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Which type of sausage in Poland is closest to an American kielbasa?

BLS  65 | 188  
5 Jul 2012 /  #1
Hey Poles in America - no doubt you have tasted what Americans call Polish sausage. I'm curious - from which type of kielbasa do you think ours was derived? I realize that this might be sacrilege, but I miss the taste of an American Polish sausage and would like to find something close here in Poland.

My best guess is Śląska, but I haven't tried all the varieties here. Any opinions?
pgtx  29 | 3094  
5 Jul 2012 /  #2
seriously? American sausage is discusting. It doesn't taste like Polish kielbasa at all. Good luck finding it here.

Instead of enjoing delicious Polish sausage, you look for this American crap. yuck.
OP BLS  65 | 188  
5 Jul 2012 /  #3
Exactly how is this constructive? I asked a very specific question, and you gave me an answer to a question I didn't ask. If you're not going to stay on topic, then please keep your opinion to yourself.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
5 Jul 2012 /  #4
ok, so my answer to your question is that it is impossible to find such crappy kielbasa in Poland as it is in the US. i hope it helps. smacznego. blah.
Gruffi_Gummi  - | 106  
5 Jul 2012 /  #5
I realize that this might be sacrilege, but I miss the taste of an American Polish sausage

The American Polish sausage is not bad (grilled, or in bigos). On the other hand, there is a reason why genuine kielbasa from a Polish manufacturer in Chicago costs about 3-4 times more than "Polish Sausage" in grocery stores. Try Wiejska or Śląska or anything that looks appealing :) Also, if you like dry salami, give Krakowska and kabanosy a try.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
5 Jul 2012 /  #6
wiejska, slaska, krakowska and kabanos do not compare to the American crap. it is an insult.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
5 Jul 2012 /  #7
Yet more proof that many Pol-Ams are considered a joke on here. pgtx is right - it's laughable that you would want to find an American-style fake "Polish-style" kielbasa, when the real thing is everywhere you turn. But I imagine that a lot of people would go to Italy and complain that they can't get a "decent" Starbucks-style "coffee"... lol.
nunczka  8 | 457  
5 Jul 2012 /  #8
Bull crap Tex. America has some of the best Polish Kielbasa around. These recipe's have been brought over by the early Immigrants, and improved upon .. It.s true.. There is some junk around. BUT ! , Chicago

Michigan and the north east have the best. Same goes for our Polish music.. Polish music in Poland SUCKS.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
5 Jul 2012 /  #9
sorry nunczka, but i don't agree.
OP BLS  65 | 188  
5 Jul 2012 /  #10
The American Polish sausage

Thank you for being the only constructive post on this thread, GG. I'm out - too many trolls...it's disGusting.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
5 Jul 2012 /  #11
Also, if you like dry salami, give Krakowska and kabanosy a try.

Mmmm Krakowska............You folks get Krajana by you? If so, that what the OP may like?
nunczka  8 | 457  
5 Jul 2012 /  #12
sorry nunczka, but i don't agree.

Ok then.. So we both agree to disagree. Shucks you Poles in Europe still use lard to fry paczki and chruschiki.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
5 Jul 2012 /  #13
Shucks you Poles in Europe still use lard to fry paczki and chruschiki.

Food fight! LOL
Gruffi_Gummi  - | 106  
5 Jul 2012 /  #14
Mmmm Krakowska....

If you live in the U.S. try andysdeli.net. The quality is exceptional, but the prices may make you faint.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
6 Jul 2012 /  #15
The quality is exceptional, but the prices may make you faint

quite a selection. The prices are similar to what I pay here in Jersey.
6 Jul 2012 /  #16
The best pork sausage (wędlina) I ever tried to date, was not in Poland, but at some dive in Greenpoint whose name escapes right now!
beckski  12 | 1609  
6 Jul 2012 /  #17
Hey Poles in America - no doubt you have tasted what Americans call Polish sausage.

Smoked links are the type I see most often, in the supermarkets. More varied choices can usually be purchased at European deli's.
MoOli  9 | 479  
6 Jul 2012 /  #18
you look for this American crap. yuck.

You calling HEBREW NATIONAL Hotdogs yuck? Dude try Nathans:)
pgtx  29 | 3094  
6 Jul 2012 /  #19
Dude, MoOli! i'm not talking about hotdogs. Even Polish hotdogs contain crap. Literally.

Beside the OP question was where he can buy some crappy American sausage in Poland. NOT about Polish sausage in the US.
MoOli  9 | 479  
6 Jul 2012 /  #20
My bad sowee:)
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
6 Jul 2012 /  #21
what Americans call Polish sausage

That stuff you buy at a supermarket is basically a big hot dog. Nothing comparable to a real Kielbasa.
Meathead  5 | 467  
6 Jul 2012 /  #22
No you don't buy polish sausage in a supermarket, always purchased at a Polish Deli. And PGTX don't let those Chicago Polish Deli's get wind of your opinion of their suasage, they wouldn't sell you any! I was raised on the stuff, every Saturday evening, with leftovers during the week, served cold on Augusta rye bread. Sheesh! Man you guys have never lived.
hamtramckPOLE  - | 9  
2 Mar 2013 /  #23
at the polish store i get mine from its listed by its polish name but there really crappy kind u can buy at american store real crap wouldnt feed it to a dog

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