Pgtx, I'm warning you ;) ;) ;) Neck is legendary! I don't think the school's budget stretches to that :( :( BBQ is one thing that Poles excel at though there are more :)
Eating Kielbasa - how do you cook yours?
I'm warning you ;) ;) ;)
yumms.... when i go for lunch at work, I can smell BBQ everywhere, but the only thing my ass appreciates right now is a salad...? torture!!! :(

Maybe it's time to divorce yourself from your ass? ;) ;)
I don't care if eating sausages sometimes looks gay, the taste is a reward in itself :)
I don't care if eating sausages sometimes looks gay, the taste is a reward in itself :)
I don't care if eating sausages sometimes looks gay
hahaha... what?!
You know what I mean :) ;) ;)
Sucking that mustard and tomato ketchup off with pleasure must paint the picture sufficiently.
Caramelised onions, can't wait :) :) I only paid 5PLN and am gonna pull a few Scottish tactics to maximise the experience :)
Sucking that mustard and tomato ketchup off with pleasure must paint the picture sufficiently.
Caramelised onions, can't wait :) :) I only paid 5PLN and am gonna pull a few Scottish tactics to maximise the experience :)
Sucking that mustard and tomato ketchup off with pleasure must paint the picture sufficiently.
you should bite and chew, not suck on it! hahaha...
I only paid 5PLN and am gonna pull a few Scottish tactics to maximise the experience :)
is Mr. Scrooge your financial adviser?
dtaylor5632 18 | 1998
24 Jun 2010 / #67
is Mr. Scrooge your financial adviser?
No, of course eating the contents, giving the roll back and asking them to top it up for only 3pln.....You have a cheek miss Krakowia :P
Biting and chewing, eh? Hmm, the sauce goes everywhere then :( Nothing like sucking it off first and then drawing out the juices (as the actress said to the bishop).
No, I'm just the product of solid Scottish training :) I'm true to my colours :)
No, I'm just the product of solid Scottish training :) I'm true to my colours :)
Nothing like sucking it off first and then drawing out the juices
and here Mr. Bean came to my mind with his horrible long pointy tongue and big naughty eyes... yuck... hahaha....
Revealing your standards so early Pgtx, tut tut ;) ;)
Talking of tongue, um, it's tasty in Poland. I say all this with the lingering thought that I should be a vegetarian, undefying of the Bible as it is. I minimise my meat intake but it's hard to resist.
As I told my student the other day, I don't kill those animals directly, nor will I ever do so nor endorse it directly.
Talking of tongue, um, it's tasty in Poland. I say all this with the lingering thought that I should be a vegetarian, undefying of the Bible as it is. I minimise my meat intake but it's hard to resist.
As I told my student the other day, I don't kill those animals directly, nor will I ever do so nor endorse it directly.
Revealing your standards so early Pgtx, tut tut ;) ;)
yes, Mr. Bean is my type!!!!! ;D
the best way to eat kielbasa is to cook it in a camp fire, bite and chew while hot... tastes better that way... :)
Hmm...ok, each to their own :)
We are gonna have a grill by the lake so I'll leave it in the capable hands of the female staff that I teach alongside :) I'll kindly refrain from sausage handling jokes now and eagerly look forward to convincing them that I didn't get one. I have to starve myself for a few hours :)
We are gonna have a grill by the lake so I'll leave it in the capable hands of the female staff that I teach alongside :) I'll kindly refrain from sausage handling jokes now and eagerly look forward to convincing them that I didn't get one. I have to starve myself for a few hours :)
I'll kindly refrain from sausage handling jokes now and eagerly look forward to convincing them that I didn't get one. I have to starve myself for a few hours :)
you could always demonstrate to everybody how to butter a corn on the cob.... lol
I see no metaphors nor practical value so I'll pass ;) ;)
You mean lubricate something? Hmm....the mind boggles ;)
You mean lubricate something? Hmm....the mind boggles ;)
lilbasa8393 2 | 3
9 Jul 2010 / #75
With the last name Kielbasa it has always been dinner dish at least twice a month, every month. My mom usually boiled it. But I personally love it grilled :)
Grilling it is legendary! Obviously, charcoal works wonders but I have a conventional heater which does the trick (it has a 250o grill setting). I had a grilled sausage just 2.5hrs ago, mighty tasty! God Bless Poland for their range of sausages! I don't like eating a lot of meat due to sympathy with the vegetarian philosophy (and out of weight concerns) but once in a while I can savour a well-grilled kiełbasa, especially with Kamis's Russian mustard :) :) :)
polish sausage is repellent in all aspects and it doesn't make any difference how you cook it (but grilled is the least unpleasant) (although still horrible)
sorry. can't help being english ; )
sorry. can't help being english ; )
Repellent is the thing you spray on mosquitoes. I think you meant repulsive, natasia.
You are English? I don't think so :)
You are English? I don't think so :)
no, am sorry, but one can also use 'repellent' to mean 'something which has the property of repelling' - in the case of Polish sausage, repelling me (rather than mosquitoes). i think there are several quotations from Oscar Wilde where he uses it thus - am pretty sure there are at least two in 'Importance ...'.
i am extremely english, i can assure you.
have a natural aversion to pigs' noses and balls made into sausages and frozen and then unwrapped and given to me ...
i am extremely english, i can assure you.
have a natural aversion to pigs' noses and balls made into sausages and frozen and then unwrapped and given to me ...
Well, in context you meant repulsive ;) ;)
dtaylor5632 18 | 1998
10 Jul 2010 / #81
i am extremely english, i can assure you.
Hence the lack of capital letters ;) :P
I agree about Polish sausages, they are full of rubbish and probably not much of what can be considered meat...
Repellent is the thing you spray on mosquitoes. I think you meant repulsive, natasia.
Wouldn't that be "a repellent" used as a noun?
Sorry I'm in a cheeky mood :P
Nonsense, you know you like a big juicy Polish sausage your mouth.
No, Davie, it's just repellent ;)
Grills tend to be too heavy for me but one sausage doesn't do too much harm.
Grills tend to be too heavy for me but one sausage doesn't do too much harm.
Kielbasa i kapusta. Smaczne!
I recently tried grilling it, and it was amazing stuff. Usually, my family just boils it, which is still very good, but grilling is the best way. :D
Wroclaw Boy
12 Jul 2010 / #86
After many years of living here i finally found a Kielbasa which i like, its Senatorska and its barbecued in a local shop. I think the secret to cooking any Polish sausage is not to slice it repeatedly down one side (many Poles do this) if you do that and cook it all the juices will be lost or if youre deep frying it will taste more like the oil not the intended flavour.
You cant beat BBQ'd meat.
You cant beat BBQ'd meat.
you know you like a big juicy Polish sausage your mouth.
hahahahahahaha i had to laugh real hard after reading this, hahaha good one...!
Do the old British thing and prick it with a fork a few times. That works! :) :)
polkamaniac 1 | 482
13 Jul 2010 / #89
Polish sausage taste good boilled,grilled and smoked.Another good way to have the sausage is on a Pizza.Tastes great!!!!!!!
Hence the lack of capital letters ;) :P
not sure what use of caps has to do with nationality?? : )
i simply prefer going naked on such forums. no capital letters. not even for proper nouns. feels risky and exhilirating. you see, i am extremely english. such things excite me. like polish sausage. in the right context. ; )
seriously, you Poles (ok, had to do that to distinguish you from long sticks) - are these sausages frequently used as sex toys?