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A Personal Request to all PF members

rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
1 Apr 2011 /  #31
sometimes a simple Polish person might become somehow indirectly effected by a lame comment in here. I am sure no proper person would want it right?

And a simple "brit" might be indirectly affected by your "lame" (does anybody still really say that?) comments about them...or is that different?
1 Apr 2011 /  #32
Anti social, communist, homosexual and jewish......so a black ,red,pink triangle forming a star of david might fit that bill.............

Sorry about omitting religion, my mistake. Anyway, each religion is simply a unique name for a different set of morals.

And "confusing"; that is exactly my actual point. Everyone would have a different symbol and should be perceived differently to anyone else. When we group an individual into a category we simplify things but it leads us to make incorrect assumptions about people. All red triangles with blue stripes are bad!!! Except the ones with polka dots on three arms before Christmas.

And we do categorise and assume, because to make every new decision or assessment totally from scratch is impossible. We would never get out of bed. So we act and assume all the time based upon our past experience.

The real problem is when we don't learn and change our views based upon our perceived exceptions to expectations.

It is impossible to treat everyone the same. We should enjoy our differences and treat everyone differently.
1 Apr 2011 /  #33
Look at englishforums.ch.

wow they have about 400 users online... and I thought that polishforums is huge site...

I guess that they have also much more moderators while polishforums have virtually three...
Wroclaw Boy  
1 Apr 2011 /  #34
sometimes a simple Polish person might become somehow indirectly effected by a lame comment in here.

they also may avoid making mistakes based on others experiences.
A J  4 | 1075  
1 Apr 2011 /  #35
Yeah, but sometimes it's good to make those mistakes for yourself, because experience is the best teacher! It might sound cliché, but there's a world of difference between being told about mistakes, knowing about mistakes and making those mistakes. (I'd say it all depends on what kind of mistakes we're talking about, because I wouldn't wish for people to make *some* mistakes either!)

Wroclaw Boy  
1 Apr 2011 /  #36
why dont you take the thread off topic a bit more.
A J  4 | 1075  
1 Apr 2011 /  #37
We're actually still on-topic, because this topic covers the behavior of the members on PF, which could include everything from being friendly to giving advice to being a bunch of pricks. (Or keeping threads on topic!)

Wroclaw Boy  
1 Apr 2011 /  #38
We're actually still on-topic,

Who said anything about we? I was referring to you taking threads off topic - again.
Babinich  1 | 453  
1 Apr 2011 /  #39
Please contribute with respect and kindness there, because this is the least a friend can do for a friend?

Ahh ... a fair chance... lol. How can you not understand what I wrote when everyone else seem to have understood? Why are you so slow man?

emphasis mine...

As Scooby Doo would say: Ruh-roh! :')
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
1 Apr 2011 /  #40
It is impossible to treat everyone the same. We should enjoy our differences and treat everyone differently.

Now,that,was the most inteligent thing Ive read on here in a long time.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
1 Apr 2011 /  #41
LTB wrote:

keeping Poles in your mind

starting to see a little clearer now.

This forum isn't specially designed for any one particular person and I'm not going to listen to someone making ''polite requests" to alter it because some poles that go on here get bent out of shape or offended or tired of reading yet more criticism about their beloved country. I like nice people as much as the next guy but this is an open forum and Poland is not all peaches and cream.....don't expect people to have only good things to say about it. Poland gives the expat plenty of reasons to pi$$ and moan.

PF can be a good tool for someone looking to come to Poland and would like to get a good look inside the country from others' perspectives. If we start posting differently because it gives Poland a bad name or hurts others' feelings, those people will be coming to Poland on false hope. I'd rather someone tell it to me straight than be bull$hitted to.

In general, this is not a very "nice" forum. Lots of arguing, lots of whining, lots of complaining......BUT.....that should tell you something. Go on other forums of other countries and see if you notice the same thing. If not, the culture of PF could be a reflection of Poland in and of itself.

They always say that complaining is Poland's national pastime......well.....there you have it. It's not just PF.....it's an entire nation of Poles. The funny part is, Poles will complain all night amongst fellow countrymen about Poland and how messed up it is yet will fight tooth and nail to defend it if an outsider were to make a similar observation. Sorry Poland, you can't have it both ways.....and neither can you Lodz_the_Boat.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
1 Apr 2011 /  #42
PF can be a good tool for someone looking to come to Poland and would like to get a good look inside the country from others' perspectives. If we start posting differently because it gives Poland a bad name or hurts others' feelings, those people will be coming to Poland on false hope. I'd rather someone tell it to me straight than be bull$hitted to.

I am not saying that you "cannot" bring out the negative aspects of Poland, but to exaggerate is wrong. Also, the tone of some people is attacking, not inviting! Why??? This is not the way people communicate.

I have been here much longer than many of the posters in PF, and I know exactly what I am talking about. Informing people (genuine and concerned) about negative and positive is FINE, but going on to rant and abuse or attack or generalize those people is definitely not what they come here for. It definitely doesn't make anyone feel good when they close the PF window... eventually it definitely makes them feel heavy hearted on Poland ... because this after all is POLISH FORUMS, with the colors of Poland on its title.

Just be respectful to people is so remarkably tough for some people, that even a mention of it will make them protest! However, I have deep belief on goodness being the majority of man! The light always prevails over darkness!

And a simple "brit" might be indirectly affected by your "lame" (does anybody still really say that?) comments about them...or is that different?

Which comment did I ever make to degrade or demean Britain?

But you know what ... I very well know I didn't so please don't try to make this thread look bad. I request you, to practice patience. There is greater joy to make someone smile, than there is to make someone feel bad. Trust me on this.
1 Apr 2011 /  #43
... this is not a very "nice" forum. Lots of arguing, lots of whining, lots of complaining......BUT.....that should tell you something. Go on other forums of other countries and see if you notice the same thing. If not, the culture of PF could be a reflection of Poland in and of itself.

Now that is an interesting observation. What do others think? How much truth in that?
pgtx  29 | 3094  
1 Apr 2011 /  #44
the culture of PF could be a reflection of Poland in and of itself.
Now that is an interesting observation. What do others think? How much truth in that?

most of the forum members are foreigners, not Poles... so there...
1 Apr 2011 /  #45
Now that is an interesting observation. What do others think? How much truth in that?

Thank God, very little.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Apr 2011 /  #46

PolishForums is exactly the same as any other internet forum - the content reflects the moderation policy.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
1 Apr 2011 /  #47
There ya go..:)

It was in response to Midas who was throwing mud in Polish people across the forums. I am surprised and shocked to see you bring this into this thread. This thread is a request letter to good people. If you do not think this is your place, you may as well not have responded.
1 Apr 2011 /  #48
Echidna: the culture of PF could be a reflection of Poland in and of itself.
Now that is an interesting observation. What do others think? How much truth in that?
most of the forum members are foreigners, not Poles... so there...

a little earlier in this same post ...

Lodz_The_Boat: Yes, Poles are a minority here,
Your assumption is incorrect. The fact is, most visitors to PolishForums.com are located in Poland. It may be true that due to language barriers most posters are not Polish, but overall most readers are Polish. In time, those readers are becoming posters, too ;).

Again ...
The culture of PF could be a reflection of Poland in and of itself.
Now that is an interesting observation. What do others think? How much truth in that?

... maybe it is a reflection of the admin rules ... if so, express that view. :-)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
1 Apr 2011 /  #49
I am surprised and shocked to see you bring this into this thread.

But you said you had never made any degrading comments about British people, and I have easily proved you wrong. Now you're telling me you're a "good" person, and suggesting that I am not...I think that is called rank hypocrisy.

Incidentally you addressed your thread to "all PFmembers" - remember?
pgtx  29 | 3094  
1 Apr 2011 /  #50
It may be true

he doesn't even know for sure... :)
i say that this forum doesn't honestly reperesent Poland and Poles... so there... :)
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
1 Apr 2011 /  #51
a little earlier in this same post ...

Most posters are foreigners ... but as per the Admin, most "viewers" are probably not. I know some myself who talk with PM :) ... sometimes the atmosphere is too unreal, sometimes the language barrier ... many factors work hand in hand ... but all said its everyones own choice.
A J  4 | 1075  
1 Apr 2011 /  #52
Who said anything about we? I was referring to you taking threads off topic - again.

I didn't take anything off-topic, I merely expanded on your reply to Lodz_The_Boat. (Unless you think you were being off-topic!) Just ignore me if you don't like it, because this *is* pointless. Doesn't help you, doesn't help me, doesn't help the forum. So how about have a beer and reply to something you *do* like?


Most posters are foreigners ...

Aren't we all foreigners to each other?

but as per the Admin, most "viewers" are probably not.

Which doesn't matter anyway, if we consider some could be expats, tourists, have Polish ancestors or are somehow interested.

The culture of PF could be a reflection of Poland in and of itself.

I really don't think such a small number of people could ever reflect the culture of a whole nation, no matter which country they're coming from. I think most people are aware of that, so I wouldn't worry too much about the reputation of your country because of *one* internet forum, which doesn't even use the Polish language as its main language.

Now that is an interesting observation. What do others think? How much truth in that?

Just as much truth as you wish to read into it.

sometimes the atmosphere is too unreal, sometimes the language barrier ... many factors work hand in hand ... but all said its everyones own choice.

I like learning Polish, so it would be nice not to get shot just because I'm a foreigner who has his own opinions. It's not like the British or the Polish have a monopoly on topics here, and like I've said, you can also learn a lot about a country just by small talk and socializing a little. I don't understand members like George either. Why should I hide the fact I'm Dutch? Or not be here? Because this is a Polish forum? No it's not. It's an internet forum about Poland. If you can get more Polish people to post here then that would be great, but don't expect all the foreigners to leave. Because those foreigners are the reason you've made a site about Poland. (In English!)


Am I wrong?
Havok  10 | 902  
1 Apr 2011 /  #53
Aaha, I knew it. Most people on here live in Poland.

Overall very nice post Mr. Lodz, and I agree with you but then also why should we pretend, we are who we are.
1 Apr 2011 /  #54
starting to see a little clearer now.

No you still don't understand (as usual). Lodz politely asks all those antisemitic and racist bigots to shut up because people visiting this site think that we all here are Polish. An example here:


Polish hatred towards Jews... page 35

And yes I find this site to be a circus arena - entartaining but a serious man by reading it might feel that we all live in kindergarten...

Btw. the biggest misunderstanding of this forum is that Poles are big-headed and uncritical... I have no idea what is the source of that utterly false statement. On the contrary, Poles are likely to be more complex-ridden. And few users of this forum are too eager in putting Polish people down. I have no idea whether they are trying to boost their self-esteem or what?

So Fuzzywicket stop talk rubbish. Poles know that they don't live in all peaches and cream.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
1 Apr 2011 /  #55
The funny part is, Poles will complain all night amongst fellow countrymen about Poland and how messed up it is yet will fight tooth and nail to defend it if an outsider were to make a similar observation. Sorry Poland, you can't have it both ways.....and neither can you Lodz_the_Boat.

Not all but those who care......why not ? first of all outsider do not make similar observations, mostly it is a lot of BS, secondary things, and once again - why not ? I would say that opinion, a critical opinion expressed in a respectful and level way, it is something different than some opinion spelled by an arrogant prick, who believe himself/herself better because of the accident of birth in other country.

On PF there goes a lot of criticizing and nobody is making tragedy out of it, but try to criticize Brits or especially Americans and then you have it, they cry and whine and say a lot of BS - it is funny :)
1 Apr 2011 /  #56
try to criticize Brits or especially Americans and then you have it

you've just taken it out of my mouth. I was to write the same thing :)

Actually knowing other forums etc. Americans are far less uncritical. If someone write something bad about the USA, he'll be certainly slammed severly.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
1 Apr 2011 /  #57
that's true; not only in a virtual world...
1 Apr 2011 /  #58
The culture of PF could be a reflection of Poland in and of itself.
Now that is an interesting observation. What do others think? How much truth in that?

How many of active posters are actually Polish? Most active poster are foreigners (those who live in Poland and those who don't). Poles on this forum are rather mild.

But even if this forum was full of Poles, I wouldn't be any reflection of Poland. Most balanced people don't lose their time for virtual life.
1 Apr 2011 /  #59
I think many people see this forum as reflecting Poland. It may not be accurate, but new people to this forum probably think it does reflect Poland generally. I am talking perceptions here.

If these new members stick around long enough, they may reach another conclusion.

I like asking questions. Here is another question: What do you gain be being part of this forum? This virtual world inhabited by ideas, trolls, angels, partiots, bigots, hopes, dreams and wannabees.

A laugh? Friendship? Comfort? Frustration? Satisfaction on your perception of others? Anger? New insights into others?

What do you gain?
A J  4 | 1075  
1 Apr 2011 /  #60
Most balanced people don't lose their time for virtual life.

I disagree, because there are many character traits, circumstances and factors which can contribute to a less active life or a less active social life. Some people are studying and need more time for themselves, others actually make a more conscious decision to avoid the tumult outside because they've left their teenage years well behind them. Some people spend their time on the internet when others would watch television. So that doesn't always have to mean that those people who spend more time on the internet than others would, are somehow less balanced individuals. (Relax, because I'm not taking offense to your words!) Just saying some people like to take it easier than others..


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