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Motorcycle trip from Poland to South Africa in the fall

convex  20 | 3928  
8 Jan 2010 /  #1
Anyone interested in going? Leaving from Poland around September. It should take about 2.5-3 months and cost around €3000 for fuel, food, visas, bribes. We're going to be taking F650GS's, would be a good idea to take the same to cut down on spares that need to be brought along. You can buy them used for around €2500 in good condition. Anyone interested?
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
10 Jan 2010 /  #2
Hey Convex,

A friend of mine has just gone solo from Cyprus to South Africa:.
Cyprus-Turkey-Syria-Jordan-Egypt-(he is there now) Sudan-Ethiopia-Kenya-Tanzania-Malawi-Mozambique-Zambia-Botswana-Namibi a and South Africa for the world cup!

He left about two months ago, I got a text from him yesterday, he is camping in the Sudanese desert. He is going to take it easy, he reckons it'll take him 6 months to a year, he has been talking about this since we were teenagers :)

He has a blog and it is really nice to read the reality of these countries, the people are incredibly friendly. I spend too much time on this forum :(

I was planning on going with him but not this time, we have travelled together quite extensively in the past.

I am not sure if you know this site: Horizonsunlimited, it is a great site for tips, tricks and adventures such as the one you are talking about, look through it I think you'll like it.

Lots of Polish people doing the same thing, advice on visas etc...

Would I be right in thinking that you are planning to be in South Africa for the world cup?

I think you said on the other thread that you had been to Mongolia? how was that?
Could you tell me something about Mongolia, I googled it and read the Wiki link about it.

Let us know about your trip, I may know some people on your way or be able to find some useful info about visas for example.

My friend had to wait in Cairo for the Sudanese visa, it was the most difficult visa to get.

Anyway, you have probably done something similar before and I love to travel and I'd love to hear any stories you have to tell. Where is one of your favourite places that you have been and why?
wildrover  98 | 4431  
11 Jan 2010 /  #3
I must confess i am rather envious...I would love to do such a trip , but sadly funds are lacking , and what little i have has got to be put into turning my hovel into a home ready for my Russian lady...Did anyone see the programmes on telly covering the attempt to ride round the world on motorcycles ( mondo enduro )..? It was a great adventure , the toughest part was the ride through Siberia , not so many roads out there...!
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
11 Jan 2010 /  #4
Didn't see that program but I loved the series "A long way round" with Ewan McGregor. He done the African trip too, from John o' Groats to Cape Town. Though in this series it was more put together and planned.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
11 Jan 2010 /  #5

I just had a look at this site , some great advice for motorcycle adventurers , i am going to sign up to it , and maybe host a travellers event at my farm , looks like fun...!
OP convex  20 | 3928  
11 Jan 2010 /  #6
That sounds like amazing trip. I was planning on riding down the West coast...and one day going back to South Africa and going up the East coast. Unfortunately I won't be able do it in time for the World Cup.

Horizonsunlimited is terribly addictive. Too much useful information and not enough petty bickering though, I always find myself back here.

Mongolia is amazing, I drove there from the UK with a friend in a €200 Fiat Panda on a charity rally. Everything was fairly straightforward until crossing over into Mongolia, day and night. The road went from oil funded brand new highways in Siberia, to literally tracks just leading off in all directions. Had a compass and a worthless map, the Mongolians refer to their roads as streams, they're changing all the time. They have neat system called "GPS", the Ger Positioning System. Basically you drive up to closest Ger, the big half rabid dogs come out and surround your car, then the dogs are called of and the kids come out and swarm your car, you get invited inside, drink obscene amounts of vodka, eat until you're stuffed, pass out chocolate to the kids, little bottles of whiskey for the adults, and then you get directions to the next group of buildings. Repeat that 30 times, and you make it to Ulan Bator. I really want to go back and do it in a car that isn't breaking down every 5 minutes...sometimes it's nice to be able to rely on your vehicle. It's completely pristine, there is nothing at all except you and the steppe...Occasional herds of camels, horses, and lots of eagles and falcons.

I've traveled a lot for work, but this was completely different. I think doing it in a crappy car made it that much more enjoyable. Mongolia has been the most impressive place that I've been to so far. Absolutely no kitsch, everything was brutally honest. The Mongolians have really managed to keep their culture while bringing in some bits and pieces. Most are still herders, living in gers. The gers have satellite dishes and solar panels and Mongolians are just as up on world events as anyone else in the world.

Good stuff
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
11 Jan 2010 /  #7
the Mongolians refer to their roads as streams, they're changing all the time.

Hahahaha :)
Sounds wonderful.

Which charity did you do it for?
OP convex  20 | 3928  
11 Jan 2010 /  #8
Mercy Corps. Raised close to €1500 from friends and sponsors. Going to setup the same deal for the Africa trip, stickers for donations, it'll probably be doctors without borders this year.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Jan 2010 /  #9
Mongolia is amazing, I drove there from the UK with a friend in a €200 Fiat Panda on a charity rally

Jealous :(
OP convex  20 | 3928  
22 Aug 2010 /  #10
Bumped up to Spring '11...
22 Aug 2010 /  #11
If I could drive motocycle I would go... but I can't. Btw my school colleage is now having a journey from Jakuck to Kalkuta following the track of WWII gułag fugetives decribed in Stanisław Rawicz's book Long Walk.

The expedition carries name Long Walk Plus Expedition.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
22 Aug 2010 /  #12
If I could drive motocycle I would go... but I can't.

I am a qualified motorcycle instuctor..when you want to learn , just let me know...

but it had better be before march next year..cos i am offski..!
23 Aug 2010 /  #13
Thank you but maybe I do my driving licence first :)

Btw my school colleage is now having a journey from Jakuck to Kalkuta following the track of WWII gułag fugetives decribed in Stanisław Rawicz's book Long Walk.
The expedition carries name Long Walk Plus Expedition.

I forgot to mention - its not motor bike expedition. They walk, cycle, swim and planning to ride horses also :)
OP convex  20 | 3928  
21 Nov 2010 /  #14
Spring 2011 folks, who's in? I've got the logistics taken care of....
1jola  14 | 1875  
21 Nov 2010 /  #15
but it had better be before march next year..cos i am offski..!

...and in April your hog will be offski to some ruski. I hope not but you should get used to that idea.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
21 Nov 2010 /  #16
your hog will be offski to some ruski.

Noo...not only am i keeping the old Harley...i am getting a new one...
OP convex  20 | 3928  
21 Nov 2010 /  #17
Sell it...no man can ride two bikes....
wildrover  98 | 4431  
21 Nov 2010 /  #18
I am keeping the sportster to teach my lady how to ride...and maybe her daughter if she is interested...
OP convex  20 | 3928  
21 Nov 2010 /  #19
If you're renting a tailor, I'll do the hitch with you if it's before April :) I'll drive the tailor back, that's a deal eh?
wildrover  98 | 4431  
21 Nov 2010 /  #20
I haven,t even thought how i am gonna get the sporty over to Moscow...The guy and his wife who are buying my place did suggest riding it over and getting the train back to Poland , they are good friends and i trust them...The guy has his own Harley , built in 1914 , and lots of other classic bikes both British and Polish....

If i can raise some cash , i may get a van and try to take all my crap in one go...would need to be a big one though...!
OP convex  20 | 3928  
21 Nov 2010 /  #21
If i can raise some cash , i may get a van and try to take all my crap in one go...would need to be a big one though...!

I have a friend with a big ole vw crafter who does punk tours...he owes me... Winter is the off season...
wildrover  98 | 4431  
21 Nov 2010 /  #22
Would he want to go to Moscow tho....?
OP convex  20 | 3928  
21 Nov 2010 /  #23
Doesn't matter, I want to go to Moscow. You take care of us, and we'll take of you :)
wildrover  98 | 4431  
22 Nov 2010 /  #24
Its a good offer...might be a bit of a challenge to find room for everybody , but i like a challenge... When i first go to Moscow i shall be living in an appartment with my lady , not far from the center , but once we get sorted we will have a flat in Moscow , one in St Petersburg , and a house in the country somewhere in between....Bikers , especially friends..will be welcome...

There are one or two documents to sort out before then..the Russian love to have documents about everything...We plan to marry in Moscow in May , thats if i can get the documents i need from the UK office that does not answer any of the five emails i sent them...
Bikerjenko  2 | 28  
22 Jan 2011 /  #25

Good luck with the trip, my friend has done many trips on a 650 & 800GS's, China, India etc. his site has lots of hints and tips and he is always willing to help with advice.


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