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Trying to get the hang of Warsaw

Vladputin  1 | 1  
17 Apr 2011 /  #1
I'm trying to get to grips with this city - so much is hidden away.
I'm here until the 21st of April but will be back to live in May.
I don't know anyone here and would like to meet someone who knows the city and has a bit of knowledge to share about various things such as the job market for English speakers, social culture, housing, places to meet people, places to learn polish.

I've used most of the guides, visited many bars, museums etc and covered at least 50 kilometres on foot - mainly due to getting lost and refusing to use public transport in case I end up in BiaƂystok.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thankyou.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
17 Apr 2011 /  #2
Welcome to Poland Mr Putin....Hows the weather in Moscow....?
17 Apr 2011 /  #3
don't know anyone here and would like to meet someone who knows the city and has a bit of knowledge to share about various things such as the job market for English speakers, social culture, housing, places to meet people, places to learn polish

Go to the warsawtortillafactory.pl between 6.30 and 9.30 pm all the bar flies are Brits, they will be forming a line to give you advice.
17 Apr 2011 /  #4
What he said.
OP Vladputin  1 | 1  
18 Apr 2011 /  #5
Thankyou both for your help. Very much appreciated...
The weather in Moscow is worse than Warsaw..
wildrover  98 | 4431  
18 Apr 2011 /  #6
The weather in Moscow is worse than Warsaw..

Dam right.... only a few days ago it was still snowing....!
19 Apr 2011 /  #7
Merged thread:
Where do expats/foreigners hang out in Warsaw?

I'm gonna move to Warsaw and wondering if there are cool places that you can meet other expats to hang out. Is there a website for expats etc. I thank you all for serious feebacks!
The Shadow  3 | 86  
21 Apr 2011 /  #8
cool places that you can meet other expats to hang out. Is there a website for expats etc.

Sure there are, and plenty of them. englishpresence.com is useful for finding English-speaking expats. I recently found that forum, bringing my list up to 6.

If you have a central interest or hobby, it gets even easier to find other expats with the same interest as you. People with similar interests tend to create a more cohesive group rather than old barflies, IMHO.

If you are interested in tabletop role-playing games, we have a group that meets twice a month and we plan a movie night next month. We have a core group of 10 expats who play, plus their expat/Polish spouses. We're always open to more people.

The best part about focussing on shared interests is the avoidance of talking scripts. A shared interest makes the interest the focus of conversation rather than sharing personal details with strangers. In time, people will get to know you and you will get to know them through your shared focus.
27 Apr 2011 /  #9
warsawerasmuscoolture.blogspot.com-here you can see what interesting,cultural things are happening in Warsaw for English speakers!During these events you can meet people,and on Mondays in Obiekt Znaleziony-plac MaƂachowskiego 3 at 7pm or 8pm there is a tandem evening,where you can exchange the knowledge of one language for another.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Classifieds / Trying to get the hang of WarsawArchived