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Why are there so many on here, who do not like Poland

valpomike  11 | 194  
28 Apr 2011 /  #1
Why are there so many on here, who do not like Poland, and of the many, many of those have never even been to Poland. If you don't have anything good to say, of Poland, and her people, don't say anything. Many here should be in a German, or Russian, or other group, since this is where there love is.


guesswho  4 | 1272  
28 Apr 2011 /  #2
Why are there so many on here, who do not like Poland

Why do you say that? Would you consider someone who just criticizes certain things in Poland or about the Poles as a Poland hater (or like you said, someone who doesn't like Poland)?

Remember, you'll always find people, even your own people, who don't like something about your country.
There's nothing wrong with a constructive criticism. Bashing however is another story.
chichimera  1 | 185  
28 Apr 2011 /  #3
Mike, they don't like us because we are too great. They're just petty jealous guys ;)

Many here should be in a German, or Russian, or other group, since this is where there love is

Perhaps they don't have enough love to join any group they love. They are hate-driven, they need to be in a group they hate, they're sad people

  • envy.jpg
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
28 Apr 2011 /  #4
Why are there so many on here, who do not like Poland

I'm not sure about that at all. They may have a different vision of Poland to yours, but that isn't the same as disliking it.

many, many of those have never even been to Poland.

Exactly. Trolls.

Though equally there are people who get very touchy when those of us who do live there air our views on life in Poland; its positives and negatives. The forum isn't a tourist ad or a PR site.
legend  3 | 658  
28 Apr 2011 /  #5
There's nothing wrong with a constructive criticism. Bashing however is another story.

Amen. I personally as a Polish Canadian love Poland.
But you are right about constructive criticism. I do that very often about Canada.
28 Apr 2011 /  #6
Why are there so many on here, who do not like Poland, and of the many, many of those have never even been to Poland

Name and shame, the haters.
28 Apr 2011 /  #7
I think it is easy to hate Poland because wide spread anti polonism propaganda in media still exists in XXI century .


Anti-Polish rhetoric combined with the condemnation of Polish culture was most prominent in the 18th century Prussia during the partitions of Poland. For instance Johann Georg Forster, a German beneficiary of the Polish Commission of National Education at Vilnius University,[10] dismissed the idea that the Poles were a part of European culture, comparing them to primitive tribes in his "scandalized" writings,[11] and portraying Poland as an underdeveloped, uncivilized land awaiting the importation of Kultur from "truly civilized countries".

It is a very interesting article , so I advise to read it to have some idea of the roots of this phenomenon .
It is very sad that people feed themselves on such prejudicial attitude .
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
28 Apr 2011 /  #8

People who are rude are not Polish ... they belong to a band of people who are in every country and of every race ... but they have "racism" "hatred" "fault finding" "violence" "sadism" in common. Perhaps a Black hates a White (or vice versa) is in everyway the same thing ... in everyway they are brothers in soul ... just doing their jobs in different sides ... making the world a more difficult place to be happy in.

Those who hate Poland, or do no appreciate its beauty ... are among those "haters" which I mentioned above. They dwell in sadism ... their souls are different.
28 Apr 2011 /  #9
It is very sad that people feed themselves on such prejudicial attitude .

The talk and edit history of this article is at least as interesting - while I'm not disputing your general claim, @Monia (though I've never seen the attitudes you mention at first hand), some of the claims look at least worthy of some proper legal-style cross examination.

For example, I'd certainly put this one to a jury:

Writing in The Guardian, British Foreign Secretary David Miliband described Poland's conservative Law and Justice party as "far right"..

Right. Notice there is no formal complaint from either the Polish Ambassador or even from the Kaczyńskis, who have form when it comes to noticing the alleged slanders of others. Only from a newspaper which, while it is on the quality side of the market, is not afraid of pushing a quite hostile agenda to the Labour party in its opinion pieces.

Opinion of this kind is no better or worse than what it seeks to address. And anyway, it's not entirely wrong to say this with regard to many PiS policies and its one-time alignment with Kamiński's lot - though of course PiS is defiantly socialist on economic policy, just like everyone else.

Where there is anti-polonism (and not just accurate criticism of Poland; that is a quite different thing) it's right and proper to fight it; but creating demonologies is ultimately damaging to that cause.

A (in Poland and lovin' it)
28 Apr 2011 /  #10
In my opinion it was not an example of anti polonism . Kaczyński didn`t fight with this newspaper , because he might lose and because he does not fight for Poland, but for the ultimate power. Thankfuly people in Poland do not want to empower him in such . You have just brought a minor case , irrelevant for majority of polish people . In my opinion it was however to a certain extent true , because PIS looks like they are estreme far right party . They deserve such name . So in my opinion it is not the right case of anti polonism .

It is nice you like Poland , though.
28 Apr 2011 /  #11
In my opinion it was not an example of anti polonism .

But in the opinion of the article which you recommended to us it was. Which just goes to show how pathetic some of the content in Wikipedia about Poland is.
Krynski  - | 82  
28 Apr 2011 /  #12
--- Prove that Kaczynski "does not fight for Poland, but for the ultimate power". Can you? Whom do you specifically mean by those "people in Poland" who "do not want to empower" Kaczynski? Are you one of the delusional uns reading avidly the Gazeta Wyborcza (roughly, the Polish equivalent of the Guardian)?

OP valpomike  11 | 194  
28 Apr 2011 /  #13
Looks like I opened a can of worms, but I am glad to see, many think as I do.
1. The Polish women are great, smart and good looking
2. Poland is getting better each day, more so, than us here in the USA
3. People in Poland, care for each other, and will help out, some one in need.
4. It has a lot of great history
5. It over came the wars, and rebuilt, making it great again.

I could go on and on, if you have more, post them.

pawian  226 | 27572  
28 Apr 2011 /  #14
I could go on and on, if you have more, post them.

6. Polish dried mushrooms are better than Lithuanian ones.
28 Apr 2011 /  #15
how pathetic some of the content in Wikipedia about Poland is.

Through which statement is this article pathetic? It informs its readers fairly good how anti polonism was developing through the years . I find it very interesting and adequate to reality .

Are you one of the delusional uns reading avidly the Gazeta Wyborcza

I am far from reading GW ...... I simply don`t appreciate polititians very high generally, especially those who try to divide Poland , he does that , he is not a constructivly thinking polititian , a fighter who fights with everybody and chases his imaginary enemies .

I quite dislike politics and I am not any party henchman .
28 Apr 2011 /  #16
Through which statement is this article pathetic?

Somebody describes a homophobic racist party which formed a government with extremely homophobic and racist parties as "far right" and that is held up as an example of anti-Polish sentiment! Pathetic. As is the campaign to remove the word 'Polish' from articles about Polish holocaust participants.
Palivec  - | 379  
28 Apr 2011 /  #17
But in the opinion of the article which you recommended to us it was. Which just goes to show how pathetic some of the content in Wikipedia about Poland is.

The result of a few staunchly nationalistic Polish editors. Look for a user called Molobo or the EEML case. Everything there becomes a battlefield if these guys are involved.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
28 Apr 2011 /  #18
Yes. I've noticed pages about things entirely unconnected to Poland that suddenly have a badly written paragraph half way through tenuously linking the topic to Poland and usually using very loaded and inaccurate language about various historical injustices or triumphs. Whenever thery're edited out, they mysteriously reappear.
28 Apr 2011 /  #19
Whom do you specifically mean by those "people in Poland" who "do not want to empower" Kaczynski?

Surely not the majority that voted for someone else (or nobody at all) in the recent presidential elections? And the usual argument about there only being 50% turnout at the election doesn't work either: if the people who didn't vote had actually wanted to vote him into power, well, that's what they would have done.

They didn't. Koniec. Kropka.
boletus  30 | 1356  
28 Apr 2011 /  #20
Why are there so many on here, who do not like Poland

But some like her so much ...

  • Polandball good!
28 Apr 2011 /  #21
I think it is easy to hate Poland because wide spread anti polonism propaganda in media still exists in XXI century .

This is a interesting article about Anti Polonism,

These animosities [from WW II], in order to live on, have to be carefully cultivated in younger people by those who may feel their interests are served by doing so. Surprisingly, there have been systematic attempts by some to keep these animosities alive by devising mythological accounts of what happened preceding World War II, during the War, and in the aftermath of the War. Even more surprisingly, some of these mythologies have been advanced by people from groups who were victimized in the War, people who should have the strongest vested interest in the truth being propagated.

28 Apr 2011 /  #22
Yes. I've noticed pages about things entirely unconnected to Poland that suddenly have a badly written paragraph half way through tenuously linking the topic to Poland and usually using very loaded and inaccurate language about various historical injustices or triumphs.

Best thing was how several articles with superb sources showing how Poles had taken part in the holocaust or been death camp guards all suddenly disappeared after some Poles argued that merely being convicted of taking part in the holocaust was not notable!
guesswho  4 | 1272  
28 Apr 2011 /  #23
or been death camp guards

are you sure about that? I know about Ukrainian guards but Polish?

There are threads on it already, please don't get sidetracked.
Crow  154 | 9552  
28 Apr 2011 /  #24
Why are there so many on here, who do not like Poland

good question

For us Serbians, Poland is core of original Western civilization, Poles are best people in this Europe, Polish language is language of Gods but, Serbs are recently prevented to speak here.
Palivec  - | 379  
28 Apr 2011 /  #25
Yeah, what have the Greeks or Romans ever done for us? Nothing...!
Oh my...

BBman  - | 343  
29 Apr 2011 /  #26
Why are there so many on here, who do not like Poland

Well many foreigners in Poland are not doing that great in terms of work and $$. Those who work there for foreign companies (like i did) are generally doing alright. The others (not all but many) who go there to teach english or try to setup some business struggle. The internet seems to be a a great medium for them to vent.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
29 Apr 2011 /  #27
The people who complain about Poland don't care either way. They want something to complain about so they start typing stuff about Poland to get a reaction. If they ask why Polish people are rude, hundreds of posts will be made about why or why they are not rude. It's the quickest way to get many responses on a thread. Just say something negative about Poland and everyone will have an opinion and post it.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Apr 2011 /  #28
Actually, there's plenty of foreigners doing just fine here.

Off the top of my head, I know of several journalists, some university teachers, several self employed people who do something lucrative - in fact, the vast majority of people in Poland for the long haul are doing just fine for themselves. And then there's some who do very interesting jobs (in terms of cash and influence) for Polish companies, too.

Funnily enough, I haven't met many North Americans in the same position. In fact, all I seem to read is ******** and whining from them.
29 Apr 2011 /  #29
some of these mythologies have been advanced by people from groups who were victimized in the War, people who should have the strongest vested interest in the truth being propagated.

Yes , you are right , I thank you very much for that link. This article shows us that anti polish propaganda is still very alive . In the link I posted, there is a myth about polish cavalry fighting against german tanks . Some people on this forum quote this propaganda example as an argument for stating that polish people shouldn`t be treated as victims of II WW and post war soviet era in Poland. Surprisingly they believe in such myth .

That` s why I become so furious about if someone posts such false statements . Such behaviour shows the complete lack of common sense and historical knowledge. Some people who didn`t get information about the war from reliable sources claim stupidity and they don`t realise that they are victims of brainwashing process inflicted by certain groups of interests .

Recently it has a lot to do with numerous attempts to extract money from Poland for real estate communised by polish communist government . But those people forgot that Poland lost 63% of its national capital during the war

So there may be not too much to compensate for .

As part of this propaganda there are also polish jokes which origins date late 20-ies of XX century .

The constant derision caused serious identity crises, feeling of inadequacy, and low self-esteem for many Polish Americans." In spite of the plight of Polish people under Cold War communism, negative stereotypes about Polish Americans endured.

I particularly view this type of propaganda as most harmful of all techniques as it hits in innocent hard- working people who couldn`t fight back to " polish jokes" , simply because of their inadequate knowledge of english language , as newcomers to US .

I think that my post answers the question in general .
29 Apr 2011 /  #30
That` s why I become so furious about if someone posts such false statements . Such behaviour shows the complete lack of common sense and historical knowledge.

Much like the kind of people who are too stupid to read actual agreements and so claim that Germany paid no reparations for Poland.

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