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Have Polish Women been Poisoned Yet to Hate Men.

johnny reb  46 | 7613  
2 Oct 2018 /  #1
Has it made it to Poland yet ?
The Liberal "Me Too Movement" has got the women on the war path hating men.
They have been poisoned by this Feminist Movement to Punish ALL men.
They got sexually abused and now they want to punish ALL men for it.
Seriously there was even one tweet going around for women to divorce their Conservative husbands and take him for everything he has to punish him.

(Google it for yourself, you can't make this stuff up)
These women want to Shame all men because it was All men's fault that they got abused.
I have noticed a couple of Man Haters here on this forum so it made me wonder if the women in the E.U. have been poisoned with this mental disability/ sickness yet.
DominicB  - | 2706  
2 Oct 2018 /  #2
If you want to cry in your beer over your political worries, a good person to spend time with is Brett Kavanaugh. He LOVES beer.

But there's nothing manly in crying in your beer, is there?
Sparks11  - | 333  
2 Oct 2018 /  #3
I agree, go be a man, man. If you dont like what someone is putting out, ignore them. You do you, if the ladies dig it they'll respond positively.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
2 Oct 2018 /  #4
The women in America have been poisoned by this mental disorder/sickness.
They have been conditioned to abuse men anyway they can if they are looked at them wrong.

If you want to cry in your beer over your political worries, a good person to spend time with is Brett Kavanaugh. He LOVES beer.

Good case and point, because a man that admits he enjoys drinking beer suddenly gets labeled as a rapist on mere hearsay from 37 years ago.

What was a 15 year old girl doing enjoying beer every week-end, all summer, going to beer parties wearing a swimming suit and then 37 years later have guilt about it so she decides to destroy a very prominent mans family and career to promote her Democratic agenda which is to stop a conservative judge from becoming a Supreme Court Justice in doing so.

This has become a sickness or fetish or mental illness or what ever the name is for it.
I was just wondering if the Man Haters Movement (referred to as the "Me Too Movement") had spread to the women in Poland yet.
cms neuf  1 | 1752  
2 Oct 2018 /  #5
What was she doing wearing a swimsuit ?

Dunno but maybe she planned on going swimming
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
2 Oct 2018 /  #6
Yes, a 15 year old girl drinking beer with 17 year old boys always wants to go swimming and then claim 37 years later she was sexually assault even though her swimsuit was NOT removed by anyone.

Does this happen in Poland often ?
And if it did how would the authorities handle it without a good chuckle.
cms neuf  1 | 1752  
2 Oct 2018 /  #7
Dunno but when I was 17 I often went to parties where some of the girls would be 15. There was beer there and sometimes weed. Nothing unusual.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027  
2 Oct 2018 /  #8
The fact is that this was a long time ago....these were kids of 15 an 17 years of age...we all know this **** happens with kids..

The question is,why is this being brought up now?
And for who's benefit?
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
3 Oct 2018 /  #9
There was beer there and sometimes weed. Nothing unusual.

What was unusual is that if this did happen to her at one of these party's Why did she continue to attend them all summer ?

Unless she enjoyed it.
Have you seen this yet ?
Oh My My !
It isn't looking good for her at this point.
Is this how Ford 'remembers' assault ?

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
3 Oct 2018 /  #10
Has it made it to Poland yet ?

No. Women arent like that in poland. Traditional gender roles are still very much embraced. Women in poland act feminine not all butch like many do in the us and dont have this hatred of men. Even to the more feminist ones that means basically being independent. But not some crazy far left man hating **** like usa. Women in poland embrace their femininity and act pretty traditional. Most poles men and women are socially conservative. Even those who are advanced in their career life still act like a wife or gf and take care of their man, cook, clean, rear the kids, etc. At the same time though many probably most younger women are pro choice
Slavictor  6 | 193  
3 Oct 2018 /  #11
ask/see off-topic

But to answer the OP's question in the interim; hopefully not yet, but they're working on it. It's one of the "benefits" to Poland of associating itself with American culture, which is itself a carrier of the contagious malignancy of cultural marxism.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
3 Oct 2018 /  #12
Polish girls are just too smart to become feminists. Feminism mostly benefits unattractive women that would have little chance to find an attractive match on a free dating market
cms neuf  1 | 1752  
4 Oct 2018 /  #13
You a married man Spike ? Have any daughters?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
4 Oct 2018 /  #14
Polish girls are just too smart to become feminists.

oh don't be stupid.

So tell me Spike, if you had a daughter, would you be happy for her to have a limited choice of study subjects, and for her to be sexually harassed by spotty oiks ?

If yes, then you are a knut. if no, then you are a feminist. Take your pick.

" These women want to Shame all men "

aww poor poor men, they might get ^shamed^. Women worry about men killing and / or raping them. Men worry that they might get shamed. Work it out for yourself.

JR it is perfectly obvious who you were before.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
4 Oct 2018 /  #15
Ah come Love, you know you are my favorite.
I guess I was not clear in my original post.
What I was referring to is the Neo Commie Feminists.
The ones that I would compare to an abusive alcoholic man.
The ones that GLARE at a man if they even look at them and ALWAYS have a snotty ass attitude no matter what you say to them.

Man, "you look very nice today mam."
The ones that shout, "LISTEN TO ME NOW, LISTEN TO ME ROAR, I AM WOMAN !"
Those type of Neo Com Feminist like Spike described.
No wonder they can't get a date and then wonder why no man even wants to be around them in the same respect as any decent woman would want to be around a drunk man.

I have much respect for a 'LADY feminist' that is independent, intelligent and strong like you Roz.
You have raised your children by YOURSELF, you educated YOURSELF, you have worked to support YOURSELF and you can hold your own with the dip s**ts here that abuse you.

I apologize that I was not more clear.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
5 Oct 2018 /  #16
Women are their own enemies. They lie, exaggerate, shriek, and vote mostly for liberal loons. After Kavanaugh, I will believe one only after she files a criminal complaint with the police, testifies during trail and the guy is found guilty. Two drunks f****** is not rape.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
5 Oct 2018 /  #17
Ah come Love, you know you are my favorite.

1. do not call me 'love'. Ever. I have had to tell you this before. Why are you not listening?

2. I am not a 'lady'..:):) I wear a checked shirt, Levi's, dealer boots, and smoke a pipe, remember?

3. You remind me of a racist, who tells his one black 'friend' that he is OK, not like 'the others'..:):)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
5 Oct 2018 /  #18
And there it goes rofl.

Women are their own enemies. They lie, exaggerate, shriek, and vote mostly for liberal loons.

Theyre just brainwashed thinking they have to act a certain way because media said so and if they act feminine and like a woman is supposed to they're weak.

Speaking of polish woman, last night i was at the bar and there was an mma fight on with two polish women. Never imagined id see that when i was younger. Usually fights either involved pulling of hair or wrestling in mud or jello for males amusement.
5 Oct 2018 /  #19
I think everyone should be taken and judged on their own merits.

That said, the Polish girls I've met have been very frosty. But I did ask a Polish guy at work and he said they don't respect gentle men. He said you have to take charge of Polish women. I don't know how true that is.

As an English guy, the physical beauty of Polish girls does intimidate me, because in England, such beautiful women usually have horrible personalities and are spoiled.

But the same Polish guy at work told me "these are normal women, in Poland there are much more beautiful women"

My mother was a very cold, frosty, tough woman because of how my grandmother raised her.

What I have observed is that Polish women really like Asian(Pakistani) men. perhaps it's because of their dominant nature in Islam.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
5 Oct 2018 /  #20
Dirky have you not heard of irony? (clue it is not what your mum does to your clothes)

there were two girls scrapping in the dirt at the horse sale last month...it was a hot day and one of them was wearing horsey trousers , boots, and a tiny bra top...

you can guess what happened next...OMG nobody there could look away...lol, lol, I have never seen farmers so excited....

whoever said that horsey women were rich and classy was soooo wrong...:D:D
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
5 Oct 2018 /  #21
he said they don't respect gentle men. He said you have to take charge of Polish women. I don't know how true that is.

That is true. Poland is a traditional socially conservative country. Polish women go for real men, not the beta soy boys encountered all over western nations. Polish women don't go for limp wristed pencil neck faggots. If you're not a real man polish women will roll right over you.

because in England, such beautiful women usually have horrible personalities and are spoiled.

Theres very few of those in uk.

What I have observed is that Polish women really like Asian(Pakistani) men. perhaps it's because of their dominant nature in Islam.

In poland thats more to do with the fact that pakis work in it and make more than the average. Polish women are very materialistic and theyll use their looks to find such a guy and bleed him dry, then move on.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
5 Oct 2018 /  #22
Lets stick to the subject matter here of the Neo Natzi Man Hating Wide Bottom Feminists that never smile, have a boys haircut, can't take a compliment, always have an attitude, demand to be in charge of men by intimidation, think all men must be punished and want to turn all males into asexual pansy ass fems.

3. You remind me of a racist, who tells his one black 'friend' that he is OK, not like 'the others'..:):)

Correct Roz, does that make me a racist because I tell my Black friends and neighbors that they are o.k. but the rest of the Hood Blacks that sell hard drugs, prostitute their girlfriends and little sisters and shoot each other are not o.k. ? Come on.......
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
5 Oct 2018 /  #23
Women hating men is just an excuse and a deflection from the real sources of their miseries.
Women hate other women more. Just watch Bravo.
They also hate themselves. Anyone who thinks that is not true, just look at that moron and, if you are a guy, ask yourself this question: how much would have to hate yourself to take a load of lard and stick it in your ass. Or your tits. Or your lips. Relocate your brows. And voluntarily submit yourself to the "years of abuse".

Crnogorac3  3 | 658  
5 Oct 2018 /  #24
Tweets of Sarah Jeong - new columnist of the New York Times:



OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
5 Oct 2018 /  #25
a deflection from the real sources of their miseries.

This is very true Rich, they are so miserable that they want other women to join them so they will have someone to share their misery and hate with.

Eventually you end up with a bunch of miserable man hating women that are out to shame and punish men for anything and everything.
They even have labeled men with, "Toxic men".
No doubt it is a mental imbalance that hasn't got a name yet.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
5 Oct 2018 /  #26
Id love to see the women complaining about muh rights mub equality especially the ninjas go to an arab country even the sandbox from where they came and do the same thing
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
6 Oct 2018 /  #27
No doubt it is a mental imbalance that hasn't got a name yet.

While watching the "protesters", I again realized why so few women are in the positions of authority, including network evening news: it's their high-pitch, shrieking and loud voices. There must be some research that connects the sounds they emit with the violence they suffer at home.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
6 Oct 2018 /  #28
California now passed a law that requires companies to have women on their boards or face serious fines. Its a shame that a person who has far more merit wont get a job over a less qualified person because theyre not a woman, minority, etc. In every company ive worked at it was clear who the diversity hires were. And it was always the same. The management knew they couldnt handle the same responsibilities as the other staff and even when theyd screw up the simplest tasks they were scared to let them go. In one instance a black woman was fired. No it wasn't her constantly playing on her phone, never hitting quota, being extremely rude to the boss.. she instead accused the boss of firing her bc he didnt like black women... i think you can imagine how the she reacted at tge news.

Then again there is opportunity for white males. In a certain chicago suburb interest free grants 30k and above are given our for minority and women owned companies. Its easy to convince a crackhead to make a company in their name and make them ceo, give em a few bucks, take the grant, make a few poor business decisions, declare bankruptcy. Happens all the time and theyre not suspicious because they dont expecr these businesses to be successful. Its the age old liberal mindset - help out minorities because theyre incapable of helping themselves. Yet they call conservatives the racist ones...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
6 Oct 2018 /  #29
It's the age old liberal mindset - help out minorities because they are incapable of helping themselves. Yet they call conservatives the racist ones...

They can call me all they want. When my ass in on the line, nothing matters.
Since I have no idea which one is real and which one is the product of affirmative action, there is no way I will let a black doctor get near me.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7613  
6 Oct 2018 /  #30
including network evening news

Actually those women are highly educated knockouts that have sided with Trump and common sense.
They can get any man they want so no need for them to stoop to being a man hater.

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