In the almost two years that you have been (very, very) sporadically posting here, you have provided exactly zero useful information about yourself, your qualifications, your experience, your resources or your plans that might possibly pique the interest of a possible collaborator, except, now, that you have a Polish wife, which, while important, is nowhere near the top of the list of things that potential want and need to know. There is absolutely nothing that distinguishes your "plan" from any old silly, impractical fantasy, or you from any other silly joker with pie-in-the-sky pipe dreams.
Brevity may be the soul of wit, but definitely not in this case. If you do have a realistic plan and serious qualifications, experience and resources that you'll need to fulfill it, for cries ache, elaborate on them in abundant detail if you want to capture anyone's serious interest.
I have not receive any previous contact from you - otherwise I would have provided you with all information you need!
I would be happy to share some detailed information with you (i) if you do live in Poland; and (ii) if you are an investor like me and/or are interested to have a business partner.
Feel free to contact me via PM to discuss business strategies, investment values, locations, targets, niche, products, etc.