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Quran translation - I am from UK and looking for a muslim Polish man in UK

AliAli  - | 11  
8 Jan 2018 /  #61

Please find speaking ants or winged horses or stop saying there are no mistakes in the koran.

Please Google what science say about how ants communicate
About horse have wings is a silly allegation
About sperms, quran didn't claim what you are saying.
Finally about sun descend into a small pool of water? Where did you get this info from????? Funny how you people bring wrong info from internety?at least check it yourself before posting. At least talk with evidence
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
8 Jan 2018 /  #62
About horse have wings is a silly allegation

Yep it is silly this is why people should read the Quran before making any comment or debate, some silly things on the internet thats for sure.

the Hadiths should never be confused with the words of the Quran.
9 Jan 2018 /  #63
@Vesko Vukovic

"What kind of religion teaches its followers that if you strap on explosives and blow yourself up [...] that you will end up in paradise awaited by 72 virgins?"

No, that is an Islamic misprint. It should read; "If you strap on explosives and blow yourself up, you will end up in paradise awaited by ONE 72-year-old virgin."

I'd love to be a fly-on-the-wall and see the faces of all those suicide SUCKERS when they see what's waiting for them - LOL
mafketis  38 | 11174  
9 Jan 2018 /  #64
why people should read the Quran before making any comment or debate, some silly things on the internet thats for sure.

I don't care what the holy book says, I care what the people who claim to follow it actually do. Therefore rather than read the koran I go to islamqa.info/en which is run by a prominent salafi cleric and which is the most popular salafi site in the arabic speaking world.

It's also pretty representitive of the sunni convergence - the set of core beliefs and practices that have been spreading over the last 35 years or so across the sunni world at ever increasing speeds. Go there and put things like non-muslim, slavery, homosexuality into the search bar and be enlightened on the type of advice that muslims receive (all backed up by copious references to the koran and hadiths)

Hadiths should never be confused with the words of the Quran.

Who cares? I don't. But a majority of muslims pay a lot of attention to them and try to follow them and they are therefore one of the major religious motivators.
LDeJongh  - | 30  
25 May 2018 /  #65
I noticed the typical "out of context" claim about quotes from the Quran. The necessary context is found in the Hadith, the Sira and the Tafsir. Sahih Bukhari and Muslim are considered the most authentic Hadith collections. A further major resource is the Sharia, as detailed in the Umdat al Salik (The Reliance of the Traveler).

These are the sources that provide context. However, the Quran does have this to say: Q33.36 "It is not for any believer, man or woman, when God and His Messenger have decreed a matter, to have the choice in the affair. Whosoever disobeys God and His Messenger has gone astray into manifest error."


I hesitate to accept the opinion of an unknown Muslim over the word of Allah and the most renowned Islamic scholars. I regard them as having more authority.

The Hadith and the Sira are the Sunnah (Way) of Mohammed, and must be followed by any Muslim. There are 91 verses in the Quran that instruct Muslims to follow the example of Mohammed, who is the ideal pattern of conduct, the perfect Muslim.

What Mohammed said and did is found in the Hadith and Sira, and these books cannot be dismissed. A Muslim that only follows the Quran (a Quraniyoon or Quranist) is considered a hypocrite, even an apostate, by mainstream Sunni and Shia Islam. The penalty for doing so is death.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
25 May 2018 /  #66
The penalty for doing so is death.

Just goes to show how Islam is incompatible to the Polish way of life and in no way should this doctrine be imported into democratic free Poland.

I found your two posts insightful, PF could do with more members like you to explode some of the myths surrounding the faith, especially to those who have been brainwashed by liberal propaganda.
LDeJongh  - | 30  
25 May 2018 /  #67
Thank you @dolnoslask, I'm glad you found those posts interesting. I have more than a decade of experience in the Middle East, and a great knowledge of Islamic doctrine. Yes, Islam is incompatible with Western civilisation and with Polish values.

If you come across questions regarding Islam, do speak to me, as I may be able to assist.

I made a post elsewhere about liberal expatriates who reside in Poland, yet take every opportunity to criticise the country and its people. I have no idea why they don't return to the US, UK, Canada etc. if they feel Poland is: racist, homophobic, xenophobic, secretly Communist, is backwards, lacks rule of law, is becoming totalitarian, needs more Africans, needs more Muslims, needs to be more like Germany/Sweden/France/Belgium/UK and so on.

These are some of the comments, actual or implied that I have seen made time and again, and these people are deeply ignorant of Islam, the Quran and the Sunnah of Mohammed.
cms neuf  2 | 1876  
25 May 2018 /  #68
Hey Sig ! Its you again.

So yes I do have a question - where can I find a good edition of the works of Pakistani poet/philosopher Iqbal ? - I looked in a few places in London this week without success. Of course I could do Amazon but its never as much fun as browsing a bookstore.
LDeJongh  - | 30  
25 May 2018 /  #69
He can be found online, if you're into that sort of thing. See attached screen cap. Go to the web site and search for "PDF".

  • SmartSelectImage_201.png
LDeJongh  - | 30  
25 May 2018 /  #70
There is the claim above by @AliAli that the passage about the sun setting into a pool of water is not in the Islamic scriptures.

It appears in Quran 18.86


  • SunanAbuDawud3991.jpg
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
25 May 2018 /  #71
people are deeply ignorant of Islam, the Quran and the Sunnah of Mohammed.

I think it is important that discussion on the subject is based on the truth and based on the teachings and scriptures and that they are not corrupted or misinterpreted or used to offend believers of the faith.

What is valuable is to be able to discuss the subject objectively and be able to discuss differences between Islam, other faiths and cultures.

I think your input would be helpful on this forum.
LDeJongh  - | 30  
25 May 2018 /  #72
There is an earlier discussion about wife beating, claiming it is not Islamic. It is found in Islamic scripture, however.
Anything Mohammed does is normal and moral for Muslims, since he is the perfect example. Let me quote some references, to give context

Sunan Abu Dawud: Book 11, Hadith 2142
Narrated Umar ibn al-Khattab:
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: A man will not be asked as to why he beat his wife.

LDeJongh  - | 30  
25 May 2018 /  #73

I think your input would be helpful on this forum.

It seems not everyone shares that positive view. I have had several posts edited to remove references I posted. And received a strike for it. Fascinating... I thought providing accurate references was a good thing.

If I will be receiving strikes for meticulously quoting sources, and having my posts edited we are unlikely to get very far.
cms neuf  2 | 1876  
25 May 2018 /  #74
Thanks ! I kinda wanted the phyicsl book - like to go offline at the weekend a bit. But i guess i can print out the pdf.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
25 May 2018 /  #75
o remove references I posted. And received a strike for it.

Just don't copy and paste, no need to post articles at random , wait until a debate pops up on the subject and then join in with your own input, if people then require quotes or outside links then post them, in that context I don't think you will have any problems here, but in general long copy paste of non original content is against the rules.

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