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Ancient placenames/names that could be in connection with Proto-Slavs, old Poles

Crow  154 | 9463  
1 Aug 2010 /  #1
This is about place names/ethnic or tribal names/river designations... that could be connected with ancient Proto-Slavs and/or early Poles.

let me start with two place names

Bylazora (217-168 BC) - Macedonia, Balkan, South-Eastern Europe


Bylazora or Vylazora was a Paionian city from the period of early classic antiquity. It is located in Ovèe Pole, a valley in the Republic of Macedonia, 4 km away from present day Sveti Nikole. It was a large city, with an area of about 19 hectares.

According to experts, there are two significant dates related to the relations between ancient Macedonia and Bylazora: The first is 217 B.C. when king Philip V of Macedonia reconstructed its fortifications; The second is 168 B.C. when king Perseus of Macedonia, during the Third Macedonian War, arranged military support from the Gauls who were camping nearby, in defending the city against the Romans.

NOTE: Most probably that place name was Bylazora. But, no matter was it originally Bylazora or Vylazora both words could be explained by the Slavic languages.

prefixes in Serbian >>> Byla/Vyla = White/Fairy in Eng.
suffix in Serb. >>> zora = morning in Eng.

So, place name in Serbian has meaning >>> White morning / Morning fairy

Troy/Trojans/Trojan War (1334-1184 BC) - Anatolia


Ancient Greek historians placed the Trojan War variously in our 12th, 13th, or 14th century BC: Eratosthenes to 1184 BC, Herodotus to 1250 BC, Duris of Samos to 1334 BC. Modern archaeologists associate Homeric Troy with archaeological Troy VII.

NOTE: Word Troy that is by Greeks and Romans recorded as Troia/Trōia, from the point of view of Slavic languages could be simple translated as Three or Third. It possible referred on three hills where town was built or possible on old Slavic God Triglav (Three-heads) that was often seen as three-headed God that looks on three sides of the World. Considering that ancient towns regularly were built on the tops of the hills it is quite possible that Troy was built on the hill that previously was dedicated/named after Triglav God or even city of Troy itself was dedicated to Triglav, to three-headed God.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
1 Aug 2010 /  #2
Interesting topic. Here some info on some large rivers flowing in and through Ukraine:


Desna is a river in Russia and Ukraine, left tributary of the Dnieper. The word means "right hand" in the Old East Slavic language.


I know that in the "Creed" prayer where Jesus Christ is mentioned sitting next to his Father to the right in Old Slavic "o desnuyu" is used. I think some Slavic nations still keep this word for the right side.
OP Crow  154 | 9463  
1 Aug 2010 /  #3
Desna is a river in Russia and Ukraine, left tributary of the Dnieper. The word means "right hand" in the Old East Slavic language.

i can confirm that in Serbian language DESNA means simple `right` (in Eng.) meaning `right side` (DESNA STRANA), referring on direction.

The name Dnieper is derived from Sarmatian Dānu apara "the river on the far side"

DNIEPER reminds me on Serbian DAN (day) in its poetical form used in some poems `DNI` or `DNE`

very interesting.

The river is mentioned by the Ancient Greek historian Herodotus in the fifth century BC as Borysthenes

and this is also interesting. Very interesting. `Borysthenes` could be in modern day Serbian simple translated as `stones (hills/ even mountains) that clash` /probably with each others/. Now, if we can confirm that Dniper has some significant gorge, we can clearly notice logic of name `Borysthenes` from the angle of Serbian language.

Speaking of ancient river designations take name of Danube River for example. Old, previous name for Danube was `Ister`. Translated in Serbian ISTER means practically same as IZVOR `spring` (in Eng.). But directly, ISTER is prefix of `ISTER-ATI` (isterati) meaning in Serbian `to drive out` (in Eng.). i would say, logical name for huge and serious river such is Danube.

ISTER could also derive or stay in correlation with word ISTRAJAN (in Serb.) meaning (in Eng.) `constant/steady` or `to be steady/to persist`. Now, in Serbian ISTRAJAN has almost identical meaning with word UPORAN that is `obstinate/wilful` (in Eng.).

`Danube` (DUNAV in Serbian) name for itself sound very Slavic to me, same as `Ister` name. Just, i would say that DUNAV coming from Serbian/Slavic word `DUVATI` meaning `to blow` in Eng. i even see similar logic in older name `Ister` and newer name `Dunav`. See,.. if we know that Danube is famous for the winds that blow along the river we understand that ISTER (to drive out) could mean `to drive out the wind` what is same as `DUNAV` that could be understand in wide sense (or in logic of ancient people) as `to blow the wind`.

Danube - longest European river


Spot this quotation >>>

One theory ultimately derives all these variations to the Celtic word *dānu, meaning "to flow/wift, rapid, violent, undisciplined". Other theories derive the name from an Indic root (cf. Danu (Asura) that has contributed the names of all other major rivers emptying into the Black Sea, such as the Don, Donets, Dnieper and Dniestr). Ancient Greek Istros was a borrowing from Thracian/Dacian meaning "strong, swift", akin to Sanskrit is.iras "swift", Ancient Greek ἱ (hierós) "strong, sacred".

NOTE: what we see from above quotation (and from above link about Dnieper River) is that Celtic and Sarmatian linguistics had similar or even same logic. From quotation we also can learn that old Greeks borrowed word `Istros` from Thracians/Dacians (LOOK UP ON MY COMMENT where is `Ister` described as `constant/steady` or `to be steady/to persist` in modern day Serbian (Slavic) language). So, we can recognize identical logic in Sarmatian, Celtic, Thracian, Dacian, Sanskrit and Serbian (Slavic) language.

later more on this
Nathan  18 | 1349  
2 Aug 2010 /  #4
i can confirm that in Serbian language DESNA means simple `right` (in Eng.) meaning `right side` (DESNA STRANA), referring on direction.

Interesting, so you kept the old form for "right" then.

could mean `to drive out the wind` what is same as `DUNAV` that could be understand in wide sense (or in logic of ancient people) as `to blow the wind`.

Or basically, to fart ;) In Ukrainian "dunuty" means to blow (e.g. wind). And I bet in many other Slavic languages it will sound similaly.
OP Crow  154 | 9463  
6 Aug 2010 /  #5
Or basically, to fart ;) In Ukrainian "dunuty" means to blow (e.g. wind). And I bet in many other Slavic languages it will sound similaly.

in Serbian this is >>>

DUNUTI or DUVATI (to blow). But, it isn`t in connection with `fart`. One may say `Vetar duva` (Wind blow) or for example `Ti duvaš` /read `duvash`/ (You blow), referring on `You blow with your mouth`

but you have...

PRDETI >>> `fart/to fart` but for the same meaning you may say in Serbian `Ti imaš vetrove` (You have the winds/You fart). Here `fart` stays in correlation with `winds`.

Origin of Berlin


Berlin was a Polish city or at least western Slavic in origin.

any Serbian would tell you that Berlin sound him as `BRLOG` (in modern day Serbian language) that as designation stays in close connection with the word `swamp` (in Serb. `bara` or `moèvara` /read as mochvara/) >>>

Berlin the name

The city Berlin has a Slavic not a German name. Think about Berlin how it is similar to the city of Lublin. It does not have a 'burg' or other Germanic endings. I think it comes from an old Slavic word meaning bog or marsh. The slavic languages have words that sound like 'berl' or 'brlog'. Meaning fishing village or bog or swamp/meadow. The etymology of Brandenburg comes from Slavic 'brenna' also meaning swamp. It is 100% Slavic not German, ironically.

Slavic names in Berlin names

In fact today in section of the city there are street names with Slavic sounds and names as a legacy to their founders the Slavic people.


on a first sight, one must notice obvious Slavic tone of the name. It sound very Slavic to me and it means that i immediately connect name with the meaning of the name and that complete picture has logic to me.

Among Slavs name of Tara is regularly used as designation for hill or mountain (for example, there is mountain `Tara` in Serbia and in Montenegro). Speaking from the angle of Slavic languages (particularly Serbian) i would say that word TARA as designation from hill/mountain coming from a word OTIRATI (`to wipe off` in Eng.) that has its other form/verb where word evolve - for example `Ja tarem` (what in English translation means `I scratch`).

Do you see the logic? See,... in the eyes of ancient people (Proto Slavs) top of the hill or mountain `scratching` the sky. So, for the top of big hills/mountains they used word TARA. Ultimately, word TARA from the Slavic languages in English must be translated as `top of the hill that scratch the sky`.

Among Serbs, even these days, some people still choose name of `Tara` for their daughters. `Tara` as personal name is very archaic.

Now, after we understand that modern day Serbs still using that old original and universal name of all Slavs- Sarmatian name, i could be able to show many more interesting things to all of you who seek to investigate deepest history of Poland.

Many of you heard for so called hyperboreans, for Aryans mentioned in Indian Rg veda texts. i think that in old Poland they were known as Ariets. Anyway, those Aryans were in fact Proto-Slavs, our Slavic ancestors (BDW, that is biggets public secret of Europe, absolutely politically incorrect truth). Just, in time when Rg Veda manuscripts were written our ancestors still used their older name- based on some form of modern day Serbian name, known as Sarmatian name.

See, story of Vedic Aryans in nothing but story of Proto-Slavs. Insight in just one tragic episode from Slavic past, in time when our ancestors retreated from their eastern most outposts/territories (due to attack by darker people and due to natural catastrophes). You know, realm, culture and language of our ancestors was speared from the western Europe to the Ind River. Not only that Slavs aren`t newcomers to Europe but, their expansion actually started from Europe, from the Balkan-Baltic Danubian line, from that ancient Ister River.

Name of Serbians (Sarmatin name) was/is only ethnic name of Western world, only ethnic designation of Whites ever mentioned in ancient Rg Veda texts.

This post goes for all the Poles who wants to learn about Sarmatins that lived 1500-3000 years BC. Enjoy >>> /name of Serbians read as Sarmatians/ >>> /Srbinda- superlative form of Serbian name/ >>>

First appearance of serbian name is in Rig Veda - ancient religious sanskrit text (3000-1500 b.c.) in book VIII., 32., 2.:
"Strong God, he slew Anarsani, Srbinda, Pipru, and the friend, Ahisuva, and loosed the floods." From all the European peoples the Serbs are the only race from the construction of the wording of their name, according to the Austrian sanskritologist Walter Wust who are composed in the Vedic hymns as the characteristic SRBINDA, in which almost letter to letter is identical to the modern form SRBENDA used by Balkan Serbs.


next post is comparison between Serbian/Slavic languages and English language, on one simple example. Slavic languages are obviously much older. Designations for cousins (for people that are in blood line) is very good indication for deep roots of one language (because one language needs a lot of time to invent diverse list of words for all kind of cousins).

spot this list of designations for cousins in Serbian language. i would like that somebody offer alternative list in Polish language >>>

1. sin (Srb.) --- son (Eng.)
2. otac/tata --- father
3. deda/djed --- grandfather
4. pradeda --- grand-grand father
5. cukundeda (read - chukundeda) --- after grand-grand father
6. askurdjel --- next step in blood line
7. sukurdjel --- next step
8. rebalo --- next
9. kurebalo --- next
10. beli orao (meaning- `white eagle` in Eng.)--- next

This is what every Serbian child learn very early considering that every Serbian house hold to its family/clan tree. Faith in our ancestors saved Serbians in time when we were under foreign occupation. Serbs are only Slavs that still worship SLAVA, ancient Slavic family custom, in its Christianized form.
ender  5 | 394  
9 Jul 2011 /  #6
You Balkan simpletons have nothing in common with us.

What do you mean by us there is no us. Your knowledge of Polish is medium,your knowledge of Polish culture is low, your attitude toward Polish is low then there is no us. Crows has more rights to use us then you.

That is true how many similarities are in Slav languages we can still talk and understand each other on certain level of course. Fact is our languages drifts more and more apart. Good example from Polish side is word island-wyspa some Poles knows that ostrów mean exactly the same and it's a Slavic 'ostrov' some other Slavic expressions are preserved in Polish only.


The meaning of Slavic people means famous people, Slava means fame. Real slavic names always ends with slav, For example Mieczyslaw, Boleslaw, Radoslaw, Przemyslaw.
And, don't forget the women please:
Radosława, Bogusława, Stanisława, Mieczysława, Wiesława, Przemysława, Lesława, Mirosława just to mention a few. I doubt if there are any babies named like that now...

Also, an old slavic greeting when people met or parted was: Sława Bogu (Glory to God).
My grandmother was Stanisława from father's side, and grandfather Stanisław from mother's side. cole slaw too.

OP Crow  154 | 9463  
21 Jan 2018 /  #7

Remnants of the ancients uncovered in Siberia, earliest Scythian (ie Sarmatian) prince tomb, 9th century BC

Important founding for examination of history of our common Slavic (ie Sarmatian, ie Scythian) ancestors had been found in Russia, in Siberia. Intact tomb of Scythian prince that lived in a 9th century BC.

Massive Tomb Of A Badass Scythian Prince Found In Siberia

Although this particular burial tomb has not been fully excavated yet, Scythians were typically buried alongside their prized possessions, such as their weapons, fur-lined clothing, horse's harnesses, and heaps of solid gold jewelry.

Caspari added: "We have a great opportunity here... If we're lucky, we might even find some well-preserved wood carvings or carpets under the stones, or perhaps an ice mummy."

Archives - 2010-2019 / Genealogy / Ancient placenames/names that could be in connection with Proto-Slavs, old PolesArchived