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The Cognitive Dissonance and Campaign of Hate by Polonophobes and Other Peddlers of Anti-Polish Propaganda

Marsupial  - | 871  
9 May 2016 /  #31
It's true that the current government is giving poland a bad name around the world. They don't seem to care either.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
9 May 2016 /  #32
@Bieganski /

Free speech for the xenophobic Polonophobes! You sure know and actively express your rights

I must say that in this case you hit the nail on the head and you hit it good and square, that dude is busted!

Only an unrepentant Polonophobe would attempt to characterize their personal hatred for and chronic and baseless criticism of Poles as having any legitimacy. However, anyone with commonsense and an aversion towards bigotry would not.[/quote]

You are on a roll here, Bieganski!

Only agitating extremist trolls who come to PF to champion anything as long as it isn't Polish would start crying when they are called out on their unacceptable behavior.

Busted again good and proper.
Those people have no shame nor a sense of decorum and for the most part they know very little about Poland and history. They only have a little world of their own with their own skewed opinions based on nothing else but a deep rooted antipathy towards Poles.

It's true that the current government is giving poland a bad name around the world

Nah, that would be those b.....d who used to be in power till not that long ago, they lost and they are rising ruckus among their partners in crime aboard blackening Poland's name in the process. Traitorous swine every one last of them.
Marsupial  - | 871  
9 May 2016 /  #33
I havent considered that they may be doing it, the ousted party. How credible is that theory I wonder?
Ironside  50 | 12333  
9 May 2016 /  #34
Credible enough.
Marsupial  - | 871  
9 May 2016 /  #35
Just saying it is does little for me.
smurf  38 | 1940  
9 May 2016 /  #36
How credible is that theory I wonder?

About as credible as a paraplegic turnip wearing a blindfold beating Usain Bolt in the 100m in Brazil this summer
jon357  72 | 22980  
9 May 2016 /  #37
Basically a trolling thread. Americans, Canadians or whatever, maladjusted in their own country, fixating on somewhere that some of their forebears left and bitter, oh so bitter that other people who've actually been there and live there have a much stronger link to Poland than they will ever have.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
9 May 2016 /  #38
Wrong address smurf clowns this way please.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
9 May 2016 /  #39
Americans, Canadians or whatever, maladjusted in their own country

How about the maladjusted English economic expats repeatedly pratting that they have a link to Poland.
That would be like me saying that I have been to Jamaica well over fifty times, have lived there for long stays, have even built a house there and then demand that I have a "strong link" to Jamaica. lol

Sounds good if I could only convince anyone that it was true is another story.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 May 2016 /  #40
I have ben to Jamaica well over fifty times, have lived there for long stays, have even built a house there and then demand that I have a "strong link" to Jamaica. lol

The difference is that we actually live and work in Poland, unlike your fantasy stories.

Americans, Canadians or whatever, maladjusted in their own country, fixating on somewhere that some of their forebears left and bitter, oh so bitter

Indeed. It's obvious jealousy, nothing more. I notice that the less of a real world connection these posters have, the more they talk about "Polonophobia".
jon357  72 | 22980  
9 May 2016 /  #41
Jamaica well over fifty times, have lived there for long stays, have even built a house there

Some of us, JohnnyReb, have spent most of our adult lives there, don't plan to move anywhere else, have worked there and have run businesses, own a house and are a citizen.

That's the difference...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 May 2016 /  #42
That's the difference...

Indeed. It's a huge world away from the life of the average person that sees "Polonophobia" everywhere, as they rarely see out from under the stairs.

From what I gather, those pushing the "Polonophobia" line hardest are the ones that have miserably failed in life. They're blaming some imaginary "Polonophobia" to justify their own failures.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
9 May 2016 /  #43
I think you shouldn't spew here your racist views. This is a decent forum.
AdrianK9  6 | 364  
9 May 2016 /  #44
Since PF is in America, aren't there laws in America against hate speech

There aren't laws against freedom of speech and freedom of expression. You can't spray paint racist things on buildings or beat people up because they're of a certain race or religion - that's what a hate crime is. Unlike many countries in Europe, we can walk down the street with SS uniforms shouting Sig Heil and will even get police protection from hecklers. Only a tiny portion of society participates in things like this but the point is people are free to make their views and opinions known - even if they are offensive. Not everyone here is a racist, a xenophobe, an islamphobe, etc. just because they have conservative views - and even if that's the case you ought to respect their views and engage in a more meaningful debate than merely just calling someone 'racist.' I can cite statistics like that 60% of welfare recipients are black despite only being 13-14% of the population - does that make me racist? Perhaps... last time I checked though numbers aren't prejudice but so be it - it doesn't change the fact that this statistic is true.

By limiting dialogue that doesn't conform to your beliefs and calling it bigotry, hate speech, etc. you're just seeking to silence people for having opposing views because you can't come up with a better reply than just name calling.

Also, there has been a lot of anti-Polish sentiment throughout history - especially in the Russia, US and UK. Much of the Polish jokes and caricatures came from Nazi and Soviet propaganda as well as Jewish Communist sympathizers in Hollywood. I've seen quite a few reports of British politicians and British groups rallying against polish migration to the UK. It's settled down quite a bit - as these same people who were so against Poles have realized that the Muslims and Africans are the far bigger issue. We at least go to work, assimilate into society, and don't bomb buildings and commit massacres. Yes, Polonophobia has declined considerably as now Europeans see that Polish migration is by far the lesser of two evils compared to the flood of Muslim and African migrants that have invaded Europe. Nonetheless, there are still attacks every so often on Poland and the Polish people - especially by western liberal media.

I'd say the biggest polonophobes I can think of off the top of my head are probably Yitzhak Shamir, huge Zionist and Mossad agent who claimed Poles receiveantisemitism with mother's milk, Jan T Gross who equates the Poles with Nazis and Jewish hardcore Communist and Council of Foreign Relations member Adam Michnik - former editor of Wyborcza - who 'cultivated a species of tolerance that is absolutely intolerant of antisemitism yet regards anti-Polonism and anti-goyism as something altogether natural'

The Jews sure love calling Poland a xenophobic and homophobic country - I think this may be in part revenge for the holocaust and Poland's stubbornness to accept liberalism.

A few books on this topic -
As vast as they are vexed, controversies about the relationships between Polish Christians and Polish Jews continue to swirl long after the Holocaust, which intensified so many tensions between those communities.

Hollywood's War With Poland -

Even Cardinal Jozef Glemp spoke about the anti-Polish sentiment of Jews, and was forced to recant after a rabbi started demonstrating. His words were ''if there won't be anti-Polonism, there won't be such antisemitism among us''

Forgot to add 1 thing to the description of 'Rethinking Poles and Jews: Troubled Past, Brighter Future'

...the essays do not whitewash the real issues that continue to separate Jews and Poles, even today. While offering an honest, objective examination of persistent sources of Polish anti-Semitism as well as Jewish anti-Polanism, the authors nevertheless find many hopeful signs of improved relations

This book argues that the Poles have no forum for discussing their suffering under the Nazis as the spotlight was totally taken away from them by the Jews. Furthermore, many teachings of the Holocaust paint the Poles in a bad light as co-conspirators and collaborators with the Nazis which results in anti-Polish sentiment among Jews even today.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
9 May 2016 /  #45
Sweet! look how many angry polonophobes came over here to spread even more hate speech.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
9 May 2016 /  #47
See, proves my point perfectly

which point?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 May 2016 /  #48
"Polonophobia" simply doesn't exist except in the minds of the paranoid.

Neither does so-called homophobia -- an artificial construct existing only in the drug-addled minds of paranoics.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
9 May 2016 /  #49
There aren't laws against freedom of speech and freedom of expression.

Which is of course only half of the truth, as we both know. Yes, there is freedom of speech and you can say what you want, but that doesn't mean that you have a free pass. Let 100 members of the KKK or the American Nazi Party walk through your city, and you will see at least ten times as many decent people protesting angrily against this scum. The brown filth needs all the police protection they can get, because without it the regular folks would give them what they deserve: a good beating and a kick in the ass before they are tarred and feathered and chased out of town.

Same here on PF. Free speech is guaranteed, but there are still unwritten rules and limits. You cross a certain line and I guarantee you that you will get the reaction you deserve. The handful of nut jobs here that pretend to be part of Polonia and hide behind its name to spread their racist, ultra right-wing agenda are the equivalent to the scum bags above. They need all the police protection they can get (a.k.a. the admin and the mods). Without it they would be removed from PF faster than they can say "oopsy daisy".

Strangely, it's always the extremists on both ends of the political spectrum who demand free speech to protect the "diversity of opinions"...
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 May 2016 /  #50
have worked there, own a house and are a citizen.

And you should have added: hate Poles, things Polish, Poland and its history, cultural and religious heritage, try to impose their alien leftist-libertine ways on their host country,usually Anglomangle the language (never post in PF's Polish section for instance) and extol all things UK-ish including that downright awful Vegemite, foul-smelling curry dishes and, of course, their beloved Heinz Baked Beans! They couldn't make it in their own country so they came to a place where they could gloat and cash in on their native-speaker label.

Is that the profile of the ideal Polish citizen?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 May 2016 /  #51
The handful of nut jobs here that pretend to be part of Polonia and hide behind its name to spread their racist, ultra right-wing agenda are the equivalent to the scum bags above.

It's quite interesting how several people here masquerade as Polonia, isn't it?
TheOther  6 | 3596  
9 May 2016 /  #52
that downright awful Vegemite

That's Australian, and you're right -- disgusting stuff... :)
Marsupial  - | 871  
9 May 2016 /  #53
Leave vegemite alone or I will start a vegephobe thread. Sick of vegemite being abused by racist impersonators without taste buds who are only here tp troll.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
9 May 2016 /  #54
masquerade as Polonia

Care to elaborate? How does one masquerade as Polonia. You mean lihe the Anglo-expats who claim they are true Poles?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 May 2016 /  #55
How does one masquerade as Polonia.

Easily : they claim to be Polonia, but present next to no real information except what one can easily find online.

I'm always reminded of a comment you made years ago about working class Polonia food - I don't remember what it was, but it's the kind of insight that our trolls on here don't have, which rather proves that they actually aren't Polonia at all.

Nothing against our genuine Polonia members, but I cannot abide the posters on here that claim some fictitious link to Poland in order to justify what they post.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
10 May 2016 /  #56
Leave vegemite alone or I will start a vegephobe thread.

LOL! I grew up with Vegemite and started to hate it after I had left Oz and my taste buds began working again. I hear the Abos in the dry communities are using it now to brew moonshine.
jon357  72 | 22980  
10 May 2016 /  #57
try to impose their alien leftist-libertine ways on their host country

There you go again, Po, trying to force your unpopular ultra-nationalistic viewpoint down people's throats. Poland has a centuries' old liberal tradition, hate that though you may.

They couldn't make it in their own country so they came to a place where they could gloat and cash in on their native-speaker label.

Speaking from your own experience again, Po?

Is that the profile of the ideal Polish citizen?

Since you aren't one after several decades (and we all know why) you aren't the best person to speak about "the profile of the ideal Polish citizen".
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
10 May 2016 /  #58
Po, trying to force your unpopular ultra-nationalistic viewpoint

Surely more popular than your... thingies...
jon357  72 | 22980  
10 May 2016 /  #59
Very relevant of you as usual, Grzegorz...
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 Oct 2016 /  #60
Merged: PF's Pole-bashers take heed! The Redoubt may soon zero in on you!

The Good Name Redoubt, an organisation set up to protect Poland's good name, has launched a system to detect anti-Polish slanders online. According to the Redoubt's president Maciej Świrski, the system will increase the effectiveness of combating anti-Polish lies and distortions. During its month in existence some 200 such violations have been found. Many refer to allegedly "Polish" concentration camps, death camps, gas chamber s and/or crematoria. Up till now, several hundred volunteers had scanned leading journals and the utterances of major politicans, but the new system has been programmed to weed out violations appearing throughout the web.

It was not immeidately clearly wehther the surveillance would extend to internet fora. PF would be a prime target, overwhelmingly populated as it is by consummate Polonophonbes and sundry Pole-bashers such as HB, Myfeetkiss, Smurf, lower-case jon et al.


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