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Where to buy British mature Cheddar Cheese and salted butter in Poland?

InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
15 Oct 2013 /  #121
It is quite nice, but it's mild. Auchan do a deli mild which is a bit cheaper and also good. But mature, tart cheddar is what I need. Not farmhouse as that's too strong, but a good mature. In Wroclaw, it's something not in abundance, that's for sure.

Did I really say that it was quite nice? I can't believe I posted that. Just bought it again and it like cheddar in its crumbly nature but nothing like it in taste. Polish people reading this should be made aware (uwaga!) that real cheddar, even mild cheddar, is 10x better, if not 100x.

Tesco has Cathedral City mild, mature and extra mature back in stock in Bielany Wroc. However, the price has risen to, in my view, excessive levels.

Although they say they're not having a British Week as such again until maybe 2014, Lidl will have 2 different mature cheddars from 25/11 or this weekend, at under 7zl for 240g (stock sells out fast).

The Poland-made cheddar by a well-known brand tastes nothing like real cheddar IMO. If Biedronka sell their mature (PL produced I think) cheddar again, however, it's worth a punt.

That ends this cheese flash.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Nov 2013 /  #122
Your cheese updates are as always appreciated :)

Lidl seem to have stopped their 'weeks' recently, which is a shame.

Lidl will have 2 different mature cheddars from 25/11 or this weekend, at under 7zl for 240g (stock sells out fast).

I'll have a look, cheers :)

I'm still surprised that no-one has really cottoned on to the fact that this stuff actually sells in Poland.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
23 Nov 2013 /  #123
Your cheese updates are as always appreciated :)

You're very welcome, and am glad it's of use!

Lidl will have 'Deluxe' branded Isle of Man vintage (probably quite strong) and Scottish mature (probably a medium mature) officially from Monday but in some branches the stock will appear today or tomorrow, and then typically it sells out fast at some branches. If they're as good as the Adams Foods UK cheese they had earlier this year in black packs I'll be in for a good few.

Yes, they seem to have paused their 'Week' promotions. But, if they do another British Week next year I'd recommend their frozen breaded or battered haddock too -- it was amazing, and had the authentic taste of the fried fish that you'd normally get from fish and chips in a real take away.
Klo  1 | 21  
23 Nov 2013 /  #124
I'm so glad to see that this thread is still updated. I am always waiting for lidl's themed weeks. I have been waiting for their cheddar for awhile now. Can't wait to stock up, so thanks for this. The original poster was asking about salted butter. Lidl has that right now too, if anyone's interested, though I didn't think it was very good and quite expensive, about 7.99.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
23 Nov 2013 /  #125
so thanks for this

You're welcome, and I did a quick check of Lidl today locally, and although they have cleared a (too small!) space for the cheese, it is yet to be on sale. Hopefully it'll be brought out of the stock room tomorrow or Monday morning. Looks like they will only have space here for about 150 packs.
irishlodz  1 | 135  
23 Nov 2013 /  #126
lidl recently had kerrygold they brought in from germany. piles of the stuff but it all seems to have cleared from my local store.

PS Tesco's best own brand butter is now supplied by IDB (Kerrygold) through it's German operation. Not sure if it is the same recipe though.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
24 Nov 2013 /  #127
Cheese in position and on sale NOW at my local Lidl.

There are 180 approx. on sale. There's also some Farmhouse variety.

The Isle of Man cheddar is slightly sweet, a bit griity as it's a strongish mature.

The Scottish mature is orange in colour, rather sourish, quite strong too.

The Farmhouse I've not bought, as they're usually too strong and gritty (naturally forming in mature cheese).

I don't think these products are sufficiently to my taste for me to stock up, certainly not as likeable (for me) as the usual mature cheddar during Brit week in the black packs by Hatherwood or Adams Foods UK. However, they probably are exactly what they should be if you like those cheddar varieties. I'm more a standard mature cheddar bloke, preferably with vegetarian rennet too. The use by dates are mid Feb 2014.

I'll put these products to use in a cheese sauce no doubt, or the occasional sandwich. But at the moment they'd not take my custom from Biedronka mature cheddar (if it ever goes on sale again) nor Cathedral City mature if they reduced the price back to sanity.
25 Nov 2013 /  #128
Cheese in position and on sale NOW at my local Lidl.

Heading off to my local Lidl this morning... in the snow no less!

Hopefully they have it in stock.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
25 Nov 2013 /  #129
From the other thread:-

Yes I have to agree. In UK and USA there are loads of frozen dinners. ut hardly anything here in Poland except for pizzas.Have you tried the Tetley Classic tea bags from Tesco? 7,99 for 100 and they brew a darn good cuppa.

Thanks T, I'll look for them next time, not sure they had them though. They used to do their own Finest tea, but stopped that over a year ago.

Heading off to my local Lidl this morning... in the snow no less!Hopefully they have it in stock.

I hope you found plenty in stock. No snow here yet thankfully!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
25 Nov 2013 /  #130
InWroclaw, cheers for the information, 100zl duly spent on the stuff ;)
25 Nov 2013 /  #131
Cheese successfully acquired earlier today. Bought four packages.
25 Nov 2013 /  #132
Bought - I think Kerry Gold - at Kaufland or Lidl in Gdynia about 10 days ago. Can't beat it under the grill on baked spuds or on sarmies with raw onion. Now if I could only find good steak....
25 Nov 2013 /  #133
Warsaw: the Marc Pol in hala mirowska today had a couple of large slabs of Kerrygold mature cheddar, 45zl a kilo (I think).
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
26 Nov 2013 /  #134
InWroclaw, cheers for the information, 100zl duly spent on the stuff ;)

Cheese successfully acquired earlier today. Bought four packages.

Well done folks for the prompt action, as (s)he who hesitates etc ... it's all sold out now at my local, I think it all went yesterday :o)

Bought - I think Kerry Gold - at Kaufland or Lidl in Gdynia about 10 days ago. Can't beat it under the grill on baked spuds or on sarmies with raw onion. Now if I could only find good steak....

Isn't it 12 a pack of 200g though? Quite steep. No wonder the Lidl stuff sold out as it's about half the price of that.
26 Nov 2013 /  #135
Wishing I could find Parmesan Cheese for sprinkling on spaghetti etc, but nothing like the dry variety down here in Zywiec. Amazon UK has an Italian Grated Cheese so I'll have to add this onto my next order.
DominicB  - | 2706  
27 Nov 2013 /  #136
Generally, Polish cheeses are pretty hopeless. There is one exception, though. There is a hard cheese called "Bursztyn" that is excellent for sprinkling on top of pasta. It's usually available in the larger, better supermarkets at about 45 PLN a kilo, which sounds expensive, but, like Parmesan, a little goes a long way.

If you're talking about a convenience product like pre-grated cheese in a shaker or bag, it's never going to be as good as freshly grated real cheese. And if you have to go out of your way to look for it and order it, it's not worth the effort and time.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
27 Nov 2013 /  #137
Lidl will sell Cheddar again next week, if their weekly promotion brochure is correct.
In my local store it was sold out in a few hours' time, already on Sunday.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
27 Nov 2013 /  #138
It seems a bit odd that they are carrying a lot of the same lines again in the following week's promotion (2 December) including the exact same cheese varieties. However, there was certainly the demand here, so they should be sensible and carry these and Adams Foods cheese lines all year round.


I would probably buy if they carried it regularly as it makes a good cheese sauce, despite not being the flavour I usually go for in sandwiches.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
27 Nov 2013 /  #139
Somebody here mentioned Biedronka also sells Cheddar...Is that on a regular basis? Because I never saw in our local store. I for sure like Cheddar. My wife and daughters think it is a bit odd...But they are Polish, what do they know :)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Nov 2013 /  #140
Somebody here mentioned Biedronka also sells Cheddar...Is that on a regular basis? Because I never saw in our local store.

Seems to be, it's always in my local Biedronka.

It's not great though, and not a patch on the Lidl stuff.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
27 Nov 2013 /  #141
Somebody here mentioned Biedronka also sells Cheddar...Is that on a regular basis? Because I never saw in our local store. I for sure like Cheddar. My wife and daughters think it is a bit odd...But they are Polish, what do they know :)

If you find some in your local Biedronka, let the forum know where you saw it. It's not been at any of the Biedronkas here for about 6 months or more. It's not as good as the Lidl one, but it's OK when Lidl doesn't have any cheddar as it's cheap and reasonable.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Nov 2013 /  #142
in your local Biedronka, let the forum know where you saw it.

It's in my local one - I don't think it ever went away?
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
27 Nov 2013 /  #143
I'm sure it's at your local one but you're not in Wrocław as far as I remember.

They're defininitely not at about 6 different Biedronkas here. Whenever I go to a Biedronka I always look for it. We have a few big Biedronkas here as well as smaller ones. It wasn't at any of them. Wroc probably has about 3 million branches of Biedronka but the random ones I pop into, as well as the nearer branches, haven't got it as a line any more.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
27 Nov 2013 /  #144
as well as the nearer branches, haven't got it as a line any more.

Same here in Warsaw. Even in the branch connected to their head office in Warsaw, I never saw it.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
1 Dec 2013 /  #145
Yeah, no sign of it here in Wroc, and no response from their customer service to say when it will be on sale here again.

LIDL Cheese Bulletin
Currently no, repeat no cheddar in Lidl here and no sign of it having been on sale since last week's promo. Therefore, if they're going to sell them again for a 2nd consecutive week, they will be on sale tomorrow. I have never known them to sell them for a consecutive week, however. I won't have time to go to Lidl tomorrow, but if any cheddarphiles find fresh stock in their local Lidl tomorrow, please post.

Additionally, the local Carrefour has sold out of mature cheddar by weight. Auchan still has a little.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
1 Dec 2013 /  #146
Here in Warszawa Bielany the local Lidl has since a few days a fresh supply. And still on sale.
jon357  72 | 23483  
2 Dec 2013 /  #147
The branch by Metro Mlociny?
sobieski  106 | 2111  
2 Dec 2013 /  #148
Yes, that's the one.
jon357  72 | 23483  
2 Dec 2013 /  #149
I'm off there now. The Biedronka on Heroldow sometimes has it, but rarely. Both are within walking distance. BTW, Carrefour have started stocking something just called Cheddar. The package is very vague about its origins, however having tried it I wouldn't bother again.

I just came out of there. No cheddar left, sadly. Plenty of other stuff.
2 Dec 2013 /  #150
No cheddar left, sadly.

Get yourself down to Hala Mirowska (well, Hala Gwardii to be exact)! There's loads of Kerrygold mature cheddar in the Marc Pol there.

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