Lodz can you give an example about when the image of Poland was harmed on this forum?
Do I need to? ... Its filled. You will find most of them in the relationships, business, and genealogy parts of the forums. However, its not limited there, they spill other directions too.
I am here since the forum was made (this is my second ID, I had a previous one which some friends here know ... I sometimes go away for months to years, and them come back depending on my schedule), I know well what I am talking about.
do you think I can do anything about the reputation about my country through a forum...?
Your country is Australia. An English speaking country with great economic power and immigrants coming from all over the world ... your country is not Poland. Poland and Australia are two very different kinds of country on all levels. Even the very history, the type of country ... everything ... each and everything is different. You are a land of immigrants ...
We however have limited scope to explain our country. Do you know that still some people from the west don't know where Poland is? Yep, I am not joking. We are not English speaking people, even my own vocabulary is very limited but I try to improve, and make full use of whatever words I know.
Thus, this forum becomes unique ... and so can be perceived as a rare keyhole into Poland.
I hope I could explain this point to you. I cannot word by word tell you each factor why it is different for Poland, but some you may yourself discover by your thinking and logic.
Just as what I say about Poland may be more indicative of my own cultural background than yours.
Then why not mention it at the bottom "whatever I said regarding Poland, is my limited perception of it! I am a ....(country name) "
I am not really saying you need not say your thing. I am just asking to be courteous, to be polite and kind. How can that be extraordinary oppression? ... Also Ashley, I didn't find you to be offensive or cruel to anyone/visitor/curious person as of yet! So why are you trying to make it so complicated? You are one of the polite ones in here as far as I have seen.
forum can harm the reputation of your country then I think you're a little paranoid.
No I'm not. Its an IT age ... and this forum is one of the ONLY means for a foreigner or someone deeply affected by Poland to know about it. Even if this forum won't help them, atleast it should not make them feel bad. As eventually it might make a perception which might affect an individual Pole somehow. Imagine a new family member, perhaps a mother in law or a to be spouse ... she comes here and gets burns! How will that affect the Pole? It might even for a day make his/her effort harder to make a place in the heart.
Also, there is no reason to think of a person as paranoid when he makes a polite and sincere effort to make an honest point as I did.
Because an intelligent person knows that no-one can speak for a country, let alone someone else's ultimate opinion about that country...
Most people lack this intelligence ... specially when its about a foreigner or foreign land, people "love" to feel insecure and thus they doubt.
The Serb speaks how you expect from a Serb,the Poles are like Poles there is difference between Poles and Poles-Ams,the British behave british,the Scotts are Scotts and so nothing is hidden under the sun as we say here.
I think you cannot generalize like that. This forum have some trolls you know, regular trolls ... who can know that better than you?