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Job search in Swarzędz and surrounding areas.

AndrasST  1 | 1  
30 Jul 2019 /  #1
Hey everyone.
We moved to Swarzędz, a short while ago. My missus is Polish and I am Hungarian. We moved here from the UK, where I was working as Class 2 driver for DHL. I am looking a similar job, if possible but I am willing to work in other areas. No, I don't speak Polish yet. I started to learn. I will appreciate any help or advice.

Thank you.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
30 Jul 2019 /  #2
Swarzędz is not far from Poznań - (less than 30 km) - try looking for English speaking jobs in Poznań

this one is one of the latest offers : pracuj.pl/praca/specjalista-ds-obslugi-klientow-miedzynarodowych-z-j-angielskim-australia-poznan,oferta,6998746
cms neuf  1 | 1907  
30 Jul 2019 /  #3
If you are not fussy then try Amazon or any of the warehouses in the Gadki area - 10km from Swarzedz and often they run free buses there. It's about 20 zloty per hour so will put some food on the table while you look for something better. They are desperate for workers.
mafketis  38 | 11199  
30 Jul 2019 /  #4
where I was working as Class 2 driver for DHL. I am looking a similar job, if possible

I'm not sure of the pay but DHL and similar delivery services are on my street constantly... and some drivers are Ukrainians so functional rather perfect Polish should be enough...
OP AndrasST  1 | 1  
31 Jul 2019 /  #5
We have tried to contact the local DHL, they haven't answered yet. Of course I am keep searching. Thanks for your tip anyway. :)

Archives - 2010-2019 / Classifieds / Job search in Swarzędz and surrounding areas.Archived