I drink a lot of chammomile, hibiscus or rasberrry leaf when not pouring tons of fruity dark blends with Orange Pekoe, or Green teas
What are favorite herbal teas in Poland/especially loose leaf?
26 Mar 2013 / #2
Saw this yesterday, it basically says tea is the new arsenic: redorbit.com/news/health/1112808805/tea-leads-to-tooth-loss-bone-disease-032213/
allegro.pl/listing.php/search?category=74038&change_view=1&order=bd&sg=0&string=herbata - it's sorted that most sold, so kind of favorite
znam.to/recenzje/8235/Herbata-czarna--Golden-Assam - I like this one. It's typical good quality black Ceylon tea. I was buying it in Tesco. It's sold with crushed or whole leaves. I believe whole leaves is better. Very good value to price ratio.
allegro.pl/turecka-herbata-czarna-lisciasta-caykur-filiz-500g-i3068781752.html - After trip to Turkey I like even more drinking Turkish tea. This brand tastes really good and authentic.
allegro.pl/yerba-mate-rosamonte-elaborada-1kg-od-skworcu-sa-i3106505747.html - If you like Mate then I can recommend Rosamonte
znam.to/recenzje/8235/Herbata-czarna--Golden-Assam - I like this one. It's typical good quality black Ceylon tea. I was buying it in Tesco. It's sold with crushed or whole leaves. I believe whole leaves is better. Very good value to price ratio.
allegro.pl/turecka-herbata-czarna-lisciasta-caykur-filiz-500g-i3068781752.html - After trip to Turkey I like even more drinking Turkish tea. This brand tastes really good and authentic.
allegro.pl/yerba-mate-rosamonte-elaborada-1kg-od-skworcu-sa-i3106505747.html - If you like Mate then I can recommend Rosamonte
26 Mar 2013 / #4
My wife makes a nice blend of Rooibos and Camomile, it is also nice after refrigeration with fresh mint..
I forgot all tea is called herbal there ^_^.
Those look very nice. That fruit blend asn the "blooming" flowers novelty tea.
herbata owocowa WIĆNIE W RUMIE also caught my eye ^_^
But the herbals I drink are not xanthine (caffine) sources ..... ie like rumianek
I drink Mate for a pick up now and again but am careful it doesnt upset my blood disorder ans is not as strong as coffee or guarana. But I am not usually looking for "diet" teas. I'll just get off my butt if it starts spreading ^_^
My heaviest consumption is blends using rasberry leaf (malina?), rumianek, mints and lemon grass,
Those look very nice. That fruit blend asn the "blooming" flowers novelty tea.
herbata owocowa WIĆNIE W RUMIE also caught my eye ^_^
But the herbals I drink are not xanthine (caffine) sources ..... ie like rumianek
I drink Mate for a pick up now and again but am careful it doesnt upset my blood disorder ans is not as strong as coffee or guarana. But I am not usually looking for "diet" teas. I'll just get off my butt if it starts spreading ^_^
My heaviest consumption is blends using rasberry leaf (malina?), rumianek, mints and lemon grass,
If you drink Mate in South American way then it can be strong. But I use only 1 large spoon per 0.6 liter, so amount of caffeine there is close to none and still tastes good.
26 Mar 2013 / #7
But the herbals I drink are not xanthine (caffine) sources
Rooibos Teas are naturally caffeine free and lack tannins.
27 Mar 2013 / #8
There are A LOT of teas that are common in the UK and USA that are actually illegal in Poland. Calea zacatechichi, Kava, and Kratom are just some to name off the top of my head.
I drink a lot of chammomile, hibiscus or rasberrry leaf when not pouring tons of fruity dark blends with Orange Pekoe, or Green teas
Chammomile I only use for flushing eyes and I drink the rasberry one but these days the flavours are so mixed up you just don't know what's in each tea bag.
Maricka B.
9 Mar 2017 / #10
Hello everyone,
I am a French student at the University of Poitiers. In our computer class we were all charged of making a survey about the consumption of herbal among the Polish.
I am posting here mostly because I am desperate and running out of time haha. I would really appreciate if you could help a little group of three students and answer this short 16 question survey and possibly share it for me to all your Polish family and friends.
One important thing is that there is one question asking about your professional situation. Please DO NOT answer you are a student. Whoever answers this survey and/shares it don't forget this point.
I'm sorry if this violates the rules of this forum but I really need your help.
Thank you,
Student project - The consumption of Herbal Tea among the Polish
Hello everyone,
I am a French student at the University of Poitiers. In our computer class we were all charged of making a survey about the consumption of herbal among the Polish.
I am posting here mostly because I am desperate and running out of time haha. I would really appreciate if you could help a little group of three students and answer this short 16 question survey and possibly share it for me to all your Polish family and friends.
One important thing is that there is one question asking about your professional situation. Please DO NOT answer you are a student. Whoever answers this survey and/shares it don't forget this point.
I'm sorry if this violates the rules of this forum but I really need your help.
Thank you,
Maricka, unforuntunately for your purposes, there are very few Poles using this forum, so you may not get enough responses to be useful to you. However, I can tell you that herbal teas are very popular in Poland. There are shelves and shelves of them in all the big supermarkets and there are many specialist health shops.
Here's a useful link:
It states that herbal tea has a 14.2% share of the tea market in Poland.
And here's something from the subject which was discussed previously on this forum:
A tea that''s popular here amongst those under forty, is Yerba Matte which gives quite an energy boost and is often drunk by the 'young professionals' in place of coffee as they consider it a healthier option.
You might find that googling 'tea drinking habits Poland' could turn up more detailed information.
Good luck!
Here's a useful link:
It states that herbal tea has a 14.2% share of the tea market in Poland.
And here's something from the subject which was discussed previously on this forum:
A tea that''s popular here amongst those under forty, is Yerba Matte which gives quite an energy boost and is often drunk by the 'young professionals' in place of coffee as they consider it a healthier option.
You might find that googling 'tea drinking habits Poland' could turn up more detailed information.
Good luck!
johnny reb 49 | 7888
10 Mar 2017 / #12
A really nice herbal that I enjoy is Chaga Mushroom Tea.
It has a sweet taste and is golden red when done.
When we go to Canada on our annual fishing trip we always help ourselves in bring back as much as we can find.
The mushroom grows on Birch trees which I understand that Poland and Northern Europe have.
Google "Where to find Chaga Mushroom" and it will fill you in if you are interested.
It is a very hard growth which needs to be ground into a powder.
It is also know for it's pain killing effects as well as many other things.
You can also order it on line $$$$ if you are not outdoorsy or don't want the hassle of processing it.
If you enjoy tea as much as I do then this one should be added to your list.
It has a sweet taste and is golden red when done.
When we go to Canada on our annual fishing trip we always help ourselves in bring back as much as we can find.
The mushroom grows on Birch trees which I understand that Poland and Northern Europe have.
Google "Where to find Chaga Mushroom" and it will fill you in if you are interested.
It is a very hard growth which needs to be ground into a powder.
It is also know for it's pain killing effects as well as many other things.
You can also order it on line $$$$ if you are not outdoorsy or don't want the hassle of processing it.
If you enjoy tea as much as I do then this one should be added to your list.
I would really appreciate if you could help a little group of three students and answer this short 16 question survey and possibly share it for me to all your Polish family and friends.
Shouldn't there be a Polish version of the survey?
johnny reb 49 | 7888
10 Mar 2017 / #14
After researching a bit I did find that Chaga Mushrooms are found in Poland to make your free tea.
Careful though if you are taking other medications because Chaga could effect them.
Chaga is also know as a cancer fighting agent.
I grind it into a powder to make my tea however it says you can just boil a chunk of it.
Careful though if you are taking other medications because Chaga could effect them.
Chaga is also know as a cancer fighting agent.
I grind it into a powder to make my tea however it says you can just boil a chunk of it.
Chaga Mushrooms are found in Poland
They're very common and are called czyr brozowy (brzoza means birch). Making tea with them is rare here but some do it.
I'm pleased that kombucha tea hasn't caught on. A lot of people,get ill from that.