pawian 226 | 27547 4 Oct 2019 / #31.No sugar in tea nor coffee, no soft drinks, no junk food and I get plenty of exercise.You do torture yourself with those constraints.
Miloslaw 20 | 5124 4 Oct 2019 / #32Not at all.I don't like any of those things, so it is very easy for me.Do you succumb to some of those then?
pawian 226 | 27547 4 Oct 2019 / #33Yes, every day. But succumbing is a wrong word. I consciously take advantage of harmful foods without any limitations - no regret, remorse, scruples etc whatsoever. I don`t resist my tastes, I simply eat and drink what I like.
Miloslaw 20 | 5124 5 Oct 2019 / #34Same here.I just don't like sugar and junk food.So no hardship for me and no weight gain either.