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Why carp for Polish Christmas?

slask miller  
12 Jan 2010 /  #121
just for reference for the english carp are botton feeders but so are cod and you eat millions of them.................
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
12 Jan 2010 /  #122
just for reference for the english

We know what a carp is thank you.

carp are botton feeders

predominantly bottom feeders is a more accurate description
12 Jan 2010 /  #123
A CARP pen ter named Jesus would tell you that you were all like carp once - bottom feeders at heart but equal in all respects - but then a few wanted to be better than the rest and decided to maked a break for it and use the bottom feeders in a game to see which would get caught and which would not bite at their hookers and allures. Eventually, they found that some had grown so wise that they would play a game with the fishermen where the fish they were fishing for became the real fishers of men who would catch (off gaurd) all the men that thought they were awaiting a (high and) mighty catch that day. Instead of being the one catching, cleaning, then cooking a fish, they were catch of the day themselves waiting for something much more shocking than they ever could have EXpected. That's why they C 'n E at the begining of the END. It's 'e' as in elecTRICK that shocks them the most. Hi Daulton. See you 'p' as in much later plater boy. Splater splater guts!
polkamaniac  1 | 482  
14 Jan 2010 /  #124
I guess that is why the polish carp were called "Królewski Karp"
21 Jan 2010 /  #125
The Greek word for fish ichthys is an acronym for Iesous Christos Theou Yios Soter, Jesus Christ God's Son Saviour
sobieski  106 | 2111  
16 Dec 2010 /  #127
Merged thread:
Karp with Christmas ?

Is anybody on this forum eating karp on Christmas' Eve?
Poland has a lot of nice traditions...but this one belongs not too that category.

For me it has a hideous taste...But I also feel sorry for the fish themselves when I seem them packed together in a water tank in the hypermarkets...

So I am lucky my wife does not like it either :)
polkamaniac  1 | 482  
17 Dec 2010 /  #128
I guess why it's so popular is because it's cheap and readilly available.
nickyspaghetti  2 | 14  
17 Dec 2010 /  #129
It is a little bizarre to me that it is the traditional dish for wigilia, but so many people dislike it.
After 4 years here I would say that at least 20% of people are not keen on carp at Christmas.
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
17 Dec 2010 /  #130
Three years and you haven't figured it out yet...? Man your culture is complex. ;P
Stu  12 | 515  
17 Dec 2010 /  #131
Is anybody on this forum eating karp on Christmas' Eve?

Yep ... I'll be flying to Wroclaw tomorrow. Then on the 23rd, I'll put my wife, my mother-in-law and a carp (and most of the other traditional Polish meals/ingredients) in a car and drive back to the Netherlands to celebrate Christmas over here, together with my mother.

No carp for me though. This afternoon I'll go to the butcher's and order a nice piece of venison steak. I'll serve it with some nice garlic potato wedges and a red wine sauce. Infinitely better than carp, if you ask me. I particularly look forward to my dessert: a nice piece of stilton, soaked for two weeks in red port. I can't wait.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
17 Dec 2010 /  #132
Then on the 23rd, I'll put my wife, my mother-in-law and a carp... in a car and drive back to the Netherlands to celebrate Christmas over here, together with my mother.

Do you put it in living or dead? the carp, not your mother-in-law.

stilton, soaked for two weeks in red port.

Do you prepare it in any other way, baking etc?
Sounds delicious, wow my mouth is actually watering thinking of it.
Stu  12 | 515  
17 Dec 2010 /  #133
Do you put it in living or dead? the carp, not your mother-in-law

The carp is dead and my mother-in-law alive (at least that is my plan at the moment ... :D)

Do you prepare it in any other way, baking etc?

No, just like that ... with a nice piece of french bread. The port has completely soaked into the cheese. It's absolutely gorgeous.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
17 Dec 2010 /  #134
why do people in Poland eat carp for Christmas Eve?

Because Poles just love to carp on about things.
Olaf  6 | 955  
17 Dec 2010 /  #135
why do people in Poland eat carp for Christmas Eve

I think it is tradition - carp was brought to Poland around XIII century and was popular.

the worst one possible

- What? Why? Not true.

You can farm salmon as easily!

- You think farmed salmons are any better? That's daydreaming.

Is there any way to cook this fish so it's actually eatable?

Sure there are, many ways. Carp is a bit fatty, but fried in proper temp. can be very nice.

Salmon instead carp is like hamburgers and chips instead of pierogi and barszc!
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Dec 2010 /  #136
Royal carp (karp królewski) with only one line of scales along the back and weighing about 2-2.5 lbs are the best, as they have fewer and larger intermuscular bones and the best-tasting flesh. The worse is the sazan (wild carp) covered all over by large scales.

An Afro-American (who incidentally fancy carp more than white Americans) once told me that after cleaning and rinsing a carp it should be salted and frozen before cooking. That supposedly removes any off-flavour.
Olaf  6 | 955  
21 Dec 2010 /  #137
what is in the menu for new years eve in poland ?
Champagne, you peasant.


CARP pen ter

"Królewski Karp"

mother-in-law alive

Royal carp (karp królewski)

- anyway Ciprinus carpio...
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Jan 2011 /  #138
Illinois is now exporting the invasive carp to China where it is regarded as a delicacy.

3 Dec 2011 /  #139
"The Yellow River Carp" is famous in China for thousands years cause it's delicacy.The Han people in north China value the carp,because the carp means lucky and rich.In chinese new year or wedding,the Han people in north China eat carp in tradition.

In lengend the carp in Yellow River which fortunately jumped cross the"Long Men"(the gate of dragon),will be burned the tail by lightning,and then the carp become a dragon.

The carp(chinese call 鲤) in north China taste better than in south China.

The carp which invade USA,chinese call 白鲢 OR 大头(big head) , chinese like the head of this fish ,because full of fat in it's big head.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
7 Dec 2011 /  #140
The nvasive Asian 'flying' carp in the US is known in Polish as a tołpyga. They are very good eating (I've had them in Poland), in fact better tasting than the common carp. Another vareity is the amur (grass carp in Englsh), used in the west to keep unwanted aquatic vegetation and algae in check in lakes and ponds, as they are prue herbivores.
espana  17 | 947  
22 Dec 2011 /  #141
if the carps are in the bath......when do the polacks have a shower or a bath???

do poles shower for Christmas??
22 Dec 2011 /  #142
For three whole days a year we have as much grease in our hair as Spaniards do throughout their lifetime. :)
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
22 Dec 2011 /  #143
if the carps are in the bath......when do the polacks have a shower or a bath

the carp learn to swim out of the way.
pawian  219 | 24792  
22 Dec 2011 /  #144
Why carp for Polish Christmas?

Why not?

Today, I had carp at school mock Christmas Eve. My portion was smaller than my neighbour`s, that`s unfair! Why am I always disadvanteged?

Plus, I bought 3 fish which are now racing the bathtub.
22 Dec 2011 /  #145
The carp is dead and my mother-in-law alive (at least that is my plan at the moment ... :D)

only just picked up on this thread, but it made me laugh! i really like carp, but its certainly not eaten that often by us brits! so you have the xmas period with the mother-in-law....will she still be alive after nye..:D
catsoldier  54 | 574  
27 Dec 2011 /  #146
Merged:Where did you keep your live carp and did you kill it or free it?

Where did you keep your live carp and did you kill it or free it?

I am more surprised that people keep their carp in the bath. Did your children ask you not to kill it? Any funny stories?

The people in this video as far as I can tell deny killing their own carp.

13 Aug 2012 /  #147
I had carp in Polish Carp, it was pretty good and tasty. It was marinated in onions for some time. The Only thing i was missing in it was tad bit of seasoning. I am sure Polish Carp is not fed crap. Then recently, I thought lets try a carp here in texas. I soon realized that It was nasty and tasted kind of like sewer dwelling fish.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
13 Aug 2012 /  #148
I wonder if keeping a wild Texas carp alive in fresh, spring water for 2-3 days would remove any off-flavours. That's what they do in Poland with pond-bred carp. After being removed from the pond they are kept in freshwater tanks before reaching the retailer.
kondzior  11 | 1027  
13 Aug 2012 /  #149
Not exactly. The carp that are supplied to stores in Poland are bred in captivity, in something like a gigantic pool. They drain this pool when the fish are the right size, and collect them. These are clean fish fed pellets and not mud feeders.
ifor bach  11 | 152  
20 Dec 2012 /  #150
Merged: Free Poland's carp for Christmas

A group of animal rights activists in Szczecin are demanding 'rights for fish' outside shopping centers.


Should fish have rights?

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