delphiandomine wrote:
My my, says the man who paid over 3000zl to spend a few days by the Polish seaside.
if that is not the most out from left field comment.....what in the world does that have to do with the topic at hand. what a joker.
Delphiandomine wrote:
Anyway, I would expect a so-called biologist to know that Legionella bacteria.....
yep. that's right Delph. and I got the degree and years of working in a laboratory for a Bio-Pharmaceutical company to prove it.
so if you have a bogus company (lindenia) offering services to foreigners that generates no business due to lack of credentials, experience, language skills, maturity and just overall time spent in-country, that would make you a "so-called".......???
let us not even get into your pathetic attempt at teaching English. non-native speaker that....wait....what was it you wrote about your little agreement with your school? teach what you want and leave the grammar stuff to the other teachers? bravo, mate.
do you even pay rent yet, or is your girlfriend's mommy and daddy still taking care of that?
tak czy siak, what does your statement even mean? so if people use something that could potentially be dangerous if not cleaned properly, we should deem it "UNSAFE" or "UNHEALTHY"???
a car is dangerous if not maintenanced properly, yet we all use them.
losing sleep because you're sweating your balls off at night can be detrimental to your health, too.
delphiandomine wrote:
I guess the term "big, dumb American horse" would seem appropriate here.
you really are just a kid, Mikey.