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Polish food in Pictures.

OP PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
9 Sep 2008 /  #31
Good because there were none. Who knows why they stayed together? Some of them didn't as the first picture shows.
plk123  8 | 4119  
9 Sep 2008 /  #32
well, no wonder they weren't as tight as you wish they were. :)
OP PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
26 Sep 2008 /  #33
OK, picture of the most recent attempt at gołąbki. :) Mushroom sauce this time and boiled potatoes. :)
JaneDoe  5 | 114  
26 Sep 2008 /  #34
Try to soak the gołąbki in mushroom or tomatoes sauce (which one you prefer) for a bit. It's more tasty that way.
OP PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
26 Sep 2008 /  #35
Thanks for the tip. I much prefer mushroom sauce. So far I can only make a sauce which is enough to cover the gołąbki but I have seen pictures of them soaking in sauces. I will try in future. :)
beckski  12 | 1609  
30 Sep 2008 /  #36
Here's a pic of some of the delicious Polish food I had bought at a recent Polish Bazaar. It was held over the past weekend, at Our Lady of The Bright Mount Polish church. It's located in Los Angeles, CA.

  • Polish_food.jpg
pan_jurek2  - | 8  
4 Oct 2008 /  #37
hey, post some pictures of pierogies please
rdywenur  1 | 157  
5 Oct 2008 /  #38
I think you should use a covered pan (one of those oval deep ones for your golumki. Just sitting on a cookie sheet will dry them out and burn the leaves (I can see by the photos) Add some water to the pan just enough to coover the bottom and allow them to steam, you will need to check and add periodically) We also stack them on top of each other in the pan. Towards the end of the baking time then try adding you sauce. I don't like mushy ones ( cabbage must be moist yet insides on dry side...meaning the rice and meat does not look clumped and like paste)

A typical Polish Plate served at festivals.
OP PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
6 Oct 2008 /  #39
Believe it or not I do use a deep dish and I pour water into the bottom before covering with foil. When I made those ones in my second lot of pictures I didn't add any further water.

I made them again today and added more water at the beginning so when I checked them 1/2 way and then 3/4 way through they didn't require any addtional water as there was still adequate left in the bottom of the dish and they weren't burnt at all. (Now I wish I had taken a picture of these ones. ;)

I read your tip about the sauce and decided against it, most of the people who are eating them here prefer them only with ketchup. I prefer them with mushroom sauce so I just add that when serving. Perhaps in the future I'll try your way. I'll be giving the gołąbki a rest for a while though as I have a new dish to try! ;)

Thanks for the tips ;)

(Currently I am making cabbage soup ;)
rdywenur  1 | 157  
8 Oct 2008 /  #40
To keep you golumki together when rolling them make sure the seam side is set down (not up) Then when you place one next to the other and on top of each other if making many they will hold themselves from coming apart. To fill you use the pocket (stem side) to place filling, fold over one edge then the other edge and roll down till the end placing the end facing down in the pan.
LAGirl  9 | 496  
8 Oct 2008 /  #41
mmm looks good LOL.
Lori  4 | 118  
11 Oct 2008 /  #42
I didn't make these things, but surely enjoyed eating them in Poland!
19 Oct 2008 /  #43

What is your recipe for the mushroom sauce? It looks delicious! Here in the Detroit (US) area, we always bake our stuffed cabbages in lots of sauce. I use a tomato sauce and they are great, but would like to try the mushroom sauce.

Also, I'd like a recipe for the cucumbers in sauce. Thanks a lot.

Roberta in Michigan

Are those potato pancakes? What is your recipe? I make a zucchini pancake that looks identical. Thanks.

Roberta in Michigan

mizeria.... i love it...

Will you post your recipe? Thank you. My husband loves cucumber salad.

Roberta in Michigan
McCoy  27 | 1268  
19 Oct 2008 /  #44
Will you post your recipe? Thank you. My husband loves cucumber salad.

the easiest salad in the whole universe. slice the cucumber, add some cream, salt, pepper (you can put a few drops of lemon juice on cucamber if you like) and its ready. enjoy (;
OP PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
19 Oct 2008 /  #45
What is your recipe for the mushroom sauce?

I didn't make the mushroom sauce in the those pictures but when I do make it I use a recipe similar to this one here but with my own secret ingredient. ;)


I don't bake the gołąbki in the sauce though because I like them with only a little sauce on them. :)
19 Oct 2008 /  #46
with my own secret ingredient. ;)

OP PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
19 Oct 2008 /  #47
Haha - now, if I either confirmed or denied that, it would no longer be a secret. ;)
19 Oct 2008 /  #48
that's what i cooked today - classic: chicken fried chicken (kotlet z kurczaka), mushed potatoes with dill and mizeria...

  • classic Polish dinner
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
19 Oct 2008 /  #49
Justysia's kurczaczek :)
OP PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
19 Oct 2008 /  #50
classic: chicken fried chicken (kotlet z kurczaka), mushed potatoes with dill and mizeria...

Yum. :) Haven't had mashed potatoes for ages. I'm making kotlet this week so I think I'll have some mash with them. :)

Justysia's kurczaczek :)

That's what I made today...with garlic gravy. :)
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
19 Oct 2008 /  #51
That's what I made today...with garlic gravy. :)

that is beer chicken my dear, it's awesome and it melts in your mouth ;)
19 Oct 2008 /  #52
that is beer chicken my dear

beer-can chicken from the grill tastes heavenly too... :)
OP PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
19 Oct 2008 /  #53
We'll need to have some form of PF cook-a-thon at some time. :)

beer chicken

Mines was sober. :)
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
19 Oct 2008 /  #54
We'll need to have some form of PF cook-a-thon at some time. :)

good idea, i looove cooking ;)
OP PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
19 Oct 2008 /  #55
I do too...now. I didn't before but then about a year or more ago I realised I was eating a load of crap so I started to teach myself a few things. Now it's a favourite past-time...only wish I had more time to do it. ;)
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
19 Oct 2008 /  #56
Now it's a favourite past-time...only wish I had more time to do it. ;)

i only do it every now and again, but that's just cos i'm lazy as i have loads of spare time. you should see the look on my boyfriends face when we're in the shop and i'm getting ready meals lol. he's like aww you're not cooking tonight? ha ha bless.
rdywenur  1 | 157  
20 Oct 2008 /  #57
most of the people who are eating them here prefer them only with ketchup

My mom uses ketsup in the last stage of adding water just before they are done. Shw will take equal part water to ketsup and mix so that it will have the consistancy of a sauce and pour over the golumbki. I do not add ketsup when I am eating them although some members of the family will put ketsup on them when eating them. This gives just enough hint of a taste and is not as over powering as ketsup dumped directly on them.
polishcanuck  7 | 461  
21 Oct 2008 /  #58
I had some kaszanka with mashed potatoes last night for dinner. Yum!
McCoy  27 | 1268  
21 Oct 2008 /  #59
i would kill for this:
sledz  23 | 2247  
21 Oct 2008 /  #60
It looks like BBQ Ribs:)
thats it ...I`m going out for Polish obiad tonight or sooner
you guys are making me hungry

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