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Is it Possible to Get Permanently Banned From the Polish Forum ?

johnny reb  49 | 7888  
23 Feb 2017 /  #1
Why is it that about the time everyone is getting along and things are relatively peaceful on this forum a previously banned person that was banned (in some cases several times) for breaking the posted rules is allowed back after a PERMANENT BAN VIOLATION ?

Recently an ex member was allowed to return after intentionally posting a persons real name, contacting his employer for the purpose to have him fired from his job, admitting to using this forum for the solicitation of homosexuals, posting filthy posts, lying to defame other members and run new members that do not agree with his views off the forum ?

(Not to mention the constant negativity, bullying and chaos that is brought here daily in his posts)
And then when they are allowed back they pick up right where they left off.
Is it possible to get banned permanently from here ?
Anyone else besides me wondering about this ?

"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone." The user was banned for a year and if he continues violating the rules, he will be banned again.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
23 Feb 2017 /  #2
Technically, it's impossible to ban someone permanently. All it takes to return is a different user name and IP address - I don't need to tell you that. To let someone back under his or her old account is a decision of the admin, I reckon.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
23 Feb 2017 /  #3
for breaking the posted rules is allowed back after a PERMANENT BAN VIOLATION ?

Same rule is behind you not being permanently banned yet.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7888  
23 Feb 2017 /  #4
is a decision of the admin

True but that really is not answering my question which is......

Is it possible to get banned permanently from here ?

Has it ever happened ?
And if so for what ?
TheOther  6 | 3596  
23 Feb 2017 /  #5
Has it ever happened ?

Don't know if they ever attempted a real permanent ban, but I have my doubts because of the technical limitations I mentioned. Leaves us with long term bans of half a year or more. You still can't prevent people from returning under a different name, but most banned members just moved on as far as I remember. There are only a few that return; for whatever reason. Guess they have an axe to grind or this forum is somehow addictive for them.

And if so for what ?

Why were you banned? Sorry, couldn't resist... ;)
OP johnny reb  49 | 7888  
23 Feb 2017 /  #6
Why were you banned?

I have never been banned,........yet, just hear say.
I taunted harry with it and he took the bait.
You and harry spent hour on end searching archives trying to prove it.
You never did though did you. lol
23 Feb 2017 /  #7
Why were you banned?

The things he's been banned for include verbally assaulting a woman for nothing more than doing her unpaid job. The fact that he wasn't permanently banned for later boasting about how much he enjoyed abusing her tells you everything you need to know about what this place has become.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
23 Feb 2017 /  #8
I have never been banned

Of course not... :)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Feb 2017 /  #9
Harry, let's take him at face value. He's claiming it now didn't happen, so that means that he was fantasising about abusing a female member. Somehow, that seems even worse.
Joker  2 | 2363  
24 Feb 2017 /  #10
Recently an ex member was allowed to return after intentionally posting a persons real name, contacting his employer for the purpose to have him fired from his job

Dang! not cool at all!
I didn't know he did that, messing around with a persons lively hood is childish and it could become deadly if you do it to the wrong person.

Im not really for banning, but in an extreme case like that it really makes me wonder about the judgement of the moderators letting this person back on here.

I have never been banned,........yet, just hear say.

I was suspended once for name calling, years ago, no biggie:)

Guess they have an axe to grind or this forum is somehow addictive for them.

I think so too, could be many reasons.
Perhaps, they were picked on as a kid and this is how they lash out and get even with the world?

I dont get it either.

This forum used to be a fun place to drop by and visit, not anymore, its like The Lord of the Flies around here now!
OP johnny reb  49 | 7888  
24 Feb 2017 /  #11
"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone."

Does that mean Adrian is no longer banned either ?

The user was banned for a year and if he continues violating the rules, he will be banned again.

That is not true, he was banned around last June.
He then started posting under guest names which is another violation for suspension.
'shut yo face' was one of them as he was pretending to be Pigsy.
24 Feb 2017 /  #12
He's claiming it now didn't happen, so that means that he was fantasising about abusing a female member.

In which case it's unfortunate for him that multiple female members are already on record about him abusing them.

Somehow, that seems even worse.

One does have to wonder about how desperately sad a male would need to be before he would boast about how much he enjoyed abused a woman whom he had never abused. Of course that point is entirely moot here, as we have confirmation from women here that johnny abused that he indeed abused them (or at least attempted to). Unfortunately that actually is worse for what it says about PF: if a person doesn't get a permanent ban for posting about how much one enjoys abusing women who are simply doing their unpaid jobs, how likely is it that that forum is not going to be an utterly toxic place?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Feb 2017 /  #13
One does have to wonder about how desperately sad a male would need to be before he would boast about how much he enjoyed abused a woman whom he had never abused.

Remember that while he's playing the victim card up above about an employer allegedly being contacted, him and the poster known as "Deep" did exactly that to me. Seems to me as if he's delusional on more than one level, and that his only hobby is to obsess over moderators, administration, warnings and so on. The Admin made a decision to unban me, and anyone that's been on PF long enough knows that the Admin's decision is final and not worth debating.

Still, it's no coincidence that this forum has only one active female member with him around. Look here - he's already abusing a new female poster for no reason - polishforums.com/love/guy-cares-ladys-age-japan-80674/#msg1583201 - and he has the cheek to complain about me?
24 Feb 2017 /  #14
Seems to me as if he's delusional on more than one level, and that his only hobby is to obsess over moderators, administration, warnings and so on.

Does he ever actually post about Poland? The only time I can remember off the top of my head was when he posted about Poland having the same murder rate as the USA. Clearly insisting on only posting posts 'not related to Poland or Polish people in any way' doesn't draw a permanent ban either, unfortunately.

Still, it's no coincidence that this forum has only one active female member with him around.

And he's been less than pleasant to Atch too:

Again Scooter we are not your 'children'. I think your day job has gone to your head Miss Control Freak.

Atch  22 | 4299  
24 Feb 2017 /  #15
Yes but to be fair, he's also offered to cook me an omelette and hash browns. Whenever Johnny is around I keep the salt cellar handy if you get my drift - God knows what state my blood pressure is in at this stage:) I don't mind Johnny trolling tough old nuts like Delph and you who are well able to repel all boarders or cheeky upstarts like Notty but I don't like to see members having a go at 'innocents' like that poor Japanese girl who was just trying to share a bit about Japanese culture and had her words twisted and thrown back at her in a most unpleasant fashion.

As to permanent bans, yes I suppose it's possible to officially ban someone for life, but it can only be theoretical because as others say the banned person can rejoin with a different IP or whatever the techincal malarkey is.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
24 Feb 2017 /  #16
he's also offered to cook me an omelette and hash browns

Did you go?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Feb 2017 /  #17
Does he ever actually post about Poland?

Nope. I'm not surprised he's unhappy that I'm back, it's one extra person to call him out on his obvious lies about Poland, such as his recent claim that Poland should ally with Russia.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7888  
24 Feb 2017 /  #18
to call him out on his obvious lies

No, I am one extra person to call YOU out on your lies.

I don't like to see members having a go at 'innocents' like that poor Japanese girl

I replied to that post with explanation and apology Atch.

members are already on record about him abusing them.

The only members that I abuse are you and your pet lackey deservingly.
The multitude of members that you have nastily abused here well out number the few that I have politely told where to stack their bottles.

him and the poster known as "Deep" did exactly that to me

That is another of your adulterated lies.
Deny it if you want but since you have NO PROOF that I did what you are saying you are a liar because it never happened.

Looks like whoever did do it though sure did a trip on your head.
And if you really do believe that then why did you target Adrian and call and e-mail his employer and then boast about getting him fired if you hallucinated that it was me that got you fired ?

You got yourself fired as it became a real concern to people that you were allowed around small children with the things that you had posted here.

In fact some of it was so filthy that the mods. removed it when I reposted some of your filthy remarks.
You also got Yourself banned.
Now you want to play victim. lol

it's no coincidence that this forum has only one active female member

You must be referring to the female member that you called on Christmas eve and abused so bad that she started crying.
Remember that ? We do. That was what the first or second time that you got banned for a year ?

Did you go?

Of course not, she is a happily married woman.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
24 Feb 2017 /  #19
Of course not, she is a happily married woman.

Then why did you invite her? :)
OP johnny reb  49 | 7888  
24 Feb 2017 /  #20
I don't believe that I invited her.
Refresh my memory.
Then stay on thread and quit trolling for the mere sake of argument that you are notorious for.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Feb 2017 /  #21
Johnny, let's face it, you're simply salty that Adrian and "Deep" got themselves banned permanently for their actions on here.

Funny that people associated with you keep getting banned and warned though, isn't it? Anyone would think that you were filling their heads full of crap via PM, or something.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
24 Feb 2017 /  #22
Then stay on thread

Except for the first two, none of your posts in this thread were on topic. You should receive an "O" warning for that and be suspended for half a year (or better permanently ... as proof of concept and to answer your initial question). See, it's easy to stay on topic... :)
OP johnny reb  49 | 7888  
24 Feb 2017 /  #23
I don't believe that I invited her. Refresh my memory.

And your reply was ? a redirect for argument AGAIN ! ("T" for trolling)

none of your posts in this thread were on topic

Better go re read them as ALL of them are talking about bans.
I think you should get T for trolling all my posts and an O by going off topic constantly like your last two in this thread.... even after being warned.

I think you should be banned permanently for stalking all my posts merely for insults and argument.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
24 Feb 2017 /  #24
ALL of them are talking about bans

Your original question was answered in post #2 and #5 by yours truly. The rest of your posts were just the usual garbage - full of insults and "alternative facts".

you should be banned permanently for stalking all my posts

Uuuuuuuuuuuh! I'm behind you, Johnny. I'm following you. I watch every move you make. I'm not touching you. Be afraid! Very afraid! Ha ha ha. Take your meds, dude.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7888  
24 Feb 2017 /  #25
I'm following you. I watch every move you make.

I know, for the past two years you have jumped on all of my posts by trolling with insults for mere argument.
You must contribute more $$$ then I do by not having more warning for it. A - O - T
You should have been banned a long time ago.
Now that you have brought it to the mods attention I am sure you will be getting one the next time you do it.
Hells bells the mods might even give you an "O" for going off topic AGAIN in this thread and ban you for a week to get your attention.

Now for the love of Mary would you Pleeeez stay on topic.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Feb 2017 /  #26
You must contribute more $$$ then I do

Perhaps the Admin would like to confirm if Johnny has in fact contributed a single dollar to PF, or if this is just yet another lie. Johnny, I presume that in the interests of maintaining your credibility here, you permit the Admin to divulge this information.
24 Feb 2017 /  #27
I wasn't aware that Delph had been permanently banned. I certainly don't recall any announcement from admin/mods, but then what Johnny doesn't know he simply makes up. This thread is just pity party whining from 'snow white'. LMAO.

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