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Food shop of choice in Poland for foreign nosh?

Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
20 Jun 2015 /  #1
Lidl is convenient for me....

They are having an Italian week at the mo. My question: Has anybody eaten their Italian grub? All I get off the net is that the Bresaola meat (if available) is kosher as well as the full Parma ham - but I would end up OD ing on such a large piece of ham and you need a stand to cut that thin!

Don't want to lay out cash if the Lidl fare is tosh - as supermarket food in Polska often is :( any tasters would be well appreciated.

Also I see a lot of shouts here for Biedronka...... what's the story?

Tesco has blown it AFAIC because they refuse to stock UK nosh. Losers. Auchan - also nothing special as far as foreign nosh goes.
Alma is for people with more money than sense, and Piotr i Pawel has gone downmarket - from always stocking Italian pannetone :((

What are your prefs people?

Of course good British nosh is the best in the world, but willing to tuck into other grub as well :) anything but ******* perogi.
Polsyr  6 | 758  
20 Jun 2015 /  #2
Doug I never got "bad" stuff from Lidl in terms of food. The stuff they present during these special weeks is exactly what they claim it is. I got some Italian desserts during Italian week and everything was excellent. I tried the Parma ham and it was very good, if not top shelf then pretty close. I just stocked up on Czech beer from there earlier today by the way :)
jon357  72 | 23654  
20 Jun 2015 /  #3
Biedronka has a good range of foreign stuff - but only in their shops in posher areas. In other parts of town (I'm thinking of Warsaw here) you will find a different range.

Carrefour has some surprisingly exotic foods, and a very good range of French foods. My local Auchan also stocks things from Kuchnie Swiata, including British food - they are allegedly rolling this out around the country.
OP Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
21 Jun 2015 /  #4
I tried the Parma ham and it was very good, if not top shelf then pretty close

Thanks - I think there is some mark of provenance - just wary of Polish shops shouting the odds, as Poland is for instance the dumping ground for outmoded tech - as is the case with Mediamarkt.

My local Auchan also stocks things from Kuchnie Swiata, including British food - they are allegedly rolling this out around the countr

I hope you are right Jon - they used to do the Pataks and puppodoms et al but have badly let the side down in the last fifteen years :(
jon357  72 | 23654  
21 Jun 2015 /  #5
If you use Facebook, there's a page called Brytyjska Wyspa Smaków about it. Basically it was a test project where Auchan stocked some UK foods for 3 months and would do it permanently if it was a success. It finished last week. Presumably they'll post if it was a success and hopefully say what's happening next.

Pataks and puppodoms

It does mention Indian food too :-) Presumably not off-topic, since it's British food as well now.
bullfrog  6 | 602  
21 Jun 2015 /  #6
Of course good British nosh is the best in the world

21 Jun 2015 /  #7
Brytyjska Wyspa Smaków
disappointing mostly obscure or niche brands, most probably found in specialist shops in Britain or maybe Waitrose, very little to whet any expat's appetite
jon357  72 | 23654  
21 Jun 2015 /  #8
I suppose different people have different tastes. Some miss Marmite or whatever, others don't.

There's a newish shop in Warsaw that specialises in British foods - great if you miss Crunchies or ready-made mustard and don't mind paying over the odds for stuff like that. Not so interesting if you don't.

Carrefour (the bigger ones in Warsaw, anyway) sell pretty well everything one needs.
OP Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
21 Jun 2015 /  #9
Some miss Marmite or whatever, others don't.

Marks and Sparks Sopot :)
21 Jun 2015 /  #10
Definitely not Marmite.
Now I feel sick just thinking about it.
Thank you for the tip, I hope to visit that shop some day. Be good if Carefour in other towns had some UK food lines, but they dont seem to have more than just the odd block of cheese mostly.
bullfrog  6 | 602  
21 Jun 2015 /  #11
Definitely not Marmite.

Definitely not an acquired taste, I have never found a fan outside of the British isles
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
21 Jun 2015 /  #13
you must be from Oz then Marsupial?
Only Ozzies and Brits....
Marsupial  - | 871  
21 Jun 2015 /  #14
Yes I am but I came from poland. We have vegimite too but was bought by an american company so not really australian anymore. Also promite, thats our favourite at home.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
21 Jun 2015 /  #15
yes I have tried vegemite, it is pretty similar to marmite.
I think the mistake many people make with it is to slap too much on......
Marsupial  - | 871  
21 Jun 2015 /  #16
Yes it just needs a bit across the bread as it's concentrated and strong. I agree they probably smear it on. I must confess I have had a finger full 10000 times out if the jar though.

This thread is primarily about Polish shops, please keep to the topic.
Sylvio  19 | 154  
19 Jul 2018 /  #17

Marmite & Bovril

Does anyone know where these can be bought in PL? How come Tesco stores do not stock it? Cause they do sell Heinz beans. thanks for any advice, Sylvio.
cms neuf  2 | 1945  
19 Jul 2018 /  #18
Britishshop.pl. has marmite but not sure about bovril.

Dealz has Bovril but not sure about marmite.
OP Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
19 Jul 2018 /  #19
How come Tesco stores do not stock it?

Tescos in Gdynia have both. I think they are on the way out though (Tescos - not marmite...) A sad store, upstaged by Biedronka. It ain't difficult folks, but Tescos management are clueless and decided long ago their European operation was going to go downmarket and sell cheap and nasty. Get Walmart in FFS.
cms neuf  2 | 1945  
1 Aug 2018 /  #20
Just noticed Dealz has marmite but only very small jars for 5 zloty
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
1 Aug 2018 /  #21
Get Walmart in FFS.

I think Walmart is C.I.A. run.
Cameras in the parking lots, cameras as you enter, cameras all over the store in the ceilings and the worst one is the cameras at the checkout lanes with face recognition from two feet away.

(I sometimes pick my nose and flip the bugger at the camera in protest of invasion of my privacy)
Besides that you can't beat their prices or selections.
I just bought two dozen eggs there this morning for 3.22 zloty and a gallon of milk for 5.45 zloty.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 Aug 2018 /  #22
I refuse to shop at Wal-Mart. The only thing imo they're good for is parking your RV in.


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