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Where to buy British mature Cheddar Cheese and salted butter in Poland?

sobieski  106 | 2111  
16 Dec 2013 /  #211
So how much did the coffee cost? I always buy my coffee in Belgium, because here coffee is very bad (think Tchibo, Jacobs) or spectacularly expensive.
16 Dec 2013 /  #212
Sure wish Poland had a better selection of cereals. One can only eat Corn Flakes for breakfast for so long. Frosted Mini Wheats from America are sorely missed. Thank goodness for Amazon UK. Got 144 Weetabix biscuits for 12 pounds. A few other items and I had the needed 25 pounds for free shipping to Poland.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
17 Dec 2013 /  #213
Jon, run to Lidl Młociny! I came back home 30 minutes ago, they had a whole stack of Valley Spire.
Seems Lidl (at least in Warsaw) is this year really supplying Cheddar pretty decently.
dhrynio  5 | 90  
17 Dec 2013 /  #214
You guys should consider getting there right when they open on the day they will start the feature product. Also it helps to go to ones in smaller cities. Here in Lomza we have two and you can always get the best things if you are at the door at 8am.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
17 Dec 2013 /  #215
Don't you think that most of Lidl's non-food 'specials' (excluding books) are not what you might call bargain-priced but are instead just about the same price as Tchibo or similar? I'd never queue for their non-food lines.
dhrynio  5 | 90  
18 Dec 2013 /  #216
I am what you would call a bargain hunter, I know a good price when I see one here. Lidl often has very good prices on non food items. It is actually the non food items that take me there. We don't have a Tchibo here in Lomza but I have been to one in Bialystok and yeah they are similar. You just have to price check and know the market for suck things. Lidl's line of electronics, Silver Crest, is actually quite good. I have a hand mixer, blender and food scale from them and they are all going strong for 3-5 years and the prices were great!

The food scale has been replaced (again bought at Lidl) but it's demise was of user misuse and not product failure (yeah... don't let water get into the battery compartment). The new one I got was a flat glass digital one that I bought for 35zl. Similar ones in local stores were a minimum of 50+zl. The handmixer was only 30zl and their things have a 2 year guarantee. I also buy a lot of kids pajamas and long sleeve shirts. Kids go through clothes like made and they have packs of long sleeve shirts 2 for 24zl very often. You just can't beat it!
jon357  72 | 23483  
18 Dec 2013 /  #217
I also like the Lidl non-food things. Biedronka also have some very good bargains from time to time.
dhrynio  5 | 90  
18 Dec 2013 /  #218
They do as well. Every Sunday I look online at the Lidl specials for Monday and during the week I also check Biedronka, Kaufland and Rossman. I used to check Tesco but they are so darned expensive and I rarely find things that are worth buying.

Kaufland has good sales on cleaning products, paper and personal hygiene stuff as well as many food items (even wine and alcohol). And when they advertise that something is 48% off that week it really is, not a jacked up price then marked down and call it a special like Tesco. I buy a a lot of stuff from Kaufland when it is on sale and buy several at one time...much like those 6 lovely chunks of cheddar sitting in my fridge right now!
frd  7 | 1379  
18 Dec 2013 /  #219
Have been to Alma in Arkady today, found 2 cheddars, but I dunno the brand, here are the pictures along with the company name "Singletons" ( which to be honest I associate with a type of programming construct, or one of my favourite whiskys).

First one:
Second one:

I also jumped into Mark & Spencer to buy some Vanilla Extract, asked whether they have any cheddar, but it seems they never have any at least in Wrocław, shame I was hoping for some good quality.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
18 Dec 2013 /  #220
Have been to Alma in Arkady today, found 2 cheddars

1. Apple, cinnamon & raisin - an acquired taste, I'd have thought!
2. Toffee flavour cheese! Yuck!

75zl a kilo!

(The above varieties translated from the labels, if my Polish is up to scratch.)
frd  7 | 1379  
18 Dec 2013 /  #221
Spot on Sir! :)
I've nearly finished my extra mature cathedral I might give the cinnamon one a go.. sounds good ;)
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
18 Dec 2013 /  #222
And also give the Valley Spire a go if you like standard mature rather than the strong stuff :o)
sobieski  106 | 2111  
5 Jan 2014 /  #223
Valley Spire is in my local Lidl in Warszawa Młociny now stocked on the regular cheese shelves with the "nowość" sign on it. So it looks like it will be permanently on sale.
cheddar iv  
5 Jan 2014 /  #224
Valley spire is not mature enough I bring a few kilos with me whenever I go home alma normally have some vintage Cheddar but for the price you pay it should include a blowie
jon357  72 | 23483  
6 Jan 2014 /  #225
It's certainly better than any Polish cheese on the market, however the flavour is rather bland and like the Polish stuff it certainly comes from a factory.
frd  7 | 1379  
9 Jan 2014 /  #226
A new batch of Valley Spire arrived to Lidl in Wrocław on plac Strzegomski. I've bought one, haven't tried yet :)
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
10 Jan 2014 /  #227
Please tweet us in real-time when you open the pack. Pictures of it on a Jacob's cracker would, however, be too much to bear.
10 Jan 2014 /  #228
Better still, how about a Youtube "unboxing" video?!

InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
10 Jan 2014 /  #229
Unfortunately, a mod decided my smiley response was not enough to warrant staying on this thread. I therefore must write something more substantial to express my appreciation of your wit !

I will also add a cheese comment, to absolutely guarantee this post cannot, in all conscience, be binned, by a moderator.

MANDATORY CHEESE COMMENT: Jon said he thinks VS is a bit bland. I am yet to try mine. If it is anything like Cathedral City I'll be delighted. I find Lidl's more niche mature cheeses to be a bit too strong for me, although doubtless they're very good and well-priced. I'm hoping Lidl continue to stock this line and don't lose heart if sales slow a bit. I think if VS is even half good, many Poles will get hooked on it and buy again. The only problem, as with all cheese, is the salt content. One has to be careful.
frd  7 | 1379  
24 Jan 2014 /  #230
Sorry, but it's too late for an unboxing video ;) It was the first time I tried Valley Spire, have to say though it's gonna be a tad bit better. I definitely prefer the Extra Mature Cathedral, and the ordinary Mature Cathedral also seems to have a better flavour. I don't mean it's bad, it's definitely good, but it seems it got overhyped for me because of all the comments.

There's still a lot of it laying on shelves in Lidl. Next time I'm gonna try the one in Fenix :)
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
12 Feb 2014 /  #231
Reports are coming in that 400g Spire mature cheddar at some Lidl branches has been reduced from 11.99 to 10.99

This is probably due to one of the pundits on this forum suggesting the taste was bland or something!

Although it's not as good as Cathedral City, it's very good value for the price, and I strongly recommend it all things considered.
12 Feb 2014 /  #232
The Marc Pol in Hala Gwardii yesterday had Kerrygold mature and mild on the block for 45zl per kilo and Kerrygold red in 200g packets for 10zl.
jon357  72 | 23483  
12 Feb 2014 /  #233
That other bit of Hala Mirowska?

I'm off there with a large empty shopping bag then!
12 Feb 2014 /  #234
That other bit of Hala Mirowska?

That's the one. When there, don't miss the Pho Bo at Asia Tasty (the Vietnamese place in Hala Gwardii). Also, the fish shop (Fisherman from Ustka) between the two halls is superb.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
12 Feb 2014 /  #235
Lidl sells since a few weeks Belgian cheese....three types, mild, creamy and intense... Thanks God, civilization has arrived in Młociny :)))
No cheddar anymore for me :)
Btw, speaking of Hala Mirowska, what I do miss there is the mlekomat, I used to buy milk there on a regular basis.
dhrynio  5 | 90  
12 Feb 2014 /  #236
I bought gorgeous Kerrygold cheddar at a Real in Poznan and it was heaven!! My husband family are in love and wanted to know where to get it!
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
12 Feb 2014 /  #237
Kerrygold is plastic rubbish if ever you tried trad British cheddar. I would say it's better than nowt, but I wont. Processed muck.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
12 Feb 2014 /  #238
Not a massive fan of Kerrygold here, based on what I tried once. I seem to recall having better Kerrygold in the past. Not sure why. It was a tad as Doug suggests, to be honest. Maybe not transported correctly?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
13 Feb 2014 /  #239
Maybe like Polmos vodka from Poznan or Bielsko et al, Kerrygold is sourced from all over? Meaning, it' s not always the same although the brand is homogenous.
DominicB  - | 2706  
13 Feb 2014 /  #240
It's a co-op, so that's probably true.

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