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Oils and fats in Polish foods

13 Apr 2010 /  #1
Hi All,

For a study assignment I am doing research into consumer trends of oils and fats (olive oil, butter, margarine, functional spreads with omega 3 etc) in Poland.

Is there anyone who could give me some information on what kind of products are used, when and what for. What kind of people use butter or margarine etc and what are recent trends (in summaries from very expensive reports I read for example health is becoming a bigger issue?)

Any information would be of help, thank you ver much in advance!

Kind regards,

A Dutch student
Varsovian  91 | 634  
13 Apr 2010 /  #2
I know there have been some studies into diet in Poland.

Try looking for Zatonski.

Otherwise search for keywords like "fat - diet - Poland" - and most importantly "et al"

et al usually gives you links to scientific papers

and do tell me if you have any luck!
pawian  226 | 27543  
30 Sep 2019 /  #3
What kind of people use butter or margarine etc and what are recent trends

Just like in 2010, it is still quite impossible to create such statistics coz such preferences can be versatile and depending on purely personal choice. E..g, in my family, my wife and kids use butter for sandwiches, grandparents margarine while I use nothing or smalec (melt lard) with skwarki.
Atch  22 | 4299  
1 Oct 2019 /  #4
A look at what's on offer on the websites of supermarkets such as Carrefour, Biedronka or Auchan gives as good a picture as any of the most commonly used products. There is definitely an increased awareness of the dangers of an excess of saturated fats.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
1 Oct 2019 /  #5

People should avoid eating margarine for many various reasons. For example, I can sense margarine at once if it was delivered in place of butter and I feel sick after consuming margarine. Margarine is an artificial product which will not be found in nature.
johnny reb  49 | 7945  
1 Oct 2019 /  #6
various reasons.

The main reason is that Margarine is but one molecule from being PLASTIC..... yummy !
Google this fact for yourself if you doubt me.
pawian  226 | 27543  
1 Oct 2019 /  #7
There is definitely an increased awareness of the dangers of an excess of saturated fats.

Yes, exactly. But there is a long way between increased awareness and putting it into practice. I eat what I like and don`t care about harmful fats like smalec. Fortunately, I also love olive oil and oily sea fish so I can say my diet is balanced when fats are concerned.

People should avoid eating margarine for many various reasons

Yes, just like smoking or drinking. However, one guy smokes all his life and lives to 90, another one dies of cancer at 50. The same with margarine. :)
Miloslaw  20 | 5124  
1 Oct 2019 /  #8
The main reason is that Margarine is but one molecule from being PLASTIC..... yummy !

I hate margerine and don't eat it.
But your post is an urban myth.
Please Google more carefully and more deeply.
I am not a chemist so not an expert on the subject but if you Google this you will find that butter is just as close to plastic as margerine.

One molecule can be so far away as to be a completely different product.
Having said that, I would not encourage people to eat margerine, and even butter should be used sparingly.
johnny reb  49 | 7945  
1 Oct 2019 /  #9
But your post is an urban myth.

Actually it is not.
Do you have any sources that say it is a myth besides your opinion ?
The older stick margarines turned out to be clearly worse for you than butter.
Eating butter increases the absorption of many other nutrients in other foods, butter has many nutritional benefits where margarine has a few only because they are added by a chemist.

Butter tastes much better than margarine wouldn't you agree ?
Butter has been around for centuries where margarine has been around for less than 100 years.
Now for Margarine, very high in trans fatty acids triple risk of Coronary Heart Disease, Increases total and LDL (This is the bad Cholesterol), Lowers HDL cholesterol and this is the good one, increases the risk of cancers by up to five fold.

Butter is made from milk and cream where as margarine is made out of vegetable oils.
I will trust what a cow has developed before eating something a chemist has developed.

if you Google this you will find that butter is just as close to plastic as margerine.

Really ? Where ?
Miloslaw  20 | 5124  
2 Oct 2019 /  #10
Do you have any sources that say it is a myth besides your opinion ?

I used the same source as you, Google.

Really ? Where ?

I didn't think Google was different in The USA to Europe................ just look JR and you will find :-)
Bigmagic  1 | 3  
2 Oct 2019 /  #11
Years ago I read somewhere that if you put margarine out that mice, bugs etc. will not eat it. So I tested this by setting a stick in the corner of my garage where I knew I had mice. I checked it 3 or 4 times and nothing had touched it after a couple weeks. Then I forgot about it. A little more than four months later I remembered it was still there. I rushed out to check it and after all that time, nothing touched it. It was dusty but it was still untouched. That stuff cannot be good food. If mice and insects won't eat it, I certainly will not. But if anyone else likes it, then by all means, have at it.
johnny reb  49 | 7945  
2 Oct 2019 /  #12
................ just look JR and you will find

I don't do other peoples homework for them.
I ask you to produce your source to verify your claim that:

you will find that butter is just as close to plastic as margerine.

So far your claim is nothing more than a urban myth. :-)
I am no chemist so not saying one way or another but then again I didn't make that claim, you did.
Still Waiting to see your source..............OR should I take heed to what you posted earlier:

I am sure you have been on here long enough to know that you can't believe everything you read here.

Miloslaw  20 | 5124  
2 Oct 2019 /  #13
I don't do other peoples homework for them.

You made the original claim without any sources LOL!!!!!

Here ya go ya lazy so and so;




Is that enough for you?
johnny reb  49 | 7945  
2 Oct 2019 /  #14
I honestly can tell you that I was stupid enough to waste my time to google your sources and NONE of them substantiated your claim that:

butter is just as close to plastic as margerine.

You should have added to your statement...."In my opinion."
Miloslaw  20 | 5124  
2 Oct 2019 /  #15
NONE of them substantiated your claim that:

But that is not what we were discussing.
We were discussing your claim that;

Margarine is but one molecule from being PLASTIC

And my links proved you wrong.

Hope you read them and learnt something.

If you are still struggling to understand then read this;


Just because someting is one molecule away from something else does not make it the same thing.
eg Hydrogen Peroxide(H2O2) and water(H2O)

You need to drink water to live...........
kaprys  3 | 2076  
2 Oct 2019 /  #16
Out of curiosity, have you tried it with butter as well?

As for oils, olej rzepakowy /canola oil is quite popular and I've heard it's really good, especially for cooking as some say it's better for your health than heated olive oil. No source here, just what I remember.

And there was this trend that coconut oil was just super healthy. But then again it's full of saturated fats -allegedly better than in butter or lard but still. ..
pawian  226 | 27543  
2 Oct 2019 /  #17
it's better for your health than heated olive oil.

Yes, I also read that new varieties of rapeseed oil are OK, opposite to older types.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124  
2 Oct 2019 /  #18
Out of curiosity, have you tried it with butter as well?

I am no expert on mice but I suspect they are more interested in nuts and seeds than butter and margarine.

I think olive oil is fairly healthy.
johnny reb  49 | 7945  
2 Oct 2019 /  #19
You have your crayons mixed up again.

But that is not what we were discussing.

That is exactly what we were discussing as you claimed butter was just as close to plastic as margarine.

if you Google this you will find that butter is just as close to plastic as margerine.

I ask you

Really ? Where ?

You have yet to show me your source that says any such thing about butter.
Now focus ......we are talking about BUTTER here, not margarine.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124  
3 Oct 2019 /  #20
Poor Johnny, you are very confused and seem to struggle in following a discussion.

We were discussing the false claim that you originaly made, which to remind you, was;

The main reason is that Margarine is but one molecule from being PLASTIC

By focusing on my comment that butter is just as close to plastic as margarine, all you are trying, and failing to do, is to deflect and obfuscate in an attempt to veer the discussion away from your original false statement.

But I will play along with you.
Now, lets see if you can manage to concentrate long enough to follow this.........
As you already accept that butter is far away from being plastic and that I have now shown you, beyond doubt, that margarine is too.

It follows that they are both far away from being plastic.
Are you still following Johnny?
If they are both as far away from being plastic then it follows that they are both just as close too.

Now Johnny, be a good boy and pick up those toys you threw out of your pram.........
3 Oct 2019 /  #21
butter is just as close to plastic as margerine.

Neither of them are close to being plastic. Many substances contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms for example, but it is the arrangement/variation of the atoms within the substance which determines the properties. Plastics consist of polymer chains, margarine is a blend of vegetable oils. It's a bit like saying that water is close to hydrogen peroxide because they both contain oxygen and hydrogen atoms. One has the formula H2O, the other H2O2.. Would you like to drink a glass of hydrogen peroxide? Or how about a glass of methanol instead of ethanol? The only difference is a CH2 group, but methanol will leave you blind or dead instead of a bit inebriated.

Margarine, very high in trans fatty acids t

Not these days. Most margarines don't contain hydrogenated vegetable oils,unless you are talking about margarine how it used to be, a solid lump of fat. Most margarines now are spreads, and do in fact contain low levels of saturated fats, and in some cases, are healthier for you than butter, which contains high levels of saturated fats.

In any case, everything in moderation :)
Miloslaw  20 | 5124  
3 Oct 2019 /  #22
It's a bit like saying that water is close to hydrogen peroxide because they both contain oxygen and hydrogen atoms.

I tried to explain this to Johnny but he wouldn't take it from me.
Maybe he will listen to a chemist ;-)
3 Oct 2019 /  #23
Oh I doubt that. On this forum, doesn't matter what particular branch of expertise someone has, someone will always know better ;)

Anyway, I like anchor spreadable on bread, but I use olive and rapeseed oil in cooking. If I'm making cakes I use both butter and margarine. I have noticed that my Polish friends who bake, only use butter and not margarine. None of them use spreads either, always unsalted butter in rolls.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124  
3 Oct 2019 /  #24
I like anchor spreadable on bread

My wife and I do too.Real butter with rapeseed oil added... and only use olive oil for cooking.
johnny reb  49 | 7945  
3 Oct 2019 /  #25
I see that you are STILL confused with what you tried to imply and were corrected.

One molecule can be so far away as to be a completely different product.

Since we were debating margarine and butter it would be CORRECT to say that you implied that butter is one molecule away from being plastic also.

Are ya trackin' here son ?

will find that butter is just as close to plastic as margerine.

This is where you got confused and started deflecting as you were still on the right train but the wrong tracks.

Maybe he will listen to a chemist ;-)

She is no chemist, she did a copy and paste from one of your sources.

Many substances contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms for example,

And you use to give me hell for copy and pasting Pam. You hypocrite you. lol
I am glad we finally got this straightened out and put to rest.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124  
3 Oct 2019 /  #26
Are ya trackin' here son ?

Sure, I track that you just don't get it and won't admit that you are wrong.
Just carry on thinking that you were right to say margarine is close to plastic LOL!!
You have no idea at all.
Here endeth the sermon.
johnny reb  49 | 7945  
3 Oct 2019 /  #27
And you carry on that you were right in implying that butter was just as close to plastic as margarine is.
I am glad you finally got it.

Moving on to a more realistic facts about foods in general including Polish foods.......
We survived being born to mothers who may have smoked and or drank while they were pregnant.
They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing, tuna from a can, and didn't get tested for diabetes or cholesterol.
And after all that we are focusing on the contents of oils and fats as we die at a faster rate of cancer and sugar diabetes today than ever. lol

Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow you will die.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124  
3 Oct 2019 /  #28
And you carry on that you were right in implying that butter was just as close to plastic as margarine is

And I proved it too but you are just not smart enough to understand it.
One more time... just as close and just as far......
You were wrong and lost this argument but won't admit it and you look like a fool.
Remember that before you decide to take me on again.
johnny reb  49 | 7945  
3 Oct 2019 /  #29
You were wrong and lost this argument

That would depend on who is telling the story.
Since you are it is rendered meaningless.
We are very aware how you got your crayons mixed up and had to divert to safe face.
Meanwhile I don't care how you justify to yourself that you are right when you are wrong. (Again)
You can't make me agree with you when you are wrong.
You wonder why you are over weight, I will tell you why.
When we were kids we ate cupcakes, white bread, real butter, and bacon.
We drank Kool Aid made with real white sugar.
And we weren't overweight.
Because we were always outside playing...that's why !
Do you get any exercise at all ?
Miloslaw  20 | 5124  
4 Oct 2019 /  #30
You wonder why you are over weight

I am not overweight and never have been.No sugar in tea nor coffee, no soft drinks, no junk food and I get plenty of exercise.

Why are you overweight?

But we will end this here, because you still believe this nonsense;

The main reason is that Margarine is but one molecule from being PLASTIC

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