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Borscht - Zurek / Bialy barszcz recipe

16 Apr 2008 /  #61
my Babcia taught me how to make uszka i barszcz last christmas....hope this helps... ja kocham Polska!
Uszka Dough:
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
2 whole eggs, slightly beaten
1 tablespoon sour cream
1 tablespoon melted butter
1/4 cup warm water
Mushroom Filling:
2 tablespoons butter
1 medium size onion, finely chopped
1 pound Porcini mushrooms, washed and chopped
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
·Sift the flour into medium size bowl. Beat the eggs and combine with water, sour cream and melted butter. Add moist mixture to the flour and mix well. Knead dough until soft and smooth. Cover with warm cloth and set aside while preparing filling (for about 20 minutes).

·In a medium size skillet melt the butter and add the onions. Cook for couple minutes or until just soft and translucent. Add chopped Porcini mushrooms and sauté for 8 to 10 minutes or until liquid evaporates, stirring frequently. Cool for couple minutes.

·On the floured surface roll out the dough 1/8 inch thick. Cut dough into 2-inch squares. Place some Porcini mushroom mixture in the center and fold over the dough, sealing the dough edges with water carefully.

·Cook in boiling, salted water for about 10 minutes or until they come to the top. Drain well and pour lightly with melted butter. Serve uszka as a side dish with barszcz or just put them into the barszcz.

Stefania Śmieja-Henry
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Apr 2008 /  #62
For recipes on how to make both white barzscze (aka żurek) and red barszcz, including the tart beet, oat or rye sour needed to produce the real thing, check out 'Polish Heritage Cookery', all in English, published by Hippocrene of NYC.
inga  1 | 1  
22 Sep 2008 /  #63
Hello pdmokry,

I have just joined this web-site and noticed your interest in zurek. I am writing a book about soups from all around the world and instead of just getting recipes off the internet i would like to have "real" people share their soup recipes. Would you be interested in sharing your zurek recipe? I would be very grateful.
plk123  8 | 4119  
22 Sep 2008 /  #64
there is at least another thread here somewhere already. but rafik has you covered if you understand polski.
tzark  - | 15  
29 Sep 2008 /  #65
I had zurek when i visited in july, it wasn't too bad..until you know whats in it, then its gross.
8 Oct 2008 /  #66
Why is it gross? If you like sourdough bread, lambics, or natural fermented pickles, it's exactly the same concept.

Anyhow, here's how I make the zakwas:

1 cup rye flour
1/2 cup oat flakes
2-3 cups boiled water that has been cooled to room temperature
2 garlic cloves cut into slices

Usually, you add the crusts of two slices of Polish rye bread to this. Instead, I add a tablespoon of sourdough starter. Mix all into a non-reactive container (glass or stoneware). Leave in warm place for 2-5 days, depending on how sour you want it.
5 Dec 2008 /  #67
Babcia, dziadzius, Tata and the WHOLE family miss Smurf and her Brother!
Why not come and help make it again this year?

Tata Smurf
llh1095  - | 1  
12 Dec 2008 /  #68
Merged:Does anyone know the recipe for this Polish white borsch?

I am 36, and ever since I can remember my grandmother, and now my mother, have made a borsch every Easter and I can not find any recipe that is similar. I am going to make it this coming Easter and my mother will show me how but I just wondered if maybe it is something that is just from a certain region. The base of the soup is pickle juice and sour cream and it has hard boiled egg, ham, keilbasa, and horseraddish in it. Does anyone else have a recipe for this? I am trying to find out more about my Polish background (my great-grandma was from Poland) and I figure I would start with food - because I like to eat!

SeanBM  34 | 5781  
12 Dec 2008 /  #69
Hello llh1095.
And welcome to the Polish Forum.
It sounds like you need to marry a Polish woman :)
Just don't eat her :)
Yeah, Poland has some great food.
Good luck on your search into your past.
loco polaco  3 | 352  
12 Dec 2008 /  #70
have you tried searching this forum?
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
12 Dec 2008 /  #71
Yes llh1095 I think it's this - (Barszcz Bialy)

Seanus  15 | 19666  
12 Dec 2008 /  #72
Zurek is sour rye soup, a Silesian speciality. It is eaten with eggs and lots of pepper. Sublime!
12 Dec 2008 /  #73

Yes we make the same borcgt in my family for Easter. I cant give you exact measurements. Mom taught me a handful of this a handfull of that. We go by experience. Here is a close recipe.

One ring of fresh Polish kielbasa. Baked for about 20 minutes at 300 degrees. About 2 quarts of water. After 20 minutes remove the kielbasa. Place in the water. Cook like soup. About 1 1/2 hrs. at about 350 degrees, then simmer at a lower speed.

In the mean time,mix a bowl with about a cup of milk, a cup of sour cream, and thicken with flour to make a zapraska. Pour into the Borcht, stirring while simmering. Borscht will turn white.

Now put a couple tablespoons of vinegar( or pickle juice) season to taste. Boil a dozen of eggs,cool, cut in half and add to the borscht as needed. Salt and pepper.. Oh yes. A good Jewish seeded rye bread broke into pieces and placed in the Borscht.. ENJOY

plk123  8 | 4119  
12 Dec 2008 /  #74
It is eaten with eggs and lots of pepper.

in selesia it must be.. not other places necessarily. good stuff none the less. i've never had it with egg but always with the white kielbasa and potatoes.

One ring of fresh Polish kielbasa. Baked for about 20 minutes at 300 degrees.

see above. i've never seen or heard of this. same goes for baking it. normally, raw kielbasa goes in maybe the last 20-30min of cooking the soup.

Pour into the Borcht,

seems that's only kielbasa water at this point. hmm how did the borscht become?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Dec 2008 /  #75
Aha, in Silesia it's most commonly z jajkiem. Pepper is up to the adder of it. Here, the sausage is cooked like in zosia's example.
13 Dec 2008 /  #76
see above. i've never seen or heard of this. same goes for baking it. normally, raw kielbasa goes in maybe the last 20-30min of cooking the soup.

You have a good point there. My Ciotka, never baked her Kielbasa, she added it fresh into the soup. My Mother baked hers, she told me that a lot of grease was removed before adding it into the soup.Our kielbasa was made with pork. FAT

We also make the same Borscht with spare ribs, potatoes, onion, and fresh green beans.
plk123  8 | 4119  
13 Dec 2008 /  #77
Aha, in Silesia it's most commonly z jajkiem. Pepper is up to the adder of it. Here, the sausage is cooked like in zosia's example.

interesting, for sure.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Dec 2008 /  #78
With eggs gives it a different dimension. I must make it clear that I am referring to żurek.
podusham  1 | 8  
13 Dec 2008 /  #79
Yes, and a wonderful film by the same name: -urek. Could a recipe be given more exactly for English speakers? I'd like to try, but, not being used to making such a soup, could a more exact recipe be given? Zapraska: is this like a thickening? How much water? Bake the kielbasa in the oven, and then in the water on top of the stove? Cut the kielbasa into pieces or remove from the soup?

Sorry, if I don't get more information, I am sure to make a mess....:)
In the film the hero buys the źurek to keep a snooty tourist from getting it, and making the poor locals feel even worse...I loved that film. Zamachowski.
11 Jan 2009 /  #80
Since Christmas has just passed by I'm trying to see if anyone else out there knows about barszcz. I stumbled on this site through a google search. We have barszcz every Christmas. It is a tradition in our house. My mom and aunt were both born in Poland and this year my aunt passed on to me the full recipe of how to make barszcz including how to get the starter going. Each year she borrows starter fermented barszcz from a friend to make the Christmas soup. It is SO delicious. My son who is 21 used to hate it when he was younger but now he actually asks for it. We put additional farmers cheese, mushrooms and croutons into the soup when it is serverd. I want to keep this tradition alive (along with a number of others that we follow at the holidays)
20 Jan 2009 /  #81
I think you'er talking about Bialy Barszcz which in English is white borscht.
29 Mar 2009 /  #82
my family starts a week before easter with 2 1/2 cups of water and 2 cups of old fashioned oatmeal left to forment for a week then strain the juice and dilute with water add hard boiled eggs ham kielbasa and hamand horseradish
CarlaZ  - | 1  
18 Apr 2009 /  #83
Hi...are you still looking for Easter Borcht recipes? Let me know. I married a Polish Man some 40 years ago in Buffalo and his mother taught me how to make it. I'm making it right now as I was sick last week....so we're having our Easter Meal tomorrow...the week after Easter!
sapphire  22 | 1241  
13 May 2009 /  #84
I have recently developed an addiction to Zurek and want to make my own (not from packet mix). Does anyone know where I can buy the Zurek liquid or rye flour in the UK? Also what is the herb that is commonly floating on top of it..Marjoram maybe??
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 May 2009 /  #85
Żurek z jajkiem is a Silesian speciality. It can be quite oily, depending on who makes it. It would translate as sour rye soup with eggs.

I've never tried the stuff from the yoghurt-style cartons but I don't know if I really want to.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
17 May 2009 /  #86
I've noticed that Polish cooks in Poland and Polonia often cheat and sour their żurek and biały barszcz with a little citric acid crystals (kwasek cytrynowy). Of course, if they maek their own soup base, then that's still better than using the instant packet soups which are now quite widespread in Poland. These are avialable in Polish delis across America as well.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
17 May 2009 /  #87
IME in Poland people buy already soured żurek starter sold in bottles.

The process seems to have been commercialized but I remember it used to be sold in old unsealed vinegar bottles. The bottles weren't displayed (leading me to think it wasn't entirely legal) but any vegetable seller had them.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
17 May 2009 /  #88

Polana of Chicago charges only $3.70 a bottle.
sapphire  22 | 1241  
8 Jun 2009 /  #89
I bought some of that bottled stuff and I put about half the jar in mixed with water, but it tasted disgusting. I decided to add a bit of vegetable stock to it, which made it better, but was wondering if I should have added cream or maybe a bit of milk?
8 Jun 2009 /  #90
vegetable stock to it, which made it better, but was wondering if I should have added cream or maybe a bit of milk?

We use mostly veggie / chicken stock (or a mix thereof) and scoop in some sour cream (the really fatty stuff 14%+ mixed with some flour) and Bob's your uncle.

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