dolnoslask 5 | 2805 11 Mar 2018 / #2I don't see any, maybe you got a virus and are in need of medicine.
Joker 2 | 2468 11 Mar 2018 / #4They must be bored deactivating links, so its time to re-design the antiquated platform:)
Chemikiem 11 Mar 2018 / #5If you have Firefox talk to Admin. I can't see a plus sign, but I do know there is a problem as I have spoken to admin about the problems I've been having. You have + signs, I have pink letters lol
kaprys 3 | 2076 11 Mar 2018 / #6Doesn't it mean a new (unread by a given user) comment has been added to a thread?
OP WielkiPolak 54 | 988 11 Mar 2018 / #8Doesn't it mean a new (unread by a given user) comment has been added to a thread?It appears so - but I have never seen this before.@ChemikiemI use Google Chrome