothing can`t be same after NATO/EU attack on Yugoslavia and Serbia. And really, everything changed since then and still changing. Even so, NATO and EU didn`t stop with Yugoslavia and Serbia. They continued. And now, some people are surprised. Nonsense.

Open EU`s and NATO`s support to Nazis and radical Muslims when that suits to them is politics that would Russia punish and already punishing. I say, thank God for that.

No, not that Russia is perfect. It isn`t but, EU and NATO just crossed every red line.
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
25 Jun 2018 /  #71
@Bratwurst Boy,

Not sure I agree with your assessment prior that Germans are no more conservative etc. than any other Europeans. On the one hand, they've sadly bent over backwards to become so liberal, that their brains have fallen out vis-a-vis this migrant business. On the other hand, growing movements such as AfD and PEGIDA indicate a growing dissatisfaction with the liberal "business as usual" agenda which many feel is destroying the social and cultural fabric of German aka Western European society!

The French for example have been back peddling (einen Rueckzieher gemacht) some since Marine Le Pen's out of the immediate picture and Macron assumed power. England too under PM May has attempted a centrist posture, at least for a while.

Germany though remains polarized between those who support Merkel vs. those who support the positions of the likes of Hungary's Orban and Poland's Duda.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
25 Jun 2018 /  #72
No, not that Russia is perfect. It isn`t but, EU and NATO just crossed every red line.

Perfect one-line summary.

Your problem here is that you are talking to children with their index fingers solidly in their ears, machine-gun screaming - na na na na ....
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
25 Jun 2018 /  #73
EU and NATO just crossed every red line....

..which is why the Continent is in such turmoil at present and there's a Brexit!!

Kind of a no-brainer, guys, doesn't take much of a pundit to figure that one out:-)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
25 Jun 2018 /  #74
..which is why the Continent is in such turmoil at present and there's a Brexit!!

Europe is in such turmoil becasue NATO's attention is somewhere else instead of where it should be - NATO's own borders and the sewer pouring in through that border.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
25 Jun 2018 /  #75
EU and NATO just crossed every red line..

Don't forget to mention why the continent is really in such disarray at the moment. The refugees and migrants didn't show up on Europe's doorstep overnight and without reason. There's a handful of nations which were (and keep) meddling in the Middle East and Africa, which started a few wars and toppled a few dictators to spread "democracy" and sell a boatload of weapons. That's where all the mess started - not with Merkel.
Crow  154 | 9525  
25 Jun 2018 /  #76
Now we have dialogue here, my people. Now we progress.

Reasons for sh** in Europe right now is greed and, I don`t know, maybe some deeper idiotism of NATO and EU leading countries. Rather, some, only to them known plan.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
25 Jun 2018 /  #77
... and sell a boatload of weapons.

It's easy to do both sell weapons and keep the useless hordes away - if you have brains like Russia. Who forces Western Euros to (1) "save" boatloads of blacks, and (2) BRING THEM TO EUROPE! Now, how stupid is THAT!
TheOther  6 | 3596  
25 Jun 2018 /  #78
That is indeed stupid, but it doesn't answer the question why these people leave their homes and families, indebt themselves to pay off a criminal smuggler and risk their lives to cross the Mediterranean in the first place. Free handouts in Europe, or could it be that their home countries are so dirt poor and war torn that they don't have a future there? Which brings us back to the meddling of certain nations.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
25 Jun 2018 /  #79
That is indeed stupid, but it doesn't answer the question why these people leave their homes and families

Oh, it sure does answer all of that very well.

You see, there is 6 billion useless people out there living at the bottom. They all want to come to the US or EU for that welfare check. Lucky for us, the US is harder to reach. EU is easier and stupider.

Once the news spread that EU is wide open, they up and go. That factory you want to build in some sub-Saharan s***hole would not pay anywhere near as much as what Germany pays the refugees for doing nothing.

See how simple it is?
mafketis  38 | 11127  
25 Jun 2018 /  #80
could it be that their home countries are so dirt poor and war torn that they don't have a future there?

Actually Senegal (peaceful and pretty prosperous for a Sub-Saharan country is a very big supplier of human trafficking customers. A lot of the migration is fueled by peer pressure. An improved economy tends to increase emigration in poor countries.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
25 Jun 2018 /  #81
You see, there is 6 billion ... people out there living at the bottom.

You see, and that's our problem right there. Uncontrollable population growth in the third and second world. You won't stop these people from moving north unless you start a nice little nuclear war or become a genocidal animal like Adolf. Cutting back welfare payments in Europe might slow the current development down for a while, but it won't stop it. Especially when you consider that many new arrivals in Europe are actually war refugees and not economic migrants. So what do you suggest as a solution? Serious answer, please.


You have to take a look at each and every European country and where their migrants came from. The picture in France looks completely different to the one in Spain, the U.K. or Germany for example.

An improved economy tends to increase emigration in poor countries.

There's an interesting article about this here:


They bring up some important points, although I disagree with their conclusion that "African migration to Europe is an opportunity." We still can't run away from this problem.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
25 Jun 2018 /  #82
Which is exactly what Merkel et al's policies are based on, metaphorically trying to pretend it's not a huge problem.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
25 Jun 2018 /  #83
We still can't run away from this problem.

We can't and we shouldn't. But we should rethink the old automatisms which just don't seem to work anymore.

Don't forget all that emigration is also a massive brain drain from these countries. Sometimes it seems as if EVERYBODY able and skilled enough is moving out, in search of the land of milk and honey (Europe). What's left are the weak and unable. How on Earth can Africa ever rebuild itself if that continues?

If you think it through, what would happen if Europe closed itself off? What would that mean for Africa if these young men don't have that alternative anymore...will they at least start to think about a change in their home countries? When all that angry energy doesn't has that easy let-out anymore?

Western money isn't going to help much either...I don't have the exact numbers but it should be many, many BILLIONS by now, alot more than Europe got after the total destruction after WWII. Do yo have the feeling it helped to make Africa a better place during the last decades? I don't. So that whole concept needs to be rethought too IMHO...

New ideas are asked for!
mafketis  38 | 11127  
25 Jun 2018 /  #84
emigration is also a massive brain drain from these countries

that's the end result of globalization, there are winner places where everyone wants to be and loser places where anyone who can leaves, it's an unstable and unsustainable model but no one wants to talk about it...

Africa a better place during the last decades?

Africa is a tiny bit better than it used to be when the US and USSR were busy overthrowing any government that showed competence but followed the 'wrong' ideology. But it's mostly still kind of crappy and it's mostly that way because that's what African values tend to lead to...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
25 Jun 2018 /  #85
that's the end result of globalization, there are winner places where everyone wants to be and loser places where anyone who can leaves

An acceptable end can then logically only be that the "losers places" get upgraded...but how? Again, money isn't going to cut it IMHO...
cms neuf  2 | 1810  
25 Jun 2018 /  #86
Well yes but the most loser countries include Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya etc all of which have been subject to disastrous interference from the Winner countries (and not Germany either!)
mafketis  38 | 11127  
25 Jun 2018 /  #87
Let me be clear, I hate the neocons behind those disastrous intervention worse than the nazis and communists put together but none of the countries were doing well before the interventions either - they just made really bad situations worse rather than making okay situations bad...

But none of those are the source of the biggest, most worrying migration now which is made up of Sub Saharan Africans almost none of whom have any realistic prospects in Europe beyond welfare, menial labor, flogging pirate goods on the street and crime.
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
25 Jun 2018 /  #88
Those factors you mentioned, TheOther, certainly have contributed to the whole mess, that's for sure, no two ways about it.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
25 Jun 2018 /  #89
there are winner places where everyone wants to be and loser places where anyone who can leaves

So the United States - an immigrant country which still attracts some of the best talent from all over the world - is built on an unsustainable model? If we would stop immigration completely, we would be toast within a decade.

...emigration is also a massive brain drain from these countries

Yes, in a way it's a different form of colonialism. In the past we extracted resources, now we siphon off the best and brightest of the developing world.

New ideas are asked for!

Not a new idea, but I believe that investing in these countries is still the best way to deal with the crisis. The west should stop handing out foreign aid though, because that money will almost certainly end up in the hands of some corrupt politician.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
25 Jun 2018 /  #90
Uncontrollable population growth in the third and second world

Where they stick it in and how often can be controlled.

Yes, we can stop them. Why do you think the US democraps and their illegal scum are up in arms about Trump and his wall? Beacuse the wall will NOT work?

How many crossed the DMZ? Any nukes there? No, just a fence and mean dudes. Have you seen the one in Israel? I love it. My desktop.

I would volunteer to stand guard at the Mexican border today, but not to help change diapers.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Genealogy / Angela Merkel is partially Polish. Her family name could be KaźmierczakArchived