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Where to buy British mature Cheddar Cheese and salted butter in Poland?

sobieski  106 | 2111  
5 Dec 2013 /  #181
I bought today the two last ones here in Młociny...Let's hope Lidl will repeat the exercise soon. By the way Wroc, please enlighten me...I thought all cheese is per definition vegetarian?
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
5 Dec 2013 /  #182
I bought today the two last ones here in Młociny...Let's hope Lidl will repeat the exercise soon.

Yes, those of us in Wro can only dream of the access to mature cheddar some lucky people have elsewhere in the country where mature cheddar at Lidl (and Bedronka) is stocked daily like milk and potatoes !

The one thread of hope we have is that they will eventually roll this out to Wro -- maybe one day. We can indeed but dream...
sobieski  106 | 2111  
5 Dec 2013 /  #183
Still I would like to know why not all cheese is vegetarian???
It is a bit mystifying how Lidl distributes their stuff. I could understand there would not be really a public for it let's say way down in some hamlet on the BY border...But Wrocław?
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
5 Dec 2013 /  #184
I know, it's hard to believe, and I will keep checking every time I pass a Lidl, but I reckon they all get the same stock here.

Unfortunately, animal rennet is still used in a lot of cheese here.
cjj  - | 281  
6 Dec 2013 /  #185
i have a pack of Cathedral City *extra* mature cheese in my fridge .. .perhaps I should auction it off :)
irishlodz  1 | 135  
6 Dec 2013 /  #186
Still I would like to know why not all cheese is vegetarian???

The curds and whey are separated using rennet, an enzyme complex normally produced from the stomachs of newborn calves (in vegetarian or kosher cheeses, bacterial-, yeast- or mould-derived chymosin is used).[
6 Dec 2013 /  #187
i have a pack of Cathedral City *extra* mature cheese in my fridge .. .perhaps I should auction it off :)

I'll swap you half a pack of salt & vinegar crisps for it. I'll even throw in a lollypop that has hardly been licked at all. Surely nobody will offer you a better deal than that!
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
7 Dec 2013 /  #188
Some Carrefour branches until 09.12: Kerrygold mature cheddar approx or just under 40zł a kilo, from the deli counter.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
8 Dec 2013 /  #189
Saw today in our local Lidl again Cheddar - the three varieties. They are also in their new promotions' folder. So it looks as if they ar stocking up again.

I hope Wroc also will find some in his local shop :)
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
8 Dec 2013 /  #190
Saw today in our local Lidl again Cheddar - the three varieties. They are also in their new promotions' folder.

Sounds like your branch gets a lot of stock or the cheese sells at a slower rate there. Here it sells out on the first day, for whatever reason. Thanks for the tip -- I'll check Lidl again on the 15th or 16th but it looks like they're only going to be selling the same varieties again which aren't really what I want, although they'll do for cheese sauce.
frd  7 | 1379  
8 Dec 2013 /  #191
Have been to Fenix at the marketsquare. They have quite a variety of Kerrygold cheddars, there was: Vintage cheddar, red cheddar, mature cheddar and dubliner. Previously Ive only seen just one type... Will have to try some when my fridge gets a bit more empty ;)
sobieski  106 | 2111  
8 Dec 2013 /  #192
Have been to Fenix at the marketsquare.

In which city?
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
8 Dec 2013 /  #193
He means Fenicks or Fenwicks in Wro.

Have been to Fenix at the marketsquare. They have quite a variety of Kerrygold cheddars, there was: Vintage cheddar, red cheddar, mature cheddar and dubliner. Previously Ive only seen just one type... Will have to try some when my fridge gets a bit more empty ;)

Unfortunately, they aren't cheap for regular users I mean consumers ;o)
frd  7 | 1379  
8 Dec 2013 /  #194
Sorry, yeah I meant Wrocław.

It's called Feniks: feniks.wroc.pl
Here's the proof :) i.imgur.com/O2uo9aF.jpg
They cost 11zł. Could be worse.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
8 Dec 2013 /  #195
They cost 11zł. Could be worse.

For 200g? Whadya think, I work for Credit Suisse or somethin'?! I can't afford that on a regular basis, I'll have to go cold cheddar now until I return to Asdaland.

Mind you, it's the best price in Wroc that I know of for Kerrygold, apart from the special offer I posted above. I think I prefer Cathedral City though if push comes to shove.
Ironside  50 | 12946  
8 Dec 2013 /  #196
think I prefer Cathedral City though if push comes to shove.

mature Cheddar from your socks would be much cheaper :D
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
8 Dec 2013 /  #197
Ironside, if that's what American mature cheddar tastes like, you should get yourself over to Britain.

Some Isle of Man and Farmhouse cheddar in some Wrocław Lidls, literally a few packs left (6.66zł, 240g). This is the same range as was carried in recent weeks. That ends this newsflash, and I now return you to your regular reading.
frd  7 | 1379  
9 Dec 2013 /  #198
I found these 3 types below in the Lidl at plac Strzegomski in Wrocław. There was also this Scottish Mature beside the ones you've mentioned. Pic below:


Btw. wonder what's with the devilish number ; )
sobieski  106 | 2111  
9 Dec 2013 /  #199
Sold out here in Młociny almost the moment I typed my previous post. Anyway I stocked up on Valley Spire for some time to come :)
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
9 Dec 2013 /  #200
Btw. wonder what's with the devilish number ; )

Yeah I wondered that, too, tbh.

The one thread of hope we have is that they will eventually roll this out to Wro -- maybe one day.

OK, some Wro Lidls recently had a smallish stock of Valley Spire. Whether it's a temporary or permanent line I don't know but they are calling it nowosc as if it's a permanent line. 400g 11.99

But before you slam down the lid on your laptop and leg it to a Lidl in Wrocław, please note it's sold out at the branches I checked. There is a rumour, if I understood the lady correctly, that they might have a small box in stock this evening. But, probably that's not what she said.

I don't know if VS is vegetarian or not, as I haven't yet got my hands on a pack. I will update the thread if and when I do.
dhrynio  5 | 90  
14 Dec 2013 /  #201
If you check Lidl's webpage by Sunday you will see what is going to be featured starting Monday morning. So next Monday will again be the Deluxe white and orange cheddar, they are both really good. I go after dropping off my kids to school at 8am right when they open and snag as many as I want, but the next day they are pretty much gone. And they only have them a few times a year, so I stock up and freeze it as well!

Here: lidl.pl/cps/rde/SID-15ADFC32-06E142A9/www_lidl_pl/hs.xsl/oferta.htm?id=141
jon357  72 | 23483  
15 Dec 2013 /  #202
Kuchnia Świata in Arkadia are selling mature cheddar for 54zl a kilo, mild cheddar somewhat cheaper. I was in there today and they seemed to have plenty. At the back of the shop on the left as you go in.

Some nice Dutch cheese too.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
15 Dec 2013 /  #203
Valley Spire mature cheddar remains out of stock at some (or all) branches of lidl in Wro.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
15 Dec 2013 /  #204
Wroc, I saw this evening in my local Lidl in Młociny once again these 3 kinds of Cheddat - not VS. Maybe some also came your way?
jon357  72 | 23483  
15 Dec 2013 /  #205
Bugger. Every time I go there, they've run out. Maybe you're buying all of it?
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
15 Dec 2013 /  #206
Wroc, I saw this evening in my local Lidl in Młociny once again these 3 kinds of Cheddat - not VS. Maybe some also came your way?

Thanks, yeah I know about those although not sure they have that range in again at the Lidls here (they might tomorrow). I don't really like that range although they're undoubtedly very good for what they are. I just want a normal mature cheddar (preferably vegetarian) and so am hoping for either Hatherwoods (made by Adams, UK) or VS which I think is made in good old Ireland (and probably vegetarian). Biedronkas here (checked about 10) are not selling their cheddar at the moment, but when they do the 10-month is just about OK. I can get a normal mature at Tesco sometimes or Carrefour or Auchan, but they tend to be much more expensive than Lidl, and for regular use that can be quite a difference in cost over a year. In terms of taste, however, Cathedral City mature from Tesco is probably the best if paying that sort of price. Hatherwoods from Lidl is just as good in my opinion and much cheaper, when it's available.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
15 Dec 2013 /  #207
Nope. Besides my sister arrived today with a truckload of Trappist Westmalle cheese. And nope, no Cheddar can equal that one. And neither it is for sale in any Lidl :)

Btw this guy is going home for Christmas :)
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
16 Dec 2013 /  #208
Some Valley Spire was delivered to some Wrocław branches this morning, so far it's selling reasonably quickly in the branch I checked (Powstancow Sl) with 40% gone already. It is odpowiedni dla wegetarian (suitable for vegetarians) thankfully. It's made by Dale of County Tyrone, N.I.

I did not spot the 3 other cheese varieties in the Deluxe range, btw. They probably sold out.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
16 Dec 2013 /  #209
Jon, I hate to disappoint you, but in our mutual Lidl I today saw again Cheddar (of the three varieties)...
Did not buy it. I have now a mountain of Westmalle Trappist cheese, which is infinitely so much better :)
jon357  72 | 23483  
16 Dec 2013 /  #210
The Trappist cheese sounds nice.

Probably at Lidl they wait until they see me arrive and hide the cheddar. Biedronki on Heroldów had Lavazza coffee beans on special offer today though. The bags are slightly battered looking which is probably why they're cheap. Not in the coffee aisle though - at the bottom of the aisle next to the alcohol one


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