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A Personal Request to all PF members

Ironside  50 | 12333  
2 Apr 2011 /  #91
I'll tell you what's "funny" Ironside......just about every single observation you make about the USA.....considering you've never so much as visited the damn place. Don't worry, you're not alone on this forum.

You are so lame fuzz, and yes keep repeating that line a few more times, soon you will believe it yourself.
If necessary I can emulate an American no problem, but I wanted actually to have meaningful discussion about the VWP, but then there were not real opponents only some kids or fuzzy-drink who's believe that if U.S. government do something must have only meaningful and important reasons for doing so.

Well , no matter at last I can have some fun - bloody virgins!:D
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
2 Apr 2011 /  #92
I can emulate an American no problem

..take no prisoners, Ironballs.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
2 Apr 2011 /  #93
I think my three year old beagle would be a better pincher than you.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
2 Apr 2011 /  #94
I bet he licks his own balls less than you...
Ironside  50 | 12333  
2 Apr 2011 /  #95
jealousy, you have no balls to lick ....
Sasha  2 | 1083  
3 Apr 2011 /  #96
On any forum it's an overwhelming task to find a single person whose mind is free of bias and stereotypes. Nor you are an exception, by the way. You too are not innocent whom you like so much to play. You have a soft spot for Indians etc, you dislike the Russians. It’s you choice, you shouldn’t be banned or get moderated when express your, at times completely ridiculous, position. You should stay as a Pole whose view too determines what Poland is today (for I come here to “touch” a real foreign, not only Polish, culture the way it is, unvarnished). So why bother? You cannot make people think otherwise by the restrictions; all the more you cannot make yourself think different.

The main purpose of any forum is to give the desired information for as many people as possible by any legitimate means and attract people thereby. So you can’t change minds of those who came here to mock at others, rather than to what you call to “contribute” and mocking is also a contribution, just of another type which somehow has its admirers. Being always sound is boring.

Thirdly, you can’t forcedly lock the baddies and make it all look as if you’re a perfect nation. (You don’t want the USSR here, do you?) There’s nothing flawless in the world.

For the last thing I can scarcely recall any occasion when someone got affected by a “lame” comment of a foreigner on this board (noimi is gone). That goes more for Plastic Poles (not you, you’re the real one though weird) who are in plenty here. Fringe view on let’s say Polish affairs is really an element of the Poles who has left their homeland for better life.

P.S. I haven't got what your thread is about either. Playing up to your own vanity?
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
3 Apr 2011 /  #97
ironside wrote:

yes keep repeating that line a few more times, soon you will believe it yourself.

no need ironside, i'll just ask you flat out, again: Have you ever been to the United States of America?

OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
3 Apr 2011 /  #98
you dislike the Russians.

I've got nothing against Russians. I don't like its past, however if I have made you feel that I dislike Russians in particular, I will be working on my behavior on present day Russia (its good people).

You have a soft spot for

... people and great cultures/traditions/history. I have good friends and my experiences are nice.

Thirdly, you can’t forcedly

... I have put that as a request, and have clarified that I am not looking to lock, ban or force anyone through any movement or protest.

mocking is also a contribution

Mocking is a dumping, trashing, flaming ... its not a contribution and contributions have something positive about them.

you’re a perfect nation.

None is... the only entity 'perfect' can be God. However, we would try to be, and the most important factor would be the heart, more than anything else.

I can scarcely recall any occasion when someone got affected by a “lame” comment

The affect need not be parceled to your home. It happens surely, on various degrees. Not that you could care about it ... but my request was for those who care for Poles and Poland.

I haven't got what your thread

Doh ... so thats the story. Don't try its too big for you I guess... :D ...
3 Apr 2011 /  #99
The main purpose of any forum is to give the desired information for as many people as possible by any legitimate means and attract people thereby.

Main purpose? That maybe the hope or wish of some of the managers of some forums but for most users, the main aim of a forum is entertainment. Like children not gaining the attention they crave, some users will post ever more bigoted, inflammatory posts until they gain the response their ego demands.

There are many purposes of forums, as many as there are users. Some of us wish to preach a way of life, some wish to convince others of their views, others just wish to espouse views to the great bit wwworld. Others want to make money, others wish to impress their friends or have something to laugh about over a beer.

But it is the bigoted, angry, hate inciting posts that are killing forums and I have noticed a clear decline in reasoned discussion over several forums over the last five years or so. The troll children are driving away the more reasoned people.

Perhaps it is better to meet with friends every Friday night in the pub to discuss things ... like the good old days.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
3 Apr 2011 /  #100
Just a reminder Ironside....you were asked this yesterday:

"Have you ever been to the United States of America?"

Still waiting for an answer. Sure, you've dodged the question 900 times already so I don't expect anything different now but yesterday, you suggested it wasn't true, so yet again, I'm challenging you to answer it.

This forum goes on and on about the USA yet her biggest critics are those who have never even been there, Ironside being one of them. It's pretty pathetic.

Not trying to ransack your thread LTB, just showing you that singing kumbaya isn't always an option. In this case, calling out Ironside on his bull$hit.

I know I'm just taunting now, but ain't it great how Ironside is on here every day nonstop yet when challenged with a question he doesn't want to answer, he takes a vacation from PF?

I'll be sure to ask this question again next time I see you on here.......you know.....when you feel the storm has blown over......
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
8 Apr 2011 /  #101
This forum goes on and on about the USA yet her biggest critics are those who have never even been there, Ironside being one of them. It's pretty pathetic.

Just let it go Fuzz. You made your point. No need to go for the kill.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
8 Apr 2011 /  #102
I spend 8 years in the US. I am there ever few weeks, just came back from Niagara Falls, NY less than 4 hours ago.
As for those who have never had the honor to visit the land of the (currently) almost free still experience the US. Sadly, in their own countries.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
10 Apr 2011 /  #103
I know I'm just taunting now, but ain't it great how Ironside is on here every day nonstop yet when challenged with a question he doesn't want to answer, he takes a vacation from PF?

Gee fuzz, don't take the internet that serious:)
Do you really think that your question could make me take a vacations from PF? That funny.....

In this case, calling out Ironside on his bull$hit.

No fuzz, I call you on your BS! I refuse to answer your question on principle - you do not understand my point!
From my point of view is immaterial whenever I have never set a foot on American soil, or for the matter lived there for a 10 years.

We were discussing issues about government and diplomacy, what the heck it has to do with pissing on Roosevelt monument or not?

Ironside being one of them.

Really ?

It's pretty pathetic.

I tell you what's pathetic, you defending government to the hilt, they must be paying you.

Just let it go Fuzz. You made your point. No need to go for the kill.

Did I miss something ? What point did Fuzz make, except signing American Anthem while somebody was suggesting that U.S. government can be wrong? Pissing his pants in ecstasy that he is a citizen of the great nation? Do you mean that point, sorry I call it white brainwashing.
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
10 Apr 2011 /  #104
but try to criticize Brits or especially Americans and then you have it

From whom? Am I to understand that you are irate because they would disagree with you, or is someone else attempting to silence you? I would just ask for some clarification.

Ironsides, If you should ever come to the states, my door is open wide. I would love to immerse you in my country so you would know first hand who the people are. Not the government, not ridiculous consumerism or chest-beating lookie-loos, but the people.

Everyones country is F-cked-up, mine included.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
10 Apr 2011 /  #105
TymoteuszThreads: 6
Posts: 649
Joined: Jul 25, 09

When you put your arguments against someone, why don't you use logic? Otherwise you just prove him right.

my door is open wide.

This one I doubt. Sincerely ... as I know from a friend in USA that this is usually not the case among Americans who have a very busy and individualistic life. However, you have have different arguments, but cannot deny social calculations renowned world wide. You should know this.

Not the government

Then why should USA boast that theirs are the most effective democracy, and that "for the people, by the people, of the people" works at its best in USA? The Government, whenever it does something good (like a charity, aide) becomes yours, but when it did something bad then it was someone separate?

not ridiculous consumerism

Consumerism itself is not someone to be called ridiculous. It is a practice by the people which makes it a potent force, and in the case of USA, Americanism became synonymous with consumerism (you may check sources for that).

chest-beating lookie-loos

I don't know about them.

Everyones country is F-cked-up, mine included.

So you don't want to take anyone responsibility. Is that being responsible as a citizen with right to determine the country's destiny?

Please do not take this as anything personal. I was just curious by your statement, and I have nothing in favor of fuzzywickets or against you. USA is a country with great potential and a great economy. They are the ones who were, are and probably will remain for a considerably period of time the world's most important country due to their diversity and technological strength, which supports their economy and their global influence.

However, I just pointed out what seemed to me as "inconsistencies".

Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
10 Apr 2011 /  #106
Ironsides, If you should ever come to the states, my door is open wide. I would love to immerse you in my country so you would know first hand who the people are. Not the government, not ridiculous consumerism or chest-beating lookie-loos, but the people.

Face value. I will explain it no further.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
10 Apr 2011 /  #107

I have asked you 900 times yet you still refuse to answer a simple question. What the hell is the point of a forum if people refuse to answer questions.

Have you ever been to the United States of America?

nothing further.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
13 Apr 2011 /  #108
I would love to immerse you in my country


Have you ever been to the United States of America?

FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
13 Apr 2011 /  #109
assuming you're not lying (it sure looks guilty when someone refuses to answer a question after being asked repeatedly) my next question is this:

Where in the USA have you been to and for how long?
Ironside  50 | 12333  
13 Apr 2011 /  #110
North Caroline; about three months
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
14 Apr 2011 /  #111
You spent 3 months there and you can't even spell it correctly?

My next questions:

What did you do there for 3 months?

How old were you when you were there?
f stop  24 | 2493  
14 Apr 2011 /  #112
Fuzzy, I would not reply to such interrogations, and I'm not even on Ironside's side.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
15 Apr 2011 /  #113
You spent 3 months there and you can't even spell it correctly?

I have dyslexia, under control most of the times, but sometimes ....

What did you do there for 3 months?

lets say that I had been exercising extensively.

How old were you when you were there?

In my twenties.

I-S ( I hope that leads somewhere, and not into a trap:))
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
15 Apr 2011 /  #114
ironside wrote:

lets say that I had been exercising extensively.

honestly man, i have no idea what that means. please elaborate.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
15 Apr 2011 /  #115
please elaborate.

I rather not, let say nothing significant...
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
15 Apr 2011 /  #116
Ironside wrote:

I rather not, let say nothing significant...


well, if you refuse to give any details about the matter whatsoever, that could only mean 1 of 3 things. either:

-you were doing something illegal.

-doing something embarrassing that you would catch a never ending ration of $hit for from several members of PF if you owned up to it.

-you're completely full of $hit and were never there.

your responses don't surprise me. after all, if you had nothing to hide, you would have answered me the first time.......even the 10th time I asked you but you always dodged it. speaking of dodging.....how dodgy is this? A guy who tears the USA a new one on a daily basis on PF.....and then tells us all that the 3 months he spent in NC.....he can't even discuss. What he was doing, why he was there........top secret.

Now THAT is dodgy.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
15 Apr 2011 /  #117
North Caroline; about three months

lets say that I had been exercising extensively

ooh,ooh,I know,but Im not going to brag about it ;)
pawian  219 | 24792  
8 Jun 2019 /  #118
overall most readers are Polish

Yes, I knew it! The busiest times during the week are in the morning and evening of the Polish time zone, i.e. before going to work and after it.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
9 Jun 2019 /  #119
To bad the U.S./Poland thread is blocked out/censored from them to read so they could see first hand what Americans take are on things.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Feedback / A Personal Request to all PF membersArchived