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Where to buy British mature Cheddar Cheese and salted butter in Poland?

irishlodz  1 | 135  
31 Oct 2012 /  #91
have this week dropped their shipping charge to Poland: it's now £12.99 for up to 30kg.

Their prices are a scandal though.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
31 Oct 2012 /  #92
Selected Piotr i Pawel - Kerrygold mature cheddar @ 70zl a kilo (not cheap). On the block at the deli.

I can exclusively reveal to members of the forum that a little ptak told me Lidl of Poland during May of 2013 will again carry a stock of that really nice mature cheddar in 200g packs. Last time the price was pretty good at under 8zł. I found the cheese to be almost as good as Cathedral City (available in some Tescos, check the cheese aisle or deli counters for prepacks of 100g at around 8-9zł).

Alternatively, some Almas and PiPs have Kerrygold or similar sold loose, at about 50-60zł a kilo, at their deli counters. (Price might be higher than that, can't remember.)


The Lidl mature cheddar was a 400g pack - very tasty and exceptional value at just under 8zl. Currently out of stock and will be restocked for a short period in May, during their promotion. Price not yet known.

Cathedral City mature is in a 200g pack at Tesco, not 100g.

Kerrygold mature is also prepacked at Tesco, usually, but is more expensive than CC. On blocks, it is approx 51zł per kg at Carrefour (selected branches).
croggers  7 | 108  
22 Nov 2012 /  #93
Lidl are now as we speak selling three types of cheddar cheese, their Deluxe range :::::))))))

Scottish mature coloured cheddar, Isle of man vintage reserve cheddar (15 months), and West country farmhouse cheddar (9 months).

I have tried the west country one and I have to say, it's good, better than the one they have for British week (which I also liked), , 6.99zl for 240g

InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
22 Nov 2012 /  #94
Thanks for sharing that info, Croggers.

None visible left when I checked earlier, it's also a promo I believe. Maybe I'll try another branch.

Just checked the second branch, so busy it looks like a pitch invasion - empty shelves where the cheese should be, marked at 6.99 for 240g but sadly all that's in its place is sliced meats.

Usual story for big city branches.

I wouldn't go to Lidl for this offer unless you have other shopping - chances are it's sold out.

These promos tend to sell out by the middle of day 2. This promo started on 19 Nov.

Swiatowid 200g 14- and 10-month cheddar in SOME Biedronka branches right now, again. 6.99zł

Both are pretty good.

Definitely not in all branches, so don't go especially.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
26 Nov 2012 /  #95
Lidl will have next week mature Cheddar
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
26 Nov 2012 /  #96
I'll believe it when I see it - May is the next definite time I have been notified of. If you mean another promo then it sells out on day 1 or 2 in many branches.

Do you have a link please?
sobieski  106 | 2111  
26 Nov 2012 /  #97
It is not on the website yet. But I was today in my local Lidl and in the promotion brochure for next week (valid 03.12 - 09.12) are 3 types of British cheese, one of them Cheddar. It is one of the items in their "Deluxe" end-of-year range of products.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
26 Nov 2012 /  #98
They had it last week too, apparently, it was sold out in a day or two here at my local branches.

Thanks for the tip, I will need to be quick on the 3rd Dec for sure.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
26 Nov 2012 /  #99
Don't know if its been mentioned, but Auchon have 21pln per kg Polish Cheddar
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
27 Nov 2012 /  #100
It's a mild cheddar, Peter, usually sold sliced in a polystyrene tray at the front of the cheese carousel.

If your local Lidl stocks it, on 3 December if you're quick, you will have 3 varieties of cheddar, as Sobieski said.

West Country Farmhouse Mature 240g
Scottish Mature Coloured 240g
Isle of Man Vintage Reserve 240g
(6.99zl each)

The Farmhouse is likely to be the slightly gritty strong stuff which I don't like. Scottish Mature - no idea what that's like. Ditto Isle of Man Vintage Reserve - but probably very strong. They are all matured over 6 to 15 months, if that's a guide. They appear to be British made, so they should be good. They are fair to good value in price.

Don't know if its been mentioned, but Auchon have 21pln per kg Polish Cheddar

I bring hot news from the chilled cabinet at Auchan Wroc! Kerrygold Mature on a block - special offer seems to be 47zł a kg today and maybe tomorrow and for a limited period. Not much left there, however.

t Country Farmhouse Mature 240g Scottish Mature Coloured 240g Isle of Man Vintage Reserve 240g(6.99zl each)

Much to my surprise, a local Lidl had these already yesterday, quite a lot too. They're not supposed to have them until tomorrow, and they had sold out of the last batch when I checked some days ago as above.

They're British-made, so probably are very good.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
2 Dec 2012 /  #101
In Wroclaw,
Biedronka on Jednosci has Swiatowid cheddar. 10 and 14 month. 200g. I can't remember the price, but 6zl +
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
2 Dec 2012 /  #102
Thanks W

Yes it's 6.99, but I bought 2 the other day and one 10-month old one is a bit gritty, like farmhouse (I think it's the salt or maybe the crystals that form). So I can't say I like this latest batch as much as the last lot. I'm probably going to go back to C/City or Kerrygold on the block at Auchan (front of the cheese counter chiller, facing the yoghurt promo aisle).
Donald_Tusk  - | 5  
3 Dec 2012 /  #103
They're British-made, so probably are very good.

Manx made, not British!

The red Scottish one is rather tasty.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
3 Dec 2012 /  #104
Manx made, not British!

Isle of Mann is part of Britain.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
4 Dec 2012 /  #105
I bought today the red Cheddar (Scottish mature coloured). It is very tasty, but one thing strikes me.
On the front side label is written that it is made in the Lockerbie creamery with milk from the Annan valley...And on the back side is written that it is made in an Isle of Man creamery...????

Still, I will try the other two variants as well. In my local Lidl they have a large stock.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
28 Feb 2013 /  #106
No, repeat no, Cathedral City at any Tescos here at present. Wyke Farms and Kerrygold only if you're feeling flush.

That ends this newsflash.
Dreadnought  1 | 143  
1 Mar 2013 /  #107
Keep an eye on Lidl...when they have an English week (if you ask they will tell you when) they do some really good strong English Cheddar, god knows who makes it but it is nice. We buy a couple of trays because it only happens a couple of times a year and it freezes just fine. Also try Turek blue cheese, I find that stuff quite nice.......especially nice stuffed in checken breasts.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
1 Mar 2013 /  #108
Thanks, yes you're right, and it's made by Adams Foods in the UK (or it was last time). Probably next going to appear in May.

This is not a drill!

The LIDL British promotion scheduled for 03.06 has started early at some branches and they are already carrying the mature cheddar cheese. Last time it was A1 and in the many branches I checked it had sold out within a day or two.

That ends this message.
croggers  7 | 108  
17 Jul 2013 /  #109
17 Jul 2013 /  #110
Where are you?
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
17 Jul 2013 /  #111


Getthee to a mammoth Tesco'ery. Your eyes will fall upon the deli counter or the cheese aisle, and behold there four kinds of cheddar.

Lo, you will be satisfied, but harketh at the pieces of silver leaving thy clutches, for they will be many.
croggers  7 | 108  
17 Jul 2013 /  #112
Where are you?


Get thee to a mammoth Tesco'ery. Your eyes will fall upon the deli counter or the cheese aisle, and behold there four kinds of cheddar.

Lo, you will be satisfied, but harketh at the pieces of silver leaving thy clutches, for they will be many.

Haha, yeah I've seen them, just not brave enough to try them, are they any good ? As good as the one which used to be in Biedronka or that Delux stuff which used to be in Lidl ?
17 Jul 2013 /  #113

Check the Carrefours there (the ones in Warsaw stock three types of Kerrygold cheddar and a British one that's packaged for the German market).
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
17 Jul 2013 /  #114
Haha, yeah I've seen them, just not brave enough to try them, are they any good ? As good as the one which used to be in Biedronka or that Delux stuff which used to be in Lidl ?

No, I meant the brand names such as Kerrygold or (best value) Cathedral City. The problem is they're not cheap if you get through a lot, for example Irish Land brand is on the dearer side. Tesco's own mild cheddar here in Poland is not recommended, it seems to be pretty bland.

There are sliced Polish brand cheddar cheeses which some people like. Alma and similar sell them. I personally don't rate them.

Lidl's in the black wrapper is made by Adams Foods in the UK and is very good -- when it's in which is usually only during Brit week, and the next one is probably in October or November. Biedronka's is not too bad, slightly gritty, especially the longer matured one. At present, they are out of stock at the branches I know of here.

If you go to a big Tesco, it should have Cathedral City in the deli counter area in its prepack retail wrapper. If not, there's usually Kerrygold with the cheese in the aisle. As Harry said, some Carrefour's also do Kerrygold or similar by weight at the cheese counter. Something like 50zl a kilo. Good luck :o)
Cardno85  31 | 971  
18 Jul 2013 /  #115
If you are really stuck, I see Mlekovit have started selling their own version of cheddar. It's extremely mild and has a more "polish cheese" type texture, but there is a definite cheddar flavour and is at normal cheese prices. Obviously if you are using it for a cheese board or on toast or something it's not great, but for using in cooking (mac and cheese, burritos, tacos, etc) or in sandwiches with something else then it's fine.
jon357  72 | 23483  
18 Jul 2013 /  #116
It's extremely mild and has a more "polish cheese" type texture,

That's the problem with it. The Polish factory-made texture which means it doesn't melt properly.

Having said that, I've bought it when that's all there is in the shop. For cooking, you can mix it with Lithuanian Dziugas to improve it.
1jola  14 | 1875  
18 Jul 2013 /  #117
For cooking, you can mix it with Lithuanian Dziugas to improve it.

Try Bursztyn and Rubin. By far, best Polish cheeses at about 45/Kg. Better than Dziugas for melting. Dziugas is a good substitute for outrageously expensive Parmesan.
jon357  72 | 23483  
18 Jul 2013 /  #118
Ser Koryciński can also work - it tends to burn easily as that type do, but it mixes well with anything.
1jola  14 | 1875  
18 Jul 2013 /  #119
I'll try it. Thanks.
jon357  72 | 23483  
18 Jul 2013 /  #120
It's unusual but very good. And a local product too that's won international prizes. There are several flavours - some better than others. The farmers market in pl. Wilsona has a stall selling it.

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