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Fluoride in the water - is there a chart in Poland?

InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
1 Oct 2014 /  #1
Is there an easy to understand chart somewhere that can tell me which areas of Poland (if any) have fluoride in their municipal tap/drinking water?

Likewise with bottled water?

Thanks in advance.
PC_Sceptic  - | 69  
1 Oct 2014 /  #2
Yes it is used.
I don't live in Poland permanently, but I'm 100% sure of that. Actually Wrocław was the first city (Poznań the next one) that had it in the tap water (dunno about bottled water) But in any case Wrocław was guinea pig so to speak. in early 70's. they were the pioneers.

all in the name of healthy teeth. They were rambling about it in the newspapers. By now my guess is that the whole Poland is affected (just an educated guess)

I am looking for chart now, if there is one
superuser1999  12 | 41  
1 Oct 2014 /  #3
Am wondering about Krakow as well.....
OP InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
1 Oct 2014 /  #4
PC Sceptic: Wrocław was the first city

Yes someone told me residents' teeth allegedly got damaged through too much of it, or something like that. And of course there are other negatives said to be possible. I was told Wro removed it from the water, but I'd like to be sure. I may also move out of Wro and would like to know where water's the most natural. Wro might get some of its water fed in from mountain sources, I'm not sure, I can only hope...

superuser99: Am wondering about Krakow as well.....

Krakow of course has another issue, allegedly krakowpost.com/article/6285
PC_Sceptic  - | 69  
1 Oct 2014 /  #5
Couldn't find any charts of only Poland.
but i found world usage of fluoridated water.
Amazing, US, Canada, Brazil, Australia, Colombia are the champs. Western Europe and china closely trailing them.
But, very interesting observation. From economic powers only Germany and Japan don't use fluoride.
So they know something that others don't :D
link : openyoureyesnews.com/feature-articles/the-use-of-fluoridated-water-worldwide

Anyhow, fluoride usage in tap water is being criticized for some time already
OP InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
1 Oct 2014 /  #6
PC_Sceptic: Anyhow, fluoride usage in tap water is being criticized for some time already

Thanks, if I discover any info I shall post here.
2 Oct 2014 /  #7
Is there an easy to understand chart somewhere that can tell me which areas of Poland (if any) have fluoride in their municipal tap/drinking water?

According to this article, Poland doesn't have fluoridated water.
The article's a couple of years old and I'm guessing it's written by an anti-fluoride organization, but nothing else came up.
Areas of Poland may vary in levels of naturally occurring fluoride though, as it's present in soil and bedrock to different degrees.
If you want to avoid fluoride altogether, check out whether it's added to salt. In many European countries it is.

PC_Sceptic  - | 69  
2 Oct 2014 /  #8
According to this article, Poland doesn't have fluoridated water.

I do hope that you are right,
I will dig some more, using all possible methods (apart of internet) Simply I see no logic of such huge difference in data.

But pam, I vividly remember reading about it in the commie newspapers in 70's (early 70's) it suppose to be another great achievement of Socialistic (communist) Poland.

I didn't make this one up.

Is a matter of fact, I ordered bottled water to be delivered to my house every other week, today (or yesterday by now)
Despite the fact that in the place that live, has one of the best water in the world (according to wikipedia)
smurf  38 | 1940  
2 Oct 2014 /  #9
There's no flouride added to Polish water.
As Pam's link shows.

However, some naturally occurs.
This natural flouride though is a different thing to the toxic waste added in other countries.

Up to 1989, water fluridation was policy, but was abandoned. Flouridation rinsing still occurs in Polish schools...according to this PDF, I would presume that's just an annually/bi-annually rinsing of the teeth by students, i.e. not swallowing the crap.

google.pl/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=6&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CEgQFjAF&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sso.ch%2Fdoc%2Fdoc_download.cfm%3Fuuid%3D9553209DD9D9424C4C98A160B35CD8DE%26%26IRACER_AUTOLINK%26%26&ei=YR0tVLi4MsHeaozRgKAH&usg=AFQjCNGjkqpwI3Z h47gBNoqIDNnVjEm17A&sig2=8sQAT0X08kuVYLQzwZ57Aw&bvm=bv.76477589,d.d2s
OP InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
2 Oct 2014 /  #10
Thanks for posting that, Pam. I feel reassured now. I was checking the bottled water yesterday and saw various levels. Of course, some would say that water in any plastic bottle is a no no anyway, and people should only drink from glass. But that's another show... :)

But pam, I vividly remember reading about it in the commie newspapers in 70's

Yes, I heard it used to be in the water before, but not any more, and there isn't any added now (and from Pam's post it seems that's correct). And Smurf also says the same while of course reminding us that some naturally occurs (but it's not the same stuff as the byproduct some water companies add in some countries).

i.e. not swallowing the crap.

Thanks Smurf, and I agree, it is not a good idea to swallow it at all.
13 Jan 2015 /  #11
There is also Bromine.

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