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Is Domino's Pizza popular in Poland?

8 Oct 2013 /  #1
Do Poles now eat delivery pizza? What are other options are there?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
8 Oct 2013 /  #2
Domino's isn't even in Poland.

As for options, there are hundreds. Poles have been eating delivery pizza for years.
OP peacesaw  
8 Oct 2013 /  #3
Are they any good? I always feel like I can never be blown away or too disappointed if I go with a chain.

I live in Warsaw. I've seen them around. Kind of shocked to see some low end US food chain gain traction in Poland.

maps.google.com/maps?q=warsaw+dominos+poland&ie=UTF-8&ei= W1pUUpalNaqJiwL9x4CwDA&ved=0CAoQ_AUoAg
McDouche  6 | 282  
9 Oct 2013 /  #4
When I was in Poland, I went to some pizza place that I'm pretty sure used ketchup for their pizza sauce lol. It was not good at all.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
9 Oct 2013 /  #5
for now the Polish palate seems quite satisfied by bland and not-so-bland :(
9 Oct 2013 /  #6
Kind of shocked to see some low end US food chain gain traction in Poland.

boycott that crap...

that is how the health care system turned into a nightmare here in the US. Poorly educated consumers that are too busy being worked to death, they can't figure out something simple like food is medicine.

Don't fall for it Poles, stay off our fast food garbage.

The farm land in poland is a gold mine, beautiful stretches to grow good affordable quality organic foods, that and the use of oil free cars/busses can be a start to a cutting edge modern nation as a model for the world.

Add some next generation sophisticated unmanned military technology and you have the modern sustainable society of the future.
legend  3 | 658  
9 Oct 2013 /  #7
I like Dominos :|
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
9 Oct 2013 /  #8
I don't know why, but seems hard to get a decent pizza here.

Probably just as well, research the term 'wheat belly'

Barney  19 | 1763  
9 Oct 2013 /  #9
Add some next generation sophisticated unmanned military technology

With or without ketchup?
Palivec  - | 379  
9 Oct 2013 /  #10
I don't know why, but seems hard to get a decent pizza here.

No Italian community -> no good pizza.
el_easy  2 | 54  
9 Oct 2013 /  #11
Are they any good?

Not as good as Domino's Pizza!!
9 Oct 2013 /  #12
Pizza Hut is good...
9 Oct 2013 /  #13
Domino's isn't even in Poland.

Yes it is, they came back about a year and a half ago. The brand first came to the market in the mid '90s, didn't do too well (lacked the necessary capital for expansion) and, from memory, the master franchise for Poland was bought by Telepizza so Telepizza could take over Domino's sites and remove a competitor, much as Amrest did back in 2001 when it bought the master Poland franchise for Burger King and then converted all the Burger King restaurants to KFC and removed the brand from the market. There are now 15 Domino's in Poland, all in Warsaw, the first one outside Warsaw opens this month. The plan is to have 127 restaurants across Poland by 2019. I think they're starting the sub-franchising middle of next year.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
9 Oct 2013 /  #14
Yep, one is shortly going to open 2 metro stops from my place in Bielany. Still their website could be improved. It does not even show a menu or pricelist at first glance.

That said and done, if we are in need for some fastfood, we'd rather go to Amrit Kebab on Plac Wilsona.
Cardno85  31 | 971  
9 Oct 2013 /  #15
No Italian community -> no good pizza.

It is getting better, Polish people going and working in Italy or in the UK (where we have a huge Italian community) and coming home and thinking that they can do better than what is here now. I had a great pizza delivered the other day, home made dough, cooked thin and to a nice crisp outside and chewy inside, and then some nice mozzarella and tomato sauce. Tasted like some of the best pizzas I've had.

Glad it's getting better and so I don't need to resort to chains!
10 Oct 2013 /  #16
With or without ketchup?

without, too much sodium!
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
10 Oct 2013 /  #17
Are they any good? I always feel like I can never be blown away or too disappointed if I go with a chain.

I live in Warsaw. I've seen them around. Kind of shocked to see some low end US food chain gain traction in Poland.

I've seen a few Pizza Huts.. As for taste I think it definitely tasted different than in the US but not necessarily worse.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
10 Oct 2013 /  #18
That is because these fastfood chains in some way cater to local taste and customs. For example in Belgium McDonalds also sells beer with their burgers.

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