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Polishforums on Facebook

George8600  10 | 630  
6 Jul 2010 /  #1
To my surprise there wasn't a single hit when I search Polishforums on facebook, so I ended up creating a FAN page. Since there are thousands of members on here the majority of whom have facebook. So simply seach Polishforums and it should come up. ^_^

Other than that, if the admin integrates facebook into here, we'll be able to mirror and posts from or to the fan page under the posters option. Sort of like an RSS feed option that the developers of facebook recently added.

Oh well, here's the fan page ^_^

Sokrates  8 | 3335  
6 Jul 2010 /  #2
There's two kinds of people who will register, foreigners who have something to do with Poland (and they will find this place anyway) and Poles who'll think this is actually a Polish forum, what they'll discover is an anti-polish sh*tstorm in English and just leave, so its a pointless idea really.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
6 Jul 2010 /  #3
It would be fun to see who is who but privacy would be an issue. Still, it's done on a consensual basis.

I can't see the point of putting a message board on Facebook - what would be the benefit in doing so? I can't see one.
internaldialog  4 | 144  
6 Jul 2010 /  #4
i'll pass -- some people on here know who i am/look like and yes i do have the book of face but i dont add every Tom, Dick and Harry that requests nor do i accept every fan page suggestion or group suggestion or attend this event invite
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
6 Jul 2010 /  #5
It might be a good idea in terms of getting more publicity. But I think it would work better if it were set up as a "fan page" as they have on there, not as a seperate forum.

Hey, I'm Sokrates, I am an anti semite, I am a racist and I constantly and without pause insult everybody who has a different opinion, a different colour or a different religion than I do in every way imaginable and I think that's normal. However, I start crying real bad when the favour is eventually returned to me and call everybody who somehow criticises Poland an anti Polish racist and cry some more. Oh, I also proposed to introduce censorship on this forum in order to have anything that is not favourable for Poland removed from the forum.


M-G (haec hactenus)
pgtx  29 | 3094  
6 Jul 2010 /  #6
my idea was a fan page, not a forum... forum we have in here...
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
6 Jul 2010 /  #7
Having a face only a mother could love that's a good idea Sok :-)

He probably doesn't want to be hit with invoices from computer repair shops due to us all throwing up over our laptops :D
time means  5 | 1309  
6 Jul 2010 /  #8
Some on here would probably say he just wants "hitting" :-)
OP George8600  10 | 630  
6 Jul 2010 /  #9
my idea was a fan page, not a forum... forum we have in here...

I ALREADY created a fan page, the link is up there, and fan pages have discussion boards on them by default as well.

Merged:Official PolishForums Facebook Page Created!

Feel free to add here: facebook.com/PolishForums

*A facebook account is required.

8 Members just in the first 5 hours !
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
6 Jul 2010 /  #10
8 Members just in the first 5 hours !

But it says that it was created in 2005, innit?
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
6 Jul 2010 /  #11
The forum was, not the fan page;)
pgtx  29 | 3094  
6 Jul 2010 /  #12
it was created in 2005 B.C.

OP George8600  10 | 630  
6 Jul 2010 /  #13

Yes the forum was created in December of 2005... here is the very first page

pgtx  29 | 3094  
6 Jul 2010 /  #15

awww... sooo cute :

Before Christ? WHAT

yes yes, my child..
Eurola  4 | 1898  
9 Jul 2010 /  #16
awww... sooo cute :)

Yes, everybody should take a peek at the beginning pages of PF. The topics and conversations were so innocent, people had fun.

Then, the trolls, 'gburs and brutals' showed up! :)
internaldialog  4 | 144  
9 Jul 2010 /  #17
i'll give this one a miss as well .. even if i am on the book of face :)
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
9 Jul 2010 /  #18
Ah well, just added the page. Anybody who is not my friend on FB cannot see anything but my pic anyway :) I have very strict privacy policies :)


M-G (anyway, keep up the good work!)
f stop  24 | 2493  
9 Jul 2010 /  #19
no way I'm connecting my family/friends/coworkers to this forum!
OP George8600  10 | 630  
9 Jul 2010 /  #20

You wouldn't happen to be the fellow in the facebook group holding a black cat up in his profile pic would you?
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
9 Jul 2010 /  #21
No. I am not holding up a black cat in my profile pic :)

Edit: I like that profile pic though...But it's not me.


M-G (nope)
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
9 Jul 2010 /  #22
I had a wee look and this:

Edit: W języku polskim: jazdy przez lata Polishforums

is not Polish.
A J  4 | 1075  
9 Jul 2010 /  #23
MG doesnt hide. MG is the only one person on this forum who dared to reveil whole world his full name... ;)

I did. (Because I'm blonde!)



I know you like trolling, but this is really bad! (I'm in shock!)


anyway, Arien is not MareGaea, there is another person on this forum known as Arien as their username.

Two Ariëns? Well, this is getting confusing!

9 Jul 2010 /  #24
the fellow in the facebook group holding a black cat up in his profile pic would you?

So who's that guy?
pgtx  29 | 3094  
9 Jul 2010 /  #25
You wouldn't happen to be the fellow in the facebook group holding a black cat up in his profile pic would you?

these were the last moments of this cat's life... it was Halloween...

So who's that guy?

and who's the condon guy?
9 Jul 2010 /  #26
is not Polish.

yeah. our mods and admins are the best ;)

these were the last moments of this cat's life... it was Halloween...

so who's that guy???

and who's the condon guy?

have no idea. I just know who is Arien, MG, Seanus. Just that. But I cant tell (Im discreet)
pgtx  29 | 3094  
9 Jul 2010 /  #27
our mods and admins are the best ;)

they didn't start it.... George8600 from here started it on FB...
9 Jul 2010 /  #28
Oh george... you didnt know that translators are unreliable? ;)
A J  4 | 1075  
9 Jul 2010 /  #29
You can introduce yourselves on that little forum there, if you care to put your face to your name. (Unless you're all scared.)


and who's the condon guy?

so who's that guy???

I think I know who it is, but he'll have to tell it yourself. (Privacy and all that!)


I think you've got fans man!
Plusa10  3 | 23  
10 Jul 2010 /  #30
I just joined the page...but none of you will (probably) guess who I am there... :)

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