I'm trying to organise a language exchange group in the Tricity area. My idea is to have a group of 5 - 10 people, about half of whom are Polish-speaking English learners
and the other half vice-versa. We would meet once a week in a cafe or bar and speak Polish half the time and English the other half. Basically just a chance to practice
speaking in an enjoyable and relaxed environment. Let me know if you are interested either on the forum or by PM.
Próbuję zorganizować grupę wymiany językowej w Trójmieście. Pomysł - to grupa 5 - 10 osób, złożona po połowie z kilku Polaków, którzy uczą się angielskiego i kilku Anglików uczących się polskiego.
Spotkania odbywałyby się raz w tygodniu w kawiarni lub w pubie. Połowę czasu rozmawialibyśmy po polsku, a połowę po angielsku. Byłaby to po prostu okazja, żeby ćwiczyć mówienie, a zarazem możliwość spędzenia czasu w miłym towarzystwie.
Proszę daj mi znać albo na forum albo PMem, jeśli interesuje cię ta propozycja.
Hi. I would be interested too (and my husband too) but Thursday morning is tricky as I have my normal 1.5 hour Polish lesson at 12.30... would have to work at some point in the day. :-)
Would be grateful if you let me know about further meetings.
It looks like the final tally this week will be four English speakers and one Polish! I have high hopes we will be able to redress the balance next week though. Wieloryb: as you are coming a long distance it might be better to
hold off until then but of course, if you are still up for it, it would be great to meet you.
Jars777, we can be flexible regarding the time. Could you PM me with times that are better for you?
Hi I'm from Gdańsk and I'm interested in any possibility which improve my English. Unfortunately I work - so I have free time only on weekend and afternoons.But maybe I'll try to come to the next meeting.
Can someone write something about recent meeting, for example - how long did the meeting and in what language you mainly talked.
Meeting time has been Thursday AM but other times are possible if we can get more participation.
I would be fine with Saturday lunch along Dluga somewhere or right around the parking lot, maybe even meet up on Monte Cassino somewhere once a month for a change of scenery and to start building a satellite group.
Meeting on Thursday, 10:00am at Cafe D' Or on Dluga. If you want to propose a different time we need to hear from you.
You never looked on Facebook for this sort of group? There is a very large language exchange group that meets every Thursday night in Sopot, usually at least 20, sometimes up to 50.
And an English speaker group that meets a bit less often:
I must admit I hadn't looked there, but those groups do look interesting. However, I can't see any information about the times and places of the next meetings. Are the groups still meeting during the summer?
The LE is every week, Thursday from 1900. They don't bother to post it as an event because it's.. every week.
"Directions: Get off on Sopot Wyscigi skm stop, cross the railway over the bridge and turn right, you need to go along the rail to the go-kart center. There is the pub and restaurant Instytut Spraw Wszelakich."
The ESG has less frequent events, last night was one, perogi in Gdańsk. Their ones are always listed in their events. If you join these groups you will find out more.
Thanks very much. I've joined those two groups and can probably make the meeting next week. What is the standard of Polish like? I don't want to embarrass myself!
It's not quite so formal, usually most people speak in English, then if someone wants to try Polish for example, they break off and talk. But it's definitely a sympathetic environment for it. The only thing usually pre-arranged is if we have a "guest language". Last night was Swedish. But then the Swedish guy didn't turn up, so it was a bit more about socialising.