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Reporter for the Sunday Times wanting to speak to Polish nationals in the UK about Brexit

Laura Onita  
11 Jan 2017 /  #1
Hi everyone,

Sorry for the post out of the blue. I am a reporter for the business section of the paper and I am working on a piece about the effects of Brexit on immigrants in Britain - I am Romanian myself. The question that I am trying to answer is: will the devaluation of the pound and anti-immigrant rhetoric make the UK less attractive to immigrants?

I want to speak to people who: a) either send less money home post-Brexit, b) are considering a return to Poland/different country or c) have moved back to Poland already.

My email is laura.onita@sunday-times.co.uk. It would be hugely helpful if you would get in touch.

Thanks very much.

All the best,
11 Jan 2017 /  #2
The pound hasn't really gone down against the Zloty and the change is insignificant compared to the difference in wages.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
17 Jan 2017 /  #3
Germany has ruined Europe forever.
It is the only way that Poland will stay Poland if they exit too.
Did you see where Britain is ready for a clean break from the EU.

LONDON - President-elect Donald Trump has given Brexiteers hope that there will be a bilateral trade deal in the offing as British Prime Minister Theresa May prepares to give a speech expected to signal that Britain is ready to make a clean break with the European Union.

In a wide-ranging interview with the Times of London, Trump praised Britain's decision to leave the European Union and said that the United States would "very quickly" draw up a trade deal with the United Kingdom once it leaves the bloc.

I hope that the same deal can be worked out with Poland.
Trump has accomplished more in eight weeks since he won the election then obama has done in eight years and he hasn't even been sworn in yet.

(Four more days and it will be.......President Trump)
Wincig  2 | 225  
17 Jan 2017 /  #4
(Four more days and it will be.......President Trump)

Countdown to Armageddon has started!
nothanks  - | 626  
17 Jan 2017 /  #5
For the establishment
17 Jan 2017 /  #6
Germany even has ex Stasi ministers in government !

TheOther  6 | 3596  
17 Jan 2017 /  #7
Trump praised Britain's decision to leave the European Union and said that the United States would "very quickly" draw up a trade deal with the United Kingdom once it leaves the bloc.

So in about two years or so - provided that May triggers Article 50... :)
nickknock  - | 19  
17 Jan 2017 /  #8
I am American and Lithuanian. I lived in the UK and had a good job. I married a Pole and moved to Poland. The quality of life is far higher here. Its only the wages that I miss. I for one, will not miss the UK, and am glad to see them gone. I even hope they kick out all the EU workers. More for the growing EU.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Classifieds / Reporter for the Sunday Times wanting to speak to Polish nationals in the UK about BrexitArchived