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Upcoming Festivals in Krakow!

wiktusz  1 | 9  
4 May 2010 /  #1
I'm planning summer vacation... yes I know a little early but I can't wait. I was wondering if anyone has ever been to the Coke Festival and if its worth the 200z for two days plus camping. Also about the atmosphere and people at these types of festivals. I have never been to a concert of any kind in Poland so I think hearing a few stories will give me a better picture. I have been to a festin or two and they've been pretty crazy. ;p
czesiulku  - | 2  
8 May 2010 /  #2
Coke is organized by one of the best Polish events agency - so you may expect a good festiwal. if you like the lineup - go for it. should be fine.
Happymeal  7 | 35  
8 May 2010 /  #3
Coke Live Music Festival
12 May 2010 /  #4
I have only been to the opener in Gydnia opener.pl and it is fantastic. We will go again this year for the fourth time all of the people that come over from the UK absolutely are blown away by the way it is organized and the atmosphere - No violence or bad vibe just people up for a good time. The coke festival is organized by the same company and I have only heard good things. Regarding camping we never do the tent thing. The Coke festival site is close to Nowa Huta. Ask yourself a question are you going for the festival or are you going for the festival and to see krakow. If you are going for the festival only, then tents all the way and it will be safe. Regarding the price Poland is known for having some of the best prices in europe for festivals. Have a great time.
OP wiktusz  1 | 9  
16 May 2010 /  #5
*sigh Gdynia. I wish I could go there. Have never been even in Gdansk yet. opener.pl's lineup doesn't look too bad. I think I will have to do some convincing to get to this coke festival though. Anyone know about any other concerts? Like Golec uOrchestra coming to Pacanów? Stuff like that.
16 Aug 2010 /  #6
Coke festival - Krakow

This weekend is the Coke festival in Krakow, it is always nice to have a opportunity to spend time in krak.

Here is the line up coke.pl
Archyski  - | 44  
16 Aug 2010 /  #7
Man I wished I could be there! Kraków is one of the best places in the world..
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
21 Aug 2010 /  #8
They had a fantastic time, 45,000 people bopping away to bands I don't know.
Great to see the young'uns enjoying themselves.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
23 Aug 2010 /  #9
how was it????
was the Muse concert really so great?!

*...i wish i could be there... ;(...*
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
23 Aug 2010 /  #10
how was it????
was the Muse concert really so great?!

My friends went to see '30 seconds to Mars', (it's your man from the film 'Requiem for a dream') and a load of other bands I'd never heard of but they said it was fantastic.

I must be getting old, they said the bands were more rock not dance, so it's finally back in fashion?
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
23 Aug 2010 /  #11
was the Muse concert really so great?!

yeah I played a great gig ;)
pgtx  29 | 3094  
23 Aug 2010 /  #12
lol...i've heard!
paulina55  - | 1  
5 Jan 2012 /  #13
Merged: Upcoming festivals in Krakow

hey im going to be visiting Poland from April-August, mainly in the Krakow area...are there any events/festivals that you would recommend checking while im there? i'll be doing lots of traveling so even something a bit further away from Krakow isnt out of the question! thanks guys
5 Jan 2012 /  #14
In krakow every year in august you have the Coke live festival.
Its really cool, and ususally have some very big artist!
curdo  - | 2  
11 Mar 2012 /  #15
When do Rock or Heavy Metal bands usually pay a visit to Krakow?

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