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Where to buy British mature Cheddar Cheese and salted butter in Poland?

InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
20 Nov 2014 /  #271
Next week's promotion will indeed more or less get stocked on the Sunday, but having tried that trick here in the past I found the English speaking member of staff said "No, we won't have that before tomorrow sorry". So I had to come back the next day for the cheese, and a large amount was already gone by midday, I pretty much got the last 3 packs or so.

I don't know about the handbags thing, but I can tell you I dread shopping at Lidl. It is an absolute scrum, horribly long queues, often disappointed to find the item has sold out or was never even carried - contrary to what the promo leaflet promised.
20 Nov 2014 /  #272
Sorry InWroc, I am far away from you......right down in the Rt Hand corner of Poland, very countrified and a slower pace to life. It even snowed a bit today, then rained, then snowed some lovely big flakes for a short while.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
20 Nov 2014 /  #273
Probably happier life there, frankly. A lot of people here are always rushing around (to afford huge mortgages, probably) and less likely to offer to help or order stuff in a store. I shall look out for the ginger ale at Biedronka -- that would be great because I just can't find any so far in the main supermarkets. They have mint and lemon and heaven knows what else that I've never heard of before, but no ginger ale (ginger beer yes, ale no).
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
20 Nov 2014 /  #274
Inwo said : I dread shopping at Lidl. It is an absolute scrum, horribly long queues........................

Oscar Wilde (sic) "There's only one thing worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about".

Lidl must be well pleased.

I do find them to stock a load of old tosh at the best of times. Budweiser beer being a notable exception.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
20 Nov 2014 /  #275
Lidl must be well pleased.I do find them to stock a load of old tosh at the best of times. Budweiser beer being a notable exception.

I only go in there for a few things and it is the only supermarket that I can't wait to get out of. I absolutely hate it. In the UK, I quite liked Lidls and the staff there even saved boxes for me when I moved flat. Here, it's one of the most uncomfortable and pressured (because of the crowds always wanting to be where you're standing) shopping experiences imaginable, save for the week running up to Xmas in other shops. It's like that in Lidl all the time except maybe first thing and last thing each day.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
20 Nov 2014 /  #276
In the UK, I quite liked Lidls

The old story.

Idiotic managers who think they know what different cultures want.

Katowice Tesco used to stock prn mags (when they first started business in Silesia centre Katowice) Not girlie mags - full frontal púrn mags. Fact. Tesco can easily find me and sue me. Pure scum.

In Britain they would never have dared lol ******* lol.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
20 Nov 2014 /  #277
used to stock prn mags (when they first started business in Silesia centre Katowice) Not girlie mags - full frontal prn mags. Fact. .

In Britain they would never have dared lol ******* lol.

You can say that again.

Quite a few surprises in Poland of that nature. Condoms by the checkouts in some supermarkets, and that pretty explicit telly ad for some male impotence tablet products, showing excited young women touching their body parts when they observe their middle aged or older manager taking the stuff and then following him excitedly. It's cheesy and yet they seem to be serious about it. It's the sort of stuff that used to end up on Tarrant on TV but here it is, large as life, in all seriousness as a presumably successful vehicle to help with 'erectile dysfunction', in your face as it were complete with caricature grinning nubiles seemingly keen to cop off with men who can do 'it'. To me, this sets the image of Poland right back for all the shining office towers and 10 different types of toilet paper.

And it's cheesy, so this post should stay on this thread I hope.

many Biedronka's have Toblerone on offer at silly prices, Schweppes have also been trying to enter the local market with big bottles at silly prices as well......I think we now have some 300 litres or more of Indian Tonic water, Dr Pepper, dry ginger ale

I checked a big Biedronka here, at random (not my usual). No Toblerone. No Schweppes anything. No ginger ale.
However, Carrefour have Heinz Ketchup.
Piotr I Pawel are doing a range of prepacked Kerrygold cheese and butter which I'd recommend if you can't find Cathedral City or Lidl's.

I do not recommend the unbranded or shop's own 'cheddar' in shops here. It's mainly only of use as a door stop.
jon357  72 | 23483  
22 Nov 2014 /  #278
I do not recommend the unbranded or shop's own 'cheddar' in shops here. It's mainly only of use as a door stop.

Indeed. Just about ok for cooking with, if you add some parmesan, but only just.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
22 Nov 2014 /  #279
Thanks, will bear that in mind as a salvage method if someone buys me some with otherwise good intentions :)
Cardno85  31 | 971  
23 Nov 2014 /  #280
For the Heinz Ketchup lovers, I noticed that Tesco Online now have it, haven't been in store but if you get the home deliveries then you can get it there :)
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
23 Nov 2014 /  #281
Lidl almost sold out of the cheddar (visited 2 branches here, in each approx. 75% sold*, few Vintage left, very few Coloured Scottish, most remaining are Farmhouse).

Warning Uwaga Achtung (baby) - stock may not be replenished again this week, not in my experience anyway.

*before I bought just a few packs as already stocked up with Kerrygold from Tesco (also available at P & P)
Cardno85  31 | 971  
23 Nov 2014 /  #282
I hate to be braggy, but a guest at my recent birthday party brought me 2 packs of Mature Cheddar and a Stilton over from the UK, along with Bisto and Oxo cubes :D
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
23 Nov 2014 /  #283
^^ Mods, this is a thinly veiled attempt to torment and torture his countrymen, please delete his above post and consider suspending him for 3 hours ;)
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
23 Nov 2014 /  #284
On a more sombre note, I have broken into the "Christmas Stilton".....

It is like making love for the sake of it, instead of being in love.

18 zl versus perhaps a trifle 3 times as much for the real thing? The Lidl "Stilton" is a travesty and a complete waste of 18 hard earned zloty - and the people who market this tasteless rubbish should either be forced to eat this themselves, or be shot.

InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
23 Nov 2014 /  #285
This is indeed grim news for Stiltonites. Although not into Stilton myself, I feel your pain.

Lidl Polska -- what say you? Yes, that's right, cower behind the washing powders, but we know you're there and deeply ashamed.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
24 Nov 2014 /  #286
Lidl almost sold out of the cheddar (visited 2 branches here, in each approx. 75% sold*

It seems as if Lidl is avoiding you, because in my local one they keep on replenishing the empty shelves....
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
24 Nov 2014 /  #287
I've never known that to happen here with the cheese, or the frozen fish, or any of the lines I like. But, if I can I'll go back to at least one of those Lidls today or tomorrow and check if they've brought another 1 or 2 boxes out or there's any cheese there at all.

Cathedral City Mature 200g packs, 12.90 at Tesco. Not terribly cheap, unfortunately. Not long ago they were 9.90 and 10.90

Some Tesco stores do have Schweppes Ginger Ale, btw.

Some Tesco stores do have Schweppes Ginger Ale, btw.

As does Auchan now, although they didn't a couple of weeks ago. Although some things are cheaper in Tesco (ex. Kerrygold cheese), Schweppes Ginger Ale is much cheaper in Auchan.

Deluxe cheddars return to Lidl on 8 December, but at an increased price (8.99 / 250g)
They may appear the day before, depending on the branch.
Bikerjenko  2 | 28  
17 Apr 2015 /  #288
I have bought Cheddar cheese (think it was Irish) in our local LIDL

Colin (Tomaszow Mazowiecki)
27 Jun 2015 /  #289
Just discovered Wykes Farm cheese in Piotr and Pawel - mature and red leicester. Szczesliwy Brytyczyk :-)

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