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I thought Polish beer couldn't compete, but I was wrong

sobieski  106 | 2111  
7 Aug 2010 /  #1
I was always thinking that Polish beer in no way can compete with the beers and breweries from my native Flanders... But since a few days I start to like cold Lech :)
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
7 Aug 2010 /  #2
One of the benefits of multiculturalism is the preponderance of wonderful beer from around the world. Today, for example, I picked up a couple of cans of Sapporo (Japan), 8 cans of Guinness (from the Emerald Isle), 6 bottles of some Miller Lime Beer (Amerika), and a couple of Ozujsko from Croatia. They all have their merits.
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Aug 2010 /  #3
But since a few days I start to like cold Lech :)

It's because you're an alcoholic, trust me, we all give in at some point. You were just able to mask it with good beer in the past :)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
7 Aug 2010 /  #4
But since a few days I start to like cold Lech :)

maybe you succumbed to the Lech commercial in front of Wawel;)
OP sobieski  106 | 2111  
8 Aug 2010 /  #5
You might have a point there of course :)
Still if I would live in Kraków, cold Lech would be my favourite :)
That said, I think Polish beer is pretty awful :(
beckski  12 | 1609  
8 Aug 2010 /  #6
I think Polish beer is pretty awful

I'll have to be a judge of that idea, in just a few more days, lol.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
8 Aug 2010 /  #7
I like Żywiec no matter what anybody also says. Speaking of Zimny Lech sign on Wawel it was (is?) a pretty clever marketing move but a cruel one at the same time. I'm sure it makes some people smile and some very angry. Well, commercials are about stirring emotions and it was accomplished.

I don't think I've ever had Lech but now I'm going to buy it. :)

Heve fun in Poland Beckski!
plk123  8 | 4120  
8 Aug 2010 /  #8
Zywiec of course is the king of polish beers.. i drink okocim on occasion too and lately even tyskie which is actually darn tasty. sto lat. :)
beckski  12 | 1609  
8 Aug 2010 /  #9
Heve fun in Poland Beckski!

Thanks Eurola! I plan on sampling a few bottles of good Polish piwo during my trip.
OP sobieski  106 | 2111  
8 Aug 2010 /  #10
I heard £omża has to be pretty good, have not tried it yet.
The best beer I remember in Poland was from the brewery Śpiż on the Rynek in Wrocław.
I have no idea if they are still in business but the beer was truly very good.

As for Lech - I agree that it was a bit controversial advertisement. On the other side PIS was reacting in its usual paranoid fashion. Anyway for the brewery - mission accomplished :)
13 Jan 2016 /  #11
moved from

Chech canadian : Czech beers which are just wonderful in taste and in my opinion

No wonder that the Czech Republic is the leader in beer drinking per capita. ....
As for me I like Old Gambrinus Dark (czech) beer, can drink a bucket or two... then I usually reread The Adventures of the Good Soldier Švejk relistening over and over again to Karel Gott's Kdepak, Ty Ptaèku, Hnizdo Maš . Impossible to pass time in a more pleasant way...... highly recommended for general public here

Love Czech Dark beers - hard ot get, but worth it
czech_canadian  8 | 32  
13 Jan 2016 /  #12

I only drink Kozel here in Warsaw (both lager and the dark one) but they are available at only few convenience stores. I just refuse to drink Polish beer - sorry :-)

Otherwise in Czech I prefer beer from smaller breweries like Pegas in Brno (prob my favourite out of all), otherwise Staropramen, Gambrinus are good options too :-)
13 Jan 2016 /  #13
delphiandomine: Poles that easily got to B2/C1 in Czech without much effort

yes, but geographical orientation or the location of a person is very important, especially when drinking wonderful Czech beer :

the Polish means

BTW, all the words (polish and czech) in the sentence are etymologically connected but the sense ......
13 Jan 2016 /  #14
I only drink Kozel here in Warsaw (both lager and the dark one) but they are available at only few convenience stores.

I can think of at least two places that have that on tap. And I can also think of at least four places that have far better Czech beer than Kozel!
czech_canadian  8 | 32  
14 Jan 2016 /  #15

yes, but geographical orientation or the location of a person is very important, especially when drinking wonderful Czech beer :

I know :-) Imagine sitting on a rooftop bar / lounge close to the Castle in Prague overlooking the Vltava river and Chalres bridge below, whilst sipping on a fresh draught of beer. There is just no city that comes close to Prague - in terms of its raw beauty (thats my opinion) and fairy-tale like charm.


Oh pelase do tell where they serve Kozel in Warsaw. I would love to try some great new places with good beer. We have been to the Beirut Hummus Beirut bar and I am aware they do have some great craft beers there.
14 Jan 2016 /  #16
where they serve Kozel in Warsaw

The best Kozel I've had in Warsaw is at Ceska (ul. Chmielna 35, behind Galeria Centrum) but frankly it's a waste to drink Kozel there as that place has a Pilsner Urquell tankowy system and thus serves up Mliko, Na dvakrat and Hladinka. Sadly the service is at best somewhat lacking. The only other tankowy system in Warsaw is at Aioli on pl Konstytucji; but that place is best avoided, the Pilsner I had there was undrinkable.

But you'll do far better at Warsaw's pubs that specialise in Czech beer: Czeska Baszta (hard to find, it's hidden under a bridge and smells, but also has the best beer), Czeska Piviarnia (a bit out in the sticks for me but worth the trip if you like Czech beer), Czeska Piviarnia Hospoda (not been, way too far from the centre for me), Warszawa Praha (not been, wrong side of the river). You can see their current offerings here:


My favourite Czech bar is Vyceska. vyceska.pl/menu/drink-menu-2 If it was in the centre I'd be there every week, but it's in the depths of Ursynow, so I've been there three times in the last year.
15 Jan 2016 /  #17
What about orzikova (?). I hate pilsners, so a lot of the local beer falls in that category, but not all!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
15 Jan 2016 /  #18
I only drink Kozel here in Warsaw

There's easily a 100 Polish beers much better than Kozel. What you call "Polish beer" is mass manufactured crap. There are many local breweries next to that crap.
15 Jan 2016 /  #19
There's easily a 100 Polish beers much better than Kozel.

Good God: greggy and I agree on something!!!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Jan 2016 /  #20
... brain cannot compute.

There's easily a 100 Polish beers much better than Kozel.

Why anyone would drink (if given the choice) SABMiller produced rubbish when Poland has so many decent local breweries producing decent stuff is entirely beyond me.

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